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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Not a criticism of Fitz, but I don't think he has quite the arm strengh that Warner had. But, as for their temperment, and their ability to "lead" a team, I like the comparison...two guys, grateful for an opportunity, and running with it, when nobody expected anything from them... Funny, heard Fitz say, somewhere "The NFL is one of the only places I know, where going to Harvard would be seen as a drawback"
  2. "DaveinElma easily embarassed"
  3. Yeah, I lost interest in them probably about 25 years ago...but they still have a pretty loyal following...their last ablum got great reviews... btw, old fogey...th Cure are still around...
  4. http://www.spinner.com/2011/09/21/rem-break-up/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl14%7Csec3_lnk2%7C97686
  5. Good catch...I heard the "Jesse" comment, but didn't think of its' implication wrt Hank... Anyway, another great episode... loved all the scenes with Jesse, Mike and Gus...three terrific actors...when Jesse puts the cartel chemist in his place, the look between Gus and Mike was priceless...like they weren't sure of him, until then... also, do you wonder, all along, if Gus's plan hadn't been to send Gale over to the cartel? Walt, with is constant worrying, and "pre-emptive strikes" may have kind of forced all the bad things that happened from Gales' death, on... I always thought Aaron Paul was a little under-appreciated for his acting on this show (like Michael Imperoli on the "Sopranos"), because he was dwarfed by Bryan Cranston...but Cranston was unbelievably good in those scenes with his son, on this recent episode. What a great show...
  6. The Bills are gettin 6.5!
  7. Cowherd is still a douche! btw- he changes his likes and dislikes, at the drop of a hat...but, he isn't the only one picking them...it isn't as unfathomable as it recently was, the Bills stand a decent chance of winning this game. The Bills offense can't be stopped, so far, and the Pats can't stop anyone...where it gets tricky, is the Bills defense....hard to imagine them shutting down the Pats offense (particularly after that Raiders game), but, if Fitz and company can move the ball, eat clock, and score with some semblance of what they have they have the first two weeks of the season, it isn't impossible. Keep Brady off the field as much as possible, and score points...it can be done... Win or lose, Sunday will give us a good indication of where this team stands as far as improvement goes...I got a good feeling we are not going to be embarassed... and Cowherd will still be a douche on Monday!
  8. JLo may not be very talented, and I get the sense she is a bit of a b**tch, but there is nothing wrong with her looks, IMO! She was great in "Out Of Sight" all those years ago..not sure what happened...
  9. That's what the guy at Third Base told us...the signal went out the Tavern I am told.
  10. For the millionth time, and then I am out, I don't care about the book...it is just funny that so many of you are acting as if its' coverage (which I have actually seen very little of, by the way) is some liberal media event...do you think if someone wrote the same stuff about Hillary Clinton, it would get any less attention? It's a mean world we live in...you should know that by now...why does this, over all the other disgraceful things that come out about people, or all persuasions, get your dander up so much? Hey Chef, I really was just funnin' with you...I kind of missed you! I am not afraid to be called a "partisan hack", I just want the name callers to look in the mirror from time to time...
  11. Yes, I thought of that...and honestly, I could give a crap...I just think it is funny that so many are acting if she is being persecuted by the media more so than anybody, of any political persuasion would be, in the same situation. Thanks for illuminating me though! All of you, here, who pretend you are not partisan are full of absolute crap...not directed at you Chef, you are full of crap for other, completely legit reasons!
  12. You are a bigger idiot than I thought...I could care less who Sarah Palin doinked...it is her hypocrisy that is the issue, for me...the article you linked does nothing to lessen that, only makes it seem more blatent... btw- the National Enquirer, in recent years, has garnered much more credibility on tawdry matters, such as this, than most any other publication...they were the ones that broke the John Edwards scandal, when he was still a viable candidate, to some...it went ignored, because it was the Enquirer, but they had all the dirt....you just seem to take umberage with it when it is one of your own...
  13. And I fidn a trait of some of you righties (you and a few others) to say that you "proved something" or scored some point, simply because you said it. You often miss the point, or don't like the answer you get, so you don't recognize it as an answer...food for thought But not a better prez that Allen West, right? Right?
  14. Or, it could have something to do with that Palin has been preaching "abstinence" yet, alledgedly, didn't practice it herself, and her message clearly didn't get through to her kids...is that hard to understand?
  15. If I had a dollar for everytime you post this sentiment, or some variation...sometimes, the question is answered by the silence. Good night Napolian.
  16. You went there, **** head. As far as the "wait and see attitude", wtf are you talking about? Wait and see what? See if somebody can go in the hot tub time machine and bring back pics of the abstinent one getting on with a star college baller? How long should we wait? Glen Rice has every bit as much credibility as Sarah Palin, in my book...
  17. That's what I have been saying since Sunday...Berry didn't leave the game until the Chiefs next defensive series, the series after SJ's supposed dirty block...so, he sat on the bench for at least a few minutes after that play (about 5 plays in total) then went out, and injured himself, not touched at all, by any Bill.
  18. I would really like to hear what Bledsoe said, from his own mouth...not a second hand account from a thin skinned Bills fan...haven't we seen comments like these stretched to mean what we want to hear, you know, "we've been disrepected", because that is part of Bills fandom, feeling disrespected.
  19. I love both these teams, and I don't want to "pile on" the Bills...but did you see this? Just more evidence that Sabres fans own the Buffalo Sabres. Pegula and Black seem to take fan input seriously...great promotion the Sabres are running for "slug appreciation day": http://sabres.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=588468
  20. How did she "pwn" him? By disagreeing?
  21. I hear you...sometimes I think fanatasy football, and betting, kind of bastardize the game for me...but they can also keep me interested. The NFL knows that duality exists, and preys upon it. I always pull for the Bills, whether it fugs my FF team up, or not. When it comes to straight up betting on games, I avoid picking the Bills, or picking against them, as much as I can. Never pick against them. I should note, from my origianl post, that day, Dec 18, 2008 wasn't really the day I went to the "dark side" as a Bills fan, but it was, moreover, the day I acknowledged, to myself, and was more open to verbalizing, that side did exist...I remember coming here, on TSW, and gettig all my frustrations out, all at once...it felt kind of good...almost like giving up a "secret" you have been living with for years...now, when they do something I think is stupid, or "cheap", I don't mind saying it, rather than trying a way to put a positive spin on everything, even when one doesn't exist. That can be exhausting, and not very enjoyable, as a "fan", if you have to do it too much, and too often.
  22. And you think I have issues? Are you close to Sarah Palin? You obviously see her as more of a human being, than you do Glen Rice...
  23. "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" Great movie, but a real downer...people hate Jane Fonda, but she is a really amazing actress, and was in some fine movies...this one especially...the title just about says it all...
  24. C'mon...that looked like a great hire at the time...of course, I still say TD had us a lot closer to what we all want, and we would have been there by now, had he not been canned, in favor of those that followed...
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