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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Kinda like one of your rally's huh?
  2. How many times does somebody have to "step out on a limb" like this, before it is not controversial? There have been about a half dozen threads on "sign TO' over the past few weeks. At this point, if bringing in TO would be the answer to all their offensive woes (which I seriously doubt), they are more !@#$ed than it seems.
  3. So, Enzo had two bad games in the last three...bookending a shut-out...Miller has been, mostly, bad this year. For some reason, this team plays like garbage at home...
  4. If you go back and read the thread you are referring to, nobody was blasting Cowherd for not believing in the Bills...
  5. Third season of original Trek had it's problems...but, it also had some really good episodes too.."Enterprise Incident", "Tholian Web", "Day of the Dove" and "Wink of An Eye"... and besides, "Way to Eden" and the "Savage Curtain" have some camp fun that makes them great to see, still...different times...love Spocks' jam, on the Vulcan harp...Spock was "one"...but Kirk, like you it appears, was a "Herbert"...an L7 if you will...
  6. Enroth bounce back like teflon!
  7. Grew up a lad, watching the original show, over and over, in the 70's in syndicated reruns...loved it. Still do (all three seasons on blu-ray!)... Years later, started watching Next Generation...after two pretty mediocre to bad, seasons, it blossomed into a a really great show, for the most part. Loved Deep Space 9!!! Started watching Voyager, in fact, followed it for quite a while, even though I thought it was really bad...one week, watching it..it was about Chakotay's "dream spirit" (or some such nonsense) being in the boxing ring...it was, perhaps, 20 x as bad as the worst episode of the third season of the origianl...I gave up on the franchise at that point...I didn't care if Voyager and her boring crew ever made it back to the other side of the worm-hole... I tried watching a few episodes of "Enterprise" but I couldn't stand it...it was kind of what the "Twilight" movies would be to "Nosferatu"....and there is just something I don't like about Scott Bakula...the movies were, for the most part, okay...but not great, after Kahn. "First Contact" (featuring the Next Generation crew) was the only one of the movies of the TNG crew that was memorable in any way...thought the recent "re-boot" was fun enough...
  8. I bet Cowherd will defend him, Sanchez is one of his (many) "man-crushes"... or, now that everyone else is piling up on him, will Cowherd join the fray, and pretend that he is making a bold observation?
  9. BONK BONK!!!!!
  10. I love sports, love the games. What I don't love anymore, is all the hype and all the "news"...I haven't wathced an NFL pre-game show in about 3 years. Back in the day, after watching a game of some kind (NFL, NHL, NBA especially) I would watch Sports Center to see the whole day in sports. Now, I only tune in, on the odd night that I can't watch a Sabres game (last night for instance), to see if they won. If I see the score on the ticker, and it might have been a good game (ie: a win) I might stay tuned a few more minutes to see if their are high-lights...but I won't wait too long. I just get really wary of "big stories" that aren't really significant in any way ("OOhhh...did you hear Eli Manning thinks he is as good as Tom Brady? What so our 10 "experts" think?" That kind of bull **** is nausiating.) I really dig the NHL. Honestly, the fact that, by and large, few people care about it, is part of its' appeal. It doesn't get over-analyzed (in the US anyways)...in fact, I listen to a fair amount of sports talk radio, and the most common statement made about hockey is "nobody cares". Good...it is a pro sporty that has the best players in the world, but compared to the NFL and NBA, it is treated, and covered as if it were minor league. For some reason, that makes it only more appealing to me. Now, occaisionaly, there are some legit "big stories" like the Penn State scandal that rivet me. It isn't so much that it has anything to do with anything on the field, but it kind of puts sports in their proper perspective, for me. I have been the "super fan" at times in my life (mostly when I was younger) so I don't begrudge people their passion...it is fun. But, when I saw the reaction to the scandal amongst the Penn State students, when that story first broke, I was kind of embarassed for them...and for me. Sports are great, and they are a big part of my life, but there are things more important. One thing I love, and it doesn't happen as often as it used to, for me, is when everything is just right, by myself, and I just get wrapped up in a game, with nobody yacking in my ear, and not having to do other things as I am watching. Sometimes, I find myself coming to TSW during Sabres games, or MNF, or something (not the the Bills though), and getting into "discussions" on the Shoutbox...as fun as that can be, I realize, I am missing the game! Gotta stop doing that...NHL playoff games are always like this for me, unless it is a blowout type game...I get really transfixed, and it is very relaxing...and it doesn't cost me much...
  11. Still a lot of football left to play...I am in!
  12. Valid points, although Picard did get with Framke Jensen...and Dr Crusher...not too bad!
  13. I can't even believe this is a question: Trivia for fellow nerds: the above clip is from the very last aired episode of the original Star Trek series, "Turnabout Intruder" Trek Captain rankings: Kirk Sisko Picard The others suck!
  14. JINX!!!
  15. Didn't think of that angle on things. Good call! It makes some sense. I am still thinknig, somehow, the doctor is responsible for the plauge (in the second episode of the season, he tells Rick something like "everything is curable, in time...mankind has suffered plauges like this throughout it's existence, it is god's way of leveling things out". If the doctor is keeping his afflicted family members locked up, thinking he can cure them at some point, he really does have a "god-complex".
  16. So OWS is like the Tea Party!
  17. 7-0-1 last year...a big reason they made the playoffs.
  18. The French? Really? So this is more fantasy than sci-fi! Thanks...have to go back and watch that...I just couldn't remember...
  19. I knew the record was good, but Enroth is now 12-0-1 in his last 13 regular season starts.
  20. I really like him...I don't feel like we lose much when he starts in place of Miller..in fact...oh, never mind.... Kind of reminds me a little of Bob Sauve back in the day...
  21. Funny, a good friend of mine, who is a complete comic nerd, says he watched a few episodes of Walking Dead with his wife (she loves it) and just "can't get past the horrible acting and writing"... personally, I think he is just an "elitist" if there is such a thing in comic-nerd culture!
  22. There is that, but, I also am wondering, like I did in an earlier post, what makes zombies tick? Are they looking for food, constantly? Do they need to eat to continue? They seem to be able to rip through things, why not a wooden barn? I still think the doctor might be responsible for the zombie "plague". But, I don't think we have ever heard anything about where it started, or how far it spreads, have we? Is it only in Georgia, the whole continent? Other continents? One thing I really liked about last nights show, was the opening seen, the flashback, where the helicopters were dropping napalm over Atlanta..it was pretty chilling...wish we could see more of that story. I am not a big horror or fantasy buff...when I was a kid I loved all the classic science fiction movies and shows (Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Barbarella ), but kind of grew away from them...but, this show, to me, is like a real good sci-fi show, at least that is the way I watch it...
  23. I have never read the books, and don't intend to. But, I did hear them say on the talk show afterwards (which I don't really watch, cuz I don't want to know about the books too much), in the books, the blond woman is supposed to be a "sharp shooter"... like Annie Oakley...hence the cowboy hat, I suppose. I liked the ending, but I have some questions about it...not indoctrinated in "zombie culture". But, something didn't make a lot of sense...
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