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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. "You gotta have dreams, or all you have is nightmares"- Boogie (Micky Rourke) from "Diner"
  2. I hate to say it, cuz I was seduced...I think Chan is a good man, but I am starting to have serious doubts about how good a head coach he really is...injuries or no injuries, he has not impressed me (only depressed) during this current losing streak...I am seeing little evidence of him being a great innovater who know how to make the best of what he has (the bill of goods that came with his hiring)...it may sound crazy, and I know this team isn't stocked with great depth, but I think the Bill lost today, and to the Titans a few weeks ago, in large part, to stuborn coaching...he does seem to follow the old adage about a "good coach puts his players in the best position to win." The play calling has been atroucious...he seems to be the last to know that **** just isn't working...I think the team efforts against the Cowboys and Chargers rank right up there amongst the worst of this dreadful new millenium of Bills football...more and more it seems we are going to just have to extract any positives from Bills football, as few as there may be, and realize, nothing is really going to change, until there is a new owner. As long as Mr Wilson owns the team, it is hard to imagine any real changes for next season. I suppose, the team could strike gold with a draft pick, but given the track record of recent Bills coaching staffs, there is not assurance that they even know what they have. No point in getting pissed off about it anymore...just grin and bear it, hope for some luck somewhere.
  3. I thought Spiller & Choice both ran the ball well today...don't know why Chan didn't let them run even more in the second half. Fitz was awful, until the game was in "only a miracle" territory. We know the defense is not great, but they played about as well as we could expect. More Spiller and less Fitz, and I think we might have won this game today. The regression of Fitz, and the regression of Gailey's play calling are both distressing.
  4. Well, I have never used that argument, "he's a comedian". I do think he is very funny doing political banter, but not so much in the traditional joke, punchline style. That is how he started out, and he was not good at it...he then started to add political commentary to his act, and the results were more positive, and then he started doing "Politically Incorrect". Anyways, I don't think any less of you because you don't like Bill Maher (more people seem to dislike him than like him, at least here), but I also think your assessment of his show is not completely accurate either. Humor is subjective, I suppose. I can't stand either Jim Carey or Will Farrell, but people tell me I am nuts...I just think they are wrong...they just don't make me laugh, at all. You assume the joke came after the rape, because that is what Hasselbeck wants you to assume. It is what people who follow her want to think. I saw Maher on O'Riley, after the dust-up on the View a few weeks ago (like you, I don't watch the View, only see the clips linked to "news" stories on Huff Post, etc) and he asked Maher, why he didn't come out and tell the viewers on the View that the joke in question was made before the rape, and he said, something to the effect of "Well, she was obviously still upset about this thing, 6 months later, so I figured I would let her have her say, and let it die there...I had already apologized to her personally and publicly, and it seemed that we were as good as we ever going to be. I had no idea that she was going to turn the segment into that, so I just wanted her to have her say, get it out of her system, and leave it at that...anything I said wasn't going to change her mind, or change the mind of people who already can't stand me." Funny thing is, Maher makes jokes about the "liberal" ladies on the View all the time, too...to be fair to Hasselbeck, she has absolutely no credentials to be taken seriously...I assume she is on the View because they needed someone on their panel to represent the opposing opinion, is attractive, and she can't get another job. Before the View, her claim to fame was being married to a scrub NFL football player, and a contestant on Survivor, who, famously pulled her shirt up over her head, to distract her male opponents. There is nary an ounce of intellect to her opinions (which she seems to give loudly and often) only a pious sense of moral superiority. She invokes these imaginary (I would bet) conversations with her infant daughter (who comes off sounding like yoda, wise beyond her years) anytime she can't dig her way out of a hole she has dug for herself, with her mouth. I would prefer she just pull her shirt up over her head...
  5. I like the "Daily Show" as well, but, honestly, I think too much of the humor on it comes from Stewarts' faces, silly voices, etc...I think what Steven Colbert does is far funnier, and impressive. To me, Colbert is, dare I say it, a comic genius.
  6. Okay, they may not have used the exact words "fat-pig" for O'Donnell, but she is the butt end of jokes by Leno, Letterman, Jimmy Kimmmle, etc, because of her looks. Kimmle used to dress up like her (and Oprah as well) in a fat suit...I honestly could care less, but Hasselbeck is a public figure, who happens to have no problem taking strong (often misguided and misinformed) opinions on people and things in the news and entertainment...you would think she would have developed a thicker skin by now.
  7. bbb, you are much better than that. That wasn't Mahers' joke. He made the joke, before Lara Logan's rape story came out. She had just been reported taken ito custody by Egyptian government agents, for questioning. This was a week before the rape occurred. Maher, commenting on how "hot" Logan was, joked that perhaps a trade could be made, Logan for, say, Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Logan was taken into custody on February 4th, and released the next day. Maher made the joke in his monologe on Feb 4th...the rape of Logan didn't occur until Feb. 11th...so, like Elizabeth, you are a little off on your assessment of the joke. It may not have been funny, but in no way did he imply that Hasselbeck should be sent to Egypt to be gang-raped. She carried on about it that week, still before the Logan rape story came out. Maher apologized to her, on is show, on Feb 11th, ironically the same day the rape occurred, but two days before the story broke. Hasselbeck just loves attention, and loves to play the "mean liberals are crucifying me" card quite regularly. She is, to put it kindly, a complete idiot. Note this article, dated Feb. 9th, concerning the whole Maher/Hasselbeck brew ha-ha...no mention of the Lara Logan rape, because it hadn't happened yet! http://www.aoltv.com/2011/02/09/bill-maher-elisabeth-hasselbeck-fight/ Anyways, I will miss Christopher Hitchens.
  8. Not in the Sandusky kind of way: http://aol.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2011-12-16/report-mike-milbury-charged-assault-child-versus-analyst?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D120833
  9. It might be the other way around: smart, educated guy, with not the best sense of humour. Go over to the PPP wing, and you will see this on display all the time. Maybe it means nothing to you, but Maher is a Cornell grad.
  10. Yeah, I agree on some levels. I don't think Maher is funny when he does stand-up type stuff. His joke/puch-line stuff is nothing special. But, I do think he is much smarter than many of you give him credit for. And, he can be damn funny at times...where he is funny is in discussion, point counter-point stuff. He makes me laugh, a lot... As for his "classless" Elizabeth Hasselbeck joke, it was no different than anything any late-nite comedian hasn't said about random female celebrities. Is it classless to call Rosie O'Donnell a "fat pig" for laughs? It's done all the time, nobody gets their panties in a wad over it. There was a time when Oprah was the punch-line to every fat joke in the book. Hasselbeck just carried on like the shrill, talentless, !@#$ that she is (even though Maher apologized to her on his show, friggin months ago, after she went on some diatribe about it in February, when it happened!) because she loved the attention. I have never thought of myself as a Bill Maher "follower", though I never miss his show. I like it because it offers people lik Chris Htichens a forum to say what they mean, as ugly, or as off, as it may be sometimes. Ann Coulter can come on, say whatever crazy stuff she wants, she isn't going to be censored. I don't always agree with him, and don't always agree with his guests, but I think it is one of the few topical shows on tv that is honest, and there is something about free thought that can be very funny.
  11. Like I said, the kind of conservative anyone can respect, not one of the loons...your response is the problem for the right, in a nutshell.
  12. Sounds like somebody is falling for the "he has a British accent, so he is smart" thing! Just kidding of course...I think Maher is pretty funny most of the time (not all)...Hitchens was a great guest over the years. I honestly didn't know he was sick...but I had wondered why he hadn't been on in a while.
  13. Ok...stepping away on this one...feel a pissing match coming on...but why not just say the counter-culture movement (or whatever you want to call it) had a huge effect. Why say "Woodstock"? Woodstock was a !@#$ing three day rock concert, which Madison Ave used to create a tidy image to explain to middle America what was going on in the counter-culture. Woodstock itself had/has very little relevence, other than spawning a whole bunch of other money making music festivals. It is like saying the works of Cassius Coolidge (the "dogs playing poker" artist) are representitive of the modern American fine arts movement. Woodstock is more representitive of Madison Ave seizing every moment to make a buck, than it was representitive of a movement that was already dying. I am not going to answer your question, becasue it is stupid. One doesn't exist without the other. Unless you think Bush Jr was determined to go to war with Iraq, with or without a reason.
  14. They had a lot more in common, than not.
  15. I guess we never get eachothers' point. The movement or culture change that you say Woodstock reperesents, would have happened anyways. It was already happening...Woodstock is just a tidy, pop-culture, icon used to explain something much bigger. I certainly think the Iraq war is far more signifcant than Woodstock was. I think you owe Dave In Norfolk an apology! Yes, he meant 3 days of peace and love!
  16. Okay, I will bite...cuz that is what you want. This war has contributed heavily toward bankrupting our economy, cost, rougly 4500 American lives (not to mention countless Iraqi lives) and divided our country in a pretty unhealthy way. All things we will be feeling for some time... Woodstock is a postcard picture of the hippie movemet..a concert. If you think (and I am pretty sure you do) that Barrack Obama is the worst president ever, the war in Iraq contributed heavily to him getting elected. I would say, the war in Iraq contributed heavily to the highest sense of cynicism we have ever had, here in America...mistrust of our government is at an all-time high...I think to dismiss its' signifcance is kind of short sighted. If Woodstock hadn't happened, there would still have been hippies, Jimi Hendrix, bad acid trips...girls walking topless in the park... horrible jam bands. Altamont, just a few months later, had all those things, but didn't turn into a postcard perfect weekend of peace and love...and it pretty much burst the hippie bubble.
  17. Yeah, I know...part of what I liked so much about him is that he valued intellect and logic over scoring partisan points. In recent years he had become more politically conservative, but not blindly so.
  18. Okay..I just found it a funny example of what you were looking for. I get what you are saying about Woodstock, but it is it that much more significant than the 9 years of war we are getting out of? I don't think so..but I guess that is where the interesting discussion will come in.
  19. I don't want to get in a pissing match with you, but why is Dave's comment any more inane than your example of Woodstock?
  20. ...Dave in Elma had it made...
  21. RIP...a conservative anyone could respect. Not one of the loons... I know you love that clip of him flipping off the audience on "Real Time", but it never stopped him from doing the show.
  22. My girlfriend avoids elevators as much as possible, because she saw the aftermath of something similar to this, about 25 years ago... One of the more impactful "Six Feet Under" opening scenes...not for the easily squeemish:
  23. I've been saying it for some time...if the, god forbid, the Bills were to ever leave Buffalo, I think, ultimately, what I would miss most is the camaraderie of other Bills fans, more than the team itself. The fans are the best thing about Buffalo Bills football.
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