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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I liked Fewell more as head coach than as DC. If he "takes the fall" for the Giants failures, that doesn't say much for him. The Giants are a bit more defensively gifted than the Bills.
  2. Man, you are a tiresome little irritant... 3rdnlng as Trelane:
  3. I think my brother has survived at least 20 years on cold beers.
  4. I see what you are saying, and maybe Republicans are more innovative (maybe), but many of the most regressive practices are backed by your dear old Repulican party. The "Global Warming meme" is a perfect example. The importance of a clean enviorment has been neglected, trivialized, because it would interfere too much with the "job creators" to take it on...so they will, instead, buy into junk science that reinforces their need to think that enviormental issues are non-consequencial. The truth is, cleaning the enviorment could be a great source of real jobs...but it would interfere with the way business is done. Perhaps the biggest failure (note, I said biggest, not only) has been his inability to follow through on his best ideas. To me, he is the best Republican currently in the race.
  5. Well, I agree again. History is useful when you learn from it. I think we are in a time when many are afraid of the future, and hold on to the past. But, that it part of the price you pay for a democracy. Everyones needs, and abilities are different. I guess where that whole "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" concpet can be applied, as regressive as it might be.
  6. Strangely, he went to that Bears, who have had nothing but injury woes since he has been there...go figure!
  7. Wathcing= not as much fun when losing
  8. Well, that is interesting. I thought I had heard that there had been no talks between Johnson and the Bills. Right before they extended Fitzpatrick, it seemed like all the talk (amongst fans) was about getting Fred Jackson and Steve Johnson re-signed...the Fitzpatrick deal, for me anyways, kind of came out fo left field. BTW- perhaps it is all aestehtics, and some of us are more open to td celebrations than others. But, I have absolutely no problem with them when a team is winning. As Sage said, football is about 1) Fun and 2) Winning. To me, the fun comes with the winning.
  9. Actually, Merrill Hoge, in typical ESPN melo-dramatic fashion, said that the Bills needed to cut Steve Johnosn, the day after the (last) Jets loss, for his Plaxico imitation, to "send a message". If you watch ESPN programming at all, about 75% of it consists of one analyst taking an extreme stance on something, and then 10 others chiming in on whether they agree or not...it reached it's zenith this past pre-season, when controversy swirled around Eli Manning becuase he thought he "belongs in the same class as Tom Brady". It was ESPN talk 24/7 for about 5 straight days. Of course, half the "expert" idiots on ESPN also were in agreement that John Elway "must cut Tim Tebow" right before the season started, becase his popularity among the fans would, when he "clearly" isn't talented enough to win the starting QB job, would be bad for the franchise.
  10. \ I didn't say we shouldn't re-sign him. Where did I say that? I hope they do, but, honestly I have my doubts that they will. If he wants elite receiver money, he won't get it in Buffalo. Also, I don't think you got my point, or I didn't make it very well.
  11. I am not one of those who thinks Willis McGahee was the worst pick ever...he has had a fairly productive career. He might not have been the best pick, at that time, for the Bills, but I also think that TD, perhaps, thought he could afford the "luxury pick", because the franchise, under him, was so agressive in free-agency. I don't think the McGahee pick set the team back all that much. I do think the Losman selection was bad (and was really pissed at the time) and a result of beig over-agressive. They hoped to get Roethlisberger, didn't, so panicked...as a result, a guy that many scouts saw as no better than at third or fourth round talent, became a first round pick, as QB prospects dried up for the Bills. I think they made a blunder in getting rid of Bledsoe, or not obtaining another vet, for 2005. I just don't think Losman was ready to be a starter, just yet. I also think, even with the mixed results, hiring Tom Donohoe as GM was the last sound football decision that Ralph Wilson made as owner of the Bills... I disagree with this post, 100%.
  12. You said it better than I did...but that is what I was trying to say. It is almost like the "mis-haps" or "blunders" (or whatever you want to call them) are his persona now...so, whenever he screws up (drop key pass), or does something good (catch a TD pass) his reaction to that is part of his trade-mark. So, Sunday, when he handed the ball to the ref, that was funny...and it was done as a reaction to the Plaxico fine from the NFL. So, now, it becmomes, "what will he come up with next?" The comparison to Ocho Cinco is appropriate...good receivers (at one time for Ocho) who are being overshadowed by their silliness. It's like the Cubs, or (pains me to say it) the Bills, being known more to sports fans at large, for their dramatic failures than their brief shining moments of greatness... Johnson is basking in, what is attention for his negatives, than his positives.
  13. Do you get these "suboncsious" visions often?
  14. Seems like somebody has an anal fixation.
  15. I had no problem with the waddle...and I like Steve Johnson. What I didn't like, was the piece that they did on him on the ESPN pre-game show on Sunday. The peice was sort of a travlouge of all Steve Johnson's "controversies" since emerging in the NFL. All the dances were there, and PC snippets, tweets blaming god for his lack of concentration...we knew all that. What bothered me, Steve Johnson was interviewed for the piece itself, and appeared to be relishing all the attention that his mishaps seem to have given him. He explains each mis-hap (and admittedly, some things like "Why So Serious?" were funny, and I even got a chuckle out of the Plaxico thing), justifieng it, and sums it up with the cliche "I just like to have fun with it...pretty much what you see is what you get...that is just me." If the guy wasn't a Buffalo Bill, most would be writing him off as another self-centered wide receiver. I think there is overreaction to most of the things he (and other WR's) do, but they have to know that overreaction is there. To continue to carry on, at the cost of your team, and a slap on the wrist fine, kind of says that you really care more about how you present yourself, than you do about how you represent your team. That may be fine Monday through Saturday, but Sunday, you are Buffalo Bill, Steve Johnson. Not Steve Johnson of the Buffalo Bills.
  16. Not every concept is bad, because it is old. It is foolish not to use your past to shape your future.
  17. I agree, mostly. The guy has been out of the game a little too long at this point, but, I think he had the Bills closer to respectability than the flailing they have been doing since he was fired. I don't think many will think they want him back, but I would have liked to see him stick around another year...TD has some mis-steps, but he was pro-active, and was smart enough to cut his losses when something wasn't working. Also, I don't think people appreciate enough what a master he was at working the salary cap, without screwing the team up long term. I am sure somebody will point to Bledsoe as being a bad deal, but, that is with the benefit of hindsight. It made complete sense at the time, and invigorated the fan base as much as any move could have, at that time. If the Bledsoe of 2002 could have played the same in 2003 & 2004 it would have looked like a steal. TD managed to bring in many quality FA's, but never overpaid for them. As has been said time and again, TD's biggest issue was in selecting coaches. Personally, I liked Mularkey, and wish he had stuck it out...I think he and Marv might have made a decent pairing. ..so if they didn't work out, the damage was negligible. I just don't have as much confidence in Buddy. TD seemed to make things happen....his predecessors seem to just let things happen. Right now, my greatest hope for the Bills future, barring an ownership change, lies with Doug Whaley.
  18. But how can I compete with such a master as you, 3rdturd? Your wittiness and sophisticated styling have no limits... :wallbash:
  19. On top of the fact that it wouldn't have really done anything to stabilize the economy.
  20. That would make him, what, 10 years old! He reminds me of the bully in "Freaks And Geeks":
  21. Oh, you again... go make some friends....
  22. Well, you said his "9-9-9" thing was where he made his mark, because tax reform was an important issue. I won't say that it isn't, but I am pretty sure other candidates have, and will, have other tax reform ideas that are of more substance. Not sure what connection you are making there...but maybe Cain planted the infedelity stuff, to divert attention from the fact that he really didn't have much to say? Either way, I think we all agree, this country has some major issues to tackle, the sooner distractions like Cain, Bachmann, Santorum are out of the picture, the more seriously things can be discussed. I will likely vote for Obama (though not necessarily), but there is a fair chance he won't get re-elected. If Newt or Romney are the best the Republicans can come up with, I honestly want to know more about them. When there are 8 candidates debating every week, each one afraid that they won't come off as extreme as their oppenant, I just don't feel like we are getting an honest picture (its' politics, so I realize "honest pictures" ain't what they seem)of the people we have to choose from. Maybe this is all just the result of 24/7 election coverage that starts 2 years before the election...
  23. Buffalo sports fans deserve better than we get...man, if the Sabres or the Bills ever win it all, I don't know what I will do...I might have a heart-attack. But, sadly, I am pretty numb to the Bills losing ways, at this point. I enjoyed the first 7 weeks of the season, as much as I have enjoyed Bills football in a long time...and I was still holding out some hope, even after the Dallas debacle...but the Dolphins loss just made me go back into the mode of not caring too much, after the game is over...no more post-game shows...no more reading the news articles...I still love the notion of the Buffalo Bills winning a Super Bowl, and I still think it is going to happen...and when it does, we are going to relish it as much as you can... Funny you mention Pegula, in this thread. After a great looking 10 gams start, the Sabres are playing below .500 hockey. Listen to this "rant" by WBEN host, Tom Baurle. I have never heard anyone, so worked up about the Sabres failures...his "open message" to Terry Pegula: http://www.wben.com/topic/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=5578951 The Sabres, he says, are "looking in the mirror more than a teenager with pimples on prom night"...pretty rough. You can just hear all the anguish that comes with being a Buffalo sports fan. Sometimes I get annoyed with PTR's cheerleader style with the Bills, but other times, I envy it.
  24. Seriously? Herman Cain was the first one to tackle tax reform?
  25. There's not even a picture? How do we know she is black?
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