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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. All of what Simms says is pretty much true...including the fact that we have Josh Allen. Take the best player off of any team, and they will have a tough time. I really think you can't discount how much bad field position contributed to our struggle (to win, let's not forget) against the Colts. Particularly in the first half. We know we don't have a great running game. That hurts us a lot deep in our own end of the field. And, it is all connected...it hurts our defense when the Colts always have good field position. Getting off to a good start on offense is imperative in the playoffs.
  2. It is always awful when you spend a ton of money to go see your team on the road, only to see them not compete. It has happened to me a few times over the years (never wasting money on going to see the Sabres play in Texas again)...so glad I wasn't at the game you are referencing. I know it isn't the same, but I one time paid a fortune for a Bills ticket (about $250) for a game in Dallas. It was in 2011. I live about 3.50 hours away. All my friends who were going went the day before...I had to work on Saturday evening, until 11:30pm. So, I went home, got a few hours of sleep, and then drove to the game...met my friends...the game was over practically before I found my seat. I don't know if I was embarassed....but I was pissed. We lost 42-7, or something like that...
  3. Not for nothing, but there is an article in yesterday's Buffalo News (sorry can't link it) "Matt Milano's Versatility Shines Against the Colts"
  4. Didn't Tirico say that he would be in Bufffal next week, during the Bills/Colts game? By "we" he may have meant NBC.
  5. I have to admit, I did not mentally prepare for the Bils to lose today. I knew they would win....I thought it would be a blowout. I watched the game with my housemates (a Bears fan, and a front runner)..all of us rooted for the Bills (me the hardest, obviously), and after three football games, they all thought the Bills/Colts game was the most entertaining. You know what...they were right. And you are right. We played a pretty good team today, they gave us a good test, and we passed. Hopefully this close call will give them the same shot in the arm the rest of the way that the loss to the Cardinals did. I must say, I was probably more disappointed by a pretty vocal part of the fanbase whose biggest takeaway was "bad playcalling" by Daboll, than I was by the teams performance. Came here after the game, and turned on the post game radio show...it was constant. It is kind of a bummer. I know the years of losing causes scar tissue to build up...but come on! The Bills just won a freaking playoff game for the first time in 25 years! Who cares about style point? Just enjoy this to the max...we will have a long offseason to place blame..
  6. The sad thing is, the Trump cult has zero ability to see themeselves. I feel sorry for them...they have lost their collective minds. Those poor fools who lost their lives for this foolishness are mentally ill.
  7. Hyde was great today...probably our best defensive performer.
  8. Yes, that is the rule. I think it is because they don't want players running backwards to intentionally stop the clock. I (half) remember it coming up in a SNF earlier this season in a silmilar situation.
  9. The Trump stench will linger in the air for the rest of our life time.
  10. Seahawks and Bucs get bounced in the first round of the playoffs. Bills over Ravens in the AFC Championship game Bills over Packers in the Super Bowl
  11. That is the part that is wrong. He may have tried to change things, but it wasn't for any noble purpose, he just wanted the deep state to protect his grifting ways. He was so proud of stacking the courts, not for any conservative values, but because he thought he was insuring himself a further life of unchecked, and unfettered criminality. What he doesn't understand, whether liberal or conservative, many of the people in government are there because they are dedicated public servants...he lives in a world where anyone who isn't corrupt is a merely a sucker, and a weak link that he can use for his own benefit. This notion that he just wanted to make anything better for the "everyman" is so absurdly laughable. It is all part of the con.
  12. Just watch Lindsay Grahams' stroll through the DC airport today. The deplorables gave him a piece of their deluded minds. Like so many of them, he thought he was clever, talking out of both sides of his mouth...in the end...got him re-elected. But two months later, he is loathed by all sides.
  13. No, it's okay. I know it is a pretty fringe topic... how many people have ordered pizza, nationwide from La Nova and Bocce...which one is better? I know both places have great pizza, when purchased locally. Probably a pretty small demographic!
  14. I have been in Austin since 1991...I know the lay of the land pretty well by now.
  15. Speaking of ladies reaping what they sow: Disclose.tv 🚨 on Twitter: "JUST IN - Lindsey Graham approached by an angry crowd at the airport in DC, ranting "You traitor." https://t.co/usNJMMpt8B" / Twitter
  16. And a significant part of the "right" seems incapable of sane thought.
  17. I had LaNova shipped about 7 or 8 years ago...it was pretty great...though like others mention, it loses a little in the shipping. It is expensive, and comes shipped in dry-ice. It was something like $40 shipping for the first pizza, and $10 for each additional. I think I spent about $150 to get everything. I got three pies...ate two with some friends for the Super Bowl, and froze the third one til the beginning of the next season. It was great too. I normally wouldn't indulge in something this ridiculously expensive...having not been back home since Thanksgiving of 2019 I have been dreaming about Buffalo pizza. If anybody has ever lived away from Buffalo, I can't emphasize enough how bad pizza is, the further south you go...and it is expensive as hell. When I ordered from La Nova, I got wings too. They were really good too....at the time, wings were pretty awful around here too (I'm in Austin), but there are some okay options for wings locally now. I really like LaNova, at one time they were the only place in town that I knew of that shipped nationally...now I have learned the Bocce does as well. Casa di Pizza in Buffalo was my family go to, most of my growing up. They shut down, as the owner retired, a few years ago. He then re-opened in Florida. I guess it was Sarasota. Are they still open there?
  18. Please no. I hate those commercials. They aren't even slightly amusing the first time you see them. Rodgers and Mahomes are both great QB's...with zero personality.
  19. What "other ways" are you referring to?
  20. Pizza here is mostly pretty terrible. The only decent places are NY Style pizza....not bad, but not Buffalo style. No I am talking about Super Bowl weekend...I got a feelin' No matter who is playing, I will be watching it...good pizza would only make it better! Bob, have you ever had their wings? Are they good?
  21. There are pictures of this clown all over the internet, schmoozing with Ghouliani.
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