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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. You had me, until you lumped Gina Gershon in with this group...not even sure who #1 is.
  2. I agree....I like Fitz, but, it is hard to imagine anyone watching that game yesterday couldn't come away thinking he was really terrible...what I saw was a half-hearted effort from the entire offensive squad, with the expception of Caussin and Derek Hagan. They were just lifeless, and going through the motions. It disappoints me to say, Fitzpatrick was one of them...I already knew he wasn't super accurate, so that isn't a shock. It just seems like this team has already accepted that whatever they the coaches are trying to do, it isn't going to work. I can't accept that every single football player on this roster sucks (I don't believe that), but there is just something missing. I have never really been sold on Buddy Nix as our GM, but I feel like now, my ever changing feelings about Chan Gailey are going to end up in the negative column again. This team has regressed from last year...I thought Gailey was going to live up to his reputation as a guy who could make something out of nothing, coached to the strenghts of his rotster...but I am just not seeing it now. I am more inclined now, to attribute their early success to the lockout, and taking teams by surprise... yes, injuries are a problem, as always, it seems. But is there really a huge dropoff from the guys who are injured, to their backups? Won't even get started on the defense...
  3. Bridget Bardot, Natalie Wood, Leena Olin, Mary Tyler Moore (as Mary Richards or Laura Petrie)...just so many...
  4. On the contrary...I would rank her higher, in her prime. As far as current "bimbos" go, they are all attractive, but boring as hell...but, I will say, I met Eva Mendez a few years ago, about a week before the movie "Out Of Time" came out. I had no idea who she was, or that she was an actress. She just came into the record store I work in, one Saturday. I thought, at that time, she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever laid eyes on (Elle McPherson is pretty close in that category for me....next day, I am at the bar, watching the Bills game, and every other commercial break, they ran ads for that movie...I was shocked...I was telling all my buddy's "holy ****, that is her, that's the chick I met yesterday!" She really made an impression...no make-up, dressed pretty normal in jeans and a t-shirt...plus she was looking for the song "Alone Again, Naturally" by Gilbert O'Sullivan... A few weeks later, I saw her at a show (Detroit Cobras) with Luke Wilson...apparently they were making a movie here in town...
  5. I don't think I have ever seen Lindsay Lohan in one acting performance. I got no interest in seeing her nude...
  6. Funnny, just watching that againg..the kid is screaming "I hate the Raiders" at the tv, after the Chargers lose to the Raiders...but he is wearing a Bears shirt. So, all that anguish cuz the Raiders won, not cuz his team lost? Wow! I hate the Dolphins, a lot...always have...same with the Flyers in hockey....but I don't remember ever getting that upset over them winning, unless they beat the Bills or Sabres.
  7. Hmmm...maybe my invite got lost in the mail? Seriously, Blue, congrats. I hope either you or C wins our FF league...would be a nice wedding gift, no? I guess Is it going to cause troubles, later down the road if she kicks your ass at this Star Wars game, as she does at FF? I just hope someone beats the first seed kid...the one with the horribly offensive team name.
  8. Don't feel bad AJ, I used to be a Madden addict...would play one game a day, nearly every day, for years...then when I upgraded to PS3, just to play Madden, I couldn't stand it...I am sure it is cool, but I just don't have the time, or mental wherewithal (sp?) to learn how to play the game, all over again...my PS3 is, essentially, an expensive Blu-ray player...but I am okay with it...if I ever get the Madden itch, I will just pull out my PS2 (you can't give them away) and play Madden 2009)...I have Madden 2012, and played, exactly a qurter of a game, before losing interest. I only opened it to feign excitement!
  9. Chef..was purusing youtube for a good "Dragnet" clip, and came across this...you might get a kick out of it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXsdhXuQdNQ Yes, now that you mention it, I think I recall he, and Ed Asner (another amazing TV actor) doing a lot of demonstrating and protesting during their heyday... personally, I never had any real reaction to Farrell, I always thought he was just bland.
  10. Of course, I am accustomed to the losing, after all these years, but sometimes this is the way I feel inside: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bLyjcXQmF0&feature=g-sptl
  11. I always thought Alan Alda was the "whiney, bitchey uber-liberal" driving force behind the show in its' post-Trapper John days.
  12. Yeah, like I said, I have always thought Ruff was a terrific coach, but man, if you have your (arguably) best player (Vanek) not buying what you are selling, after 5 years, you really have to wonder about some of the other guys too. Vanek should be helping the coach sell it. I think there are some very talented players on this team. This isn't like the Bills, where depth is always a problem. It sometimes feels like Ruff tries to play it both ways, defensively, and I think they pay for it, with turnovers. In 2005-06, after the lockout, when the leauge was playing the "new wide-open" style, the Sabres kicked ass,offensively. If I recall they had 6 guys with 20+ or more goals that year. I think 3 guys with 30 or more. A big part of their success was gambling defensemen who could carry the puck into the offensive end. They gave breakaways, and shorthanded one on one chances that year (though, Miller was unbelievable in those situations back then), but most of that was the result of a offensively hyper-agressive core of defensemen. They created so many scoring opportunities. Now, partly because of talent, injuries, and partly becuase the NHL has returned to it's mostly smothering style, that just isn't happening, but the Sabres seem to want to keep tyring it. Conversely, they dont' want to take too many chances defensively. They just turn the puck over far too much. This has been going on for a few years now...I think Ehrhoff and Regher were great pick-ups, we should be better defensively.
  13. Miller got hung out to dry on all of those goals.
  14. Damn Flyers...I think I am not watching any more Sabres home games, until they win two in a row at home...typical of them last night...every home game they play one great period, and then just couldn't do anything the rest of the way...what, did the Sabres have like 10 shots on goal the final two periods? At least the Bills can only disappoint me once a week. Oh well. I am, for the first time, starting to really have doubts about the Sabres future, unless they make some sort of trade. I look at the Flyers, and I see a team that was supposed to be down this year, after a ton of salary cap dumps, and they looked worlds better than the Sabres, for most of the game, last night. They never seem to have problems scoring goals...to think, just 4 or 5 years ago, they were the laughing stock of the NHL, then, they canned dinosauer Bobby Clarke, and have since, gone through a couple of transformations into being a very good team, even making the finals... I listened to the VS announcers last night, and the "sideline reporter" said that Lindy was going at it with Vanek for a good part of the game...still? After all these years, Lindy is telling Vanek "hey, you look at me when I am talking to you, don't look at the ice"...still this is going on? I am starting to feel less inclined to blame Vanek..he is producing...and, to me, has played pretty well defensively. I know it is cliche, but are players just not lisrtenting to Ruff any more? I have always been a big Ruff supporter, but the malaise that this team has played with, this year particularly, is kind of disturbing. Way too many defensive lapses, and it isn't just the kids making them.
  15. You never cease amaze...take that as you will, but I mean it as a compliment! Like most of us here, I grew up on "M*A*S*H" in it's first run, no re-runs for me... but I did watch "Dragnet" re-runs...one of the best ever was an episode where Harry Morgan invites that "wild-man bachelor" Joe Friday over to his place for a weekend, to show him what he is missing by not being "settled down and married"...of course, work spills over into their weekend of domestic bliss...I can't remember the whole story, but I think it had something to do with one of the neighbors cats disappering...of course the find the cat... "Dragnet" may have been the funniest show ever, in that it featured no comedians' but only two "straight men"...and I mean that in the show-biz way...like Laurel & Laurel, or Abbott & Abbott...somehow it just worked...and Morgan and Webb delivered some of the fastest dialouge ever. With "M*A*S*H" I loved the show through its' entire run, but now, I find the earlier episodes, with Col Blake to be the most watchable. The humour just stands the test of time. They blended comedy and drama like few other televison shows, during their era ("All In the Family" did it well too) The "new" ones, featuring Col Potter, BJ Honeycutt and Charles Winchester are a bit heavier handed, still very funny at times, but more often, comedy was sacrificed for poignancy. One of the things that always made the show work, no matter who was in the cast, was the terrific acting, and Morgan just seemed so real. BTW- IIRC, when Morgan was charged with domestic violence, I thought I recalled that he was at the onset of Alzheimers...nasty disease.
  16. Video Cassette Recorder! Roenick just said that the Sabres have to "quit whining about hits, and just play hockey"
  17. What has Morrison proven? KM is a journeymen linebacker, there is a reason he moves from team to team...prospects for this team are over for this season, let Sheppard play, and grow...maybe one day, he will be better than Kirk Morrison.
  18. This game is in Buffalo...watch at your own peril...unless you are AJ...then go to hell you filthy Flyers fan!
  19. Is your section a "family section"? I have never sat in one of them, maybe they really do work. One of the best parts of my childhood was going Bills and Braves games. I can't imagine what it would be like if I hadn't gone to them. I do remember, my Dad thought the Rockpile was "too rough" to take kids, so my first game was the first game at Rich, a pre-seasoner against the Redskins.
  20. http://www.aoltv.com/2011/12/07/harry-morgan-mash-dead/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec3_lnk3%7C118301
  21. Yeah, I agree on all counts. I still love going to the games, don't get me wrong. I went to loads of games in the 70's at Rich, and had season tickets from 1979-87...they weren't all saints back then either, but, I just don't think it was quite as out of control as it seems now...and that was at a time when they were doing less to control the atmosphere. I don't want to be too hard on Bills fans, cuz I am one, and, I realize, as many games I have been to on the road, I have been to far more in Buffalo, so my chances of seeing bad stuff is much greater. "My opinion is that Bills games are getting worse each year." This is true on so many different levels! Myabe that has something to do with the obnoxiousness of so many of the fans?
  22. I have been going to games since the early 70's, many stadiums around the NFL. There is a certain element at all of them...but, I gotta say, it is more prevelant at the Ralph than anywhere else I have been, particularly nowadays. I went to the last game of the season, last year (Patriots)...miserably cold, awful game...half-filled stands. I went to the game with two of my sisters, in their 40's, who had never been to a game befere. They were good sports, but, it was kind of embarassing, a lot of what was going on in the stadium, and outside. We parked in Hammered Lot, and there was one young girl, probably no older than 21 (if that) who was just so disgustingly loaded, it kind of made me sick just seeing her. We happened to be heading into the stadium right behind her, and her group, and they wouldn't let her in...there was a big shouting match...it was a bad omen for a bad day, in general. If I had been with one of my buddys, it probably wouldn't have bothered me so much...but as we were walking in, there were people, (mostly girls) puking on themselves, stumbing around...paramedics attending to one older woman...all this was before the game even started. My older brother, kind of a redneck, hasn't been to a game since 1999, because, as he puts it "they pussified everything". I was at that game with him, and he was loaded, was screaming at the top of his lungs that Rob Johnson was a "faggoty-assed kitty"...somebody called security, after asking him to shut it, a few times...they hauled him off...I got a picture of him surrounded by security, hanging above my desk! My stupid brother. If less people like him showed up for games, the better it would be! Can't wait for the Broncos game on Christmas Eve!!
  23. Honestly, I didn't even notice your typo...until you pointed it out...I am not someone who busts balls for typos (god knows I make plenty), unless it somehow gives a different meaning than what the poster was trying to say... Also, I don't know wtf you are talking about...you seem a little tightly wound kid...now you got me feeling sorry for you. And lastly, there is nothing you could say that could possibly make me feel the need to "defend myself", to you. That's rich...good night Napoleon.
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