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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. JSP, no disrespect intended, but you, and nearly everyone who criticizes Maher clearly don't even watch or listen to him. To say his contempt for Muslims is only political is maybe the worst argument you could have made. You clearly don't know what you are talking about in this "argument". It is okay to just say you don't like Maher...that is cool, he is not everyones cup of tea, clearly. But don't make up stuff, to try to give your point of view some sort of intellectual or political basis. You are wrong...very wrong.
  2. It's funny, bbb, you and KD are two of my favorite posters here on TSW. I agree with you both on almost everything, except politics and Bill Maher! I am not going to defend him in this instance, cuz, I don't agree with him...in fact I often don't agree with him...but I still think he is funny, in an intellectual way...this "tweet" is not one of those instances. I happen to agree, to a degree, with his stance on religion, but I, for the life of me, can't figure out why people hate Tim Tebow so much...I think it is more his "followers" than the man himself. And, he does seem to have a fanatical religious following. But honestly, while I haven't seen as much Tebow as Kurt Warner over the years, I think Warner was much more vocal about his Christianity than Tebow...maybe I am wrong there, but I have never heard TT utter a Christy word...I know he crosses himself and genuflects a lot...but stfw! When I was flying to Buffalo, for the holiday, I sat across from a guy and his girlfriend, both wearing Tebow jerseys...I was in a Bills hoody, so naturally, we talked about the game...they were flying to Buffalo just to see Tebow (cuz it is "so cheap")...I asked them if they were Broncos fans, neither was. Just Tebow fans. I didn't bring up the religion thing with them, but the crosses they both sported outside their jerseys was kind of a clue... So, in that regard, Tim Tebow is, for some, the equivalent of the Grateful Dead...their fans turn me off so much, it sometimes gets in the way of me enjoying their music. But, I don't begrudge them their overzealous appreciation, just like I don't begrudge Tebow enthusiasts their love of all things TT.
  3. I was at the Broncos/Bills game...there were plenty of equally caustic comments hurled at Tebow that day by fans. There was one fan with a sign, with a Tebow as Christ drawing that read, "Tebow: Your God Has Forsaken You". More than once, chants of "Tebow is an !@#$", etc etc... I will admit, I like Maher, and this won't change my opinion of him...but I do feel like the anti-Tebow sentiment that exists out there is a little off-base.
  4. IIRC, Edwards had just been offered the DC job at Florida...and then backed out to take the job on Gailey's coaching staff. No doubt, Gailey appreciates that...he would never fire him mid-season.
  5. I hope they get a deal done, but I am a little concerned. When the season started, and things were going well, the Bills were getting lots of national press, and patted on the back for their "no-name" receiving group, which looked pretty good at that time...the Bills seemed to relish that. I just hope that the Bills don't get too cute, and think they can just plug anyone in at receiver, and get production. I kind of get that vibe from Gailey sometimes...
  6. That Stanley Cup may still be a year or two away!
  7. Yes, T-Pegs would be ideal, it seems. He and Kelly both have the Pittsburgh backround in common...but I have no knowledge if Pegula and Kelly have any kind of relationship at all. But, given the way that Pegula has embraced ownership of the Sabres, he does seem to really place a lot of emphasis on team alumni, and seems to want to have ex-players involved. I am not sure if Kelly has an actual contract with the Bills (I honestly don't know), but he started "working" for the Bills at the time I am talking about. At one point, there was supposed to be a "major announcement" in regards to Kelly and the Bills, during one of the Super Bowl media weeks, but it never happened, for some unknown reason.
  8. I don't think there is any real confirmed news out there, only theories, some, which make sense. Not sure what Wawrrow is referring to. But, I am pretty confident, like him, that there is a plan...whether it works, who knows. And, I am pretty certain, Jim Kelly, in some way, is involved with whatever that plan is. I can tell you, I have heard from two sources, connected with the Bills (one currently, another who used to post here, no longer employed by the Bills), independently of eachother, that a few years back, a staff meeting was held. The staff was told that Jim Kelly would be around the offices, a lot, in some undefined role. He would not be a coach, and would not be involved with on the field stuff...they were not to ask Kelly anything about why he was there, and shouldn't discuss it with anyone. Just get used to seeing a lot of Jim Kelly, they were told, and help him with any info he asks for. The conclusion that was drawn, by the somewhat puzzled staff, was that Kelly was kind of "interning" or, learing the ropes of day to day operations of the Buffalo Bills. Perhaps, like Bowlan with Elway, Ralph wants to relinquish control to Kelly at some point...I am kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet. I am not sure what motivation Ralph would have not to divuldge more, or let us fans know that there is a future in Buffalo, for the Bills. But, whatever his reasons. This may all sound absurd, and this is just me filling in the blanks, as I see them...but, over the last 3-4 years, everytime I have heard Kelly speak about the future of the Bills, I am struck by how definitive he is that they are not going anywhere, and, it seems to me, he is speaking from a position of authority...an authority that comes with knowing somethig that we don't know...yet...I have heard Thurman Thomas speak the same way...like they have some big secret they can't wait to tell everybody... Of course, as strong as my hunch feels that there is a plan, I am not 100% convinced it wouldn't fall through, either. Kelly and/or Thurman Thomas, or an ownership group of former Bills greats (I have heard Bruce and Talley mentioned as possible part owners too) most likely would not have the money it would take to buy, and operate, an NFL franchise, in this day and age...so if there is anything to all of this, there has to be a real "money man" involved... I hope it is Terry Pegula, but it could be someone else...
  9. One of the greatest shows I ever went to, the Pouges, in a very old dance hall, just outside of Toronto. Strummer was filling in for Phil Chevron, who was ill, back in England/Ireland (or wherever). It was 1987 IIRC. Shane was at the height of his drunken period. McGowan was so out of it, he couldn't really do a whole show...so Joe stepped up and fronted the band for at least half a dozen songs...it was awesome...hearing "London Calling" played with traditional Irish instrumentation gave me chills...I hear there are some live recordings of Strummer with the Pouges out there somewhere....love to get my hands on them...
  10. I guarantee, somebody else would be willing to pay him as well...even if Chan stays, I doubt that Wannestadt sticks around much longer, unless he becomes Chan's DC. He is in Buffalo, because he is a friend of Gaileys'. Maybe he returns to Dallas as DC, when Rob Ryan gets his HC job...
  11. If anyone is interested, and hasn't seen them already, I would highly recommend the BBC Clash documentary "Westway to the World". You can actually watch the entire thing (about 80 minutes) on Youtube... also, the excellent Strummer documentary "The Future Is Unwritten"...it really will leave you with a sense of how great a loss this was...Joe's solo albums, which sold by the dozens, are pretty brilliant. I will admit, I didn't appreciate them as much when the came out (though I purchased them upon release), but the documentary really makes you hear them.
  12. Thanks, but no thanks. Ryan is not even the DC his mouth claims he is...and why the hell would Dave Wannestadt stick around to work for Rob Ryan? I like the idea of having a coach that brings a bit of an edge to him, but, it seems that every time Rob Ryan opens his blow-hole, his Cowboys defense (far more talented, on paper, than what we currently have in Buffalo) gets the snot kicked out of them. I'd rather have Tony Sparano than either of the Ryan clowns.
  13. Apparently it doesn't matter. All that matters is who is giving the order...
  14. Exactly, when your such a dumb-ass yourself!
  15. Strummer and the Clash, at their mightiest! "Londond is burning...I live by the river"
  16. Rush Limbaugh and Jim Sensenbrenner are two of the last people who should be calling Michelle Obama a fat-ass!
  17. Where does the time go? Strummer was a big part of my youth...gutter snipe, gang boss, activist, punk, hippie, gentlemen...he is truly missed. One of my favorite Strummer moments...he's the one singing an playing the piano for you kiddies: RIP Joe!
  18. Wow....this is incredibly shocking news...how could anyone have predicted this?
  19. All the folks you like are pretty extreme social conservatives. I think that is why "nobody listens" (as you say) to Bachmann, and why Santorum is one of the candidates in the GOP field who has seen no spike in his numbers, at all. And, maybe your point is a bigger issue...the country needs some financial conservativism right now, but doesn't seem ready, en masse, to embrace social conservatism. Not sure if fiscal conservatism can exist with social libralism. It seems, in theory they should be able to, but I can't think of a situation where they have. You will get absolutely no argument from me on any of this.
  20. I didn't say anything about Tea Partiers sitting out the race. I just think their carrying on like spoiled children, particualarly when Romney gets the nod, will turn off enough people, if they are undecided, they will go with the other side. Romney will likely be held at a proverbial gunpoint, by his reluctant Tea Party constituants to make a lot of impractical pledges and promises, and the whole cycle will start all over again. Think of all the "buyers remorse" there has been since the mid-term elections. And, of course, Romneys numbers will go up, once the rest of these clowns are out of the race. But, when Tea Partiers, like yourself start settling for candidates you don't really want, just because you don't like the other guy, you can't pretend that you are any more noble or principled than the rest of the "partisan hacks". Obviously, many are fires up about this...it will be a very interesting election. Wow!
  21. Yeah, you got me...the memory is the first thing to go...I would have voted for McCain over Gore.
  22. I am probably not the best judge of that...I live in Austin, nobody I know liked Perry before he decided to run, and certainly not now...I went to see Sarah Silverman a few weeks ago, it was a NAACP benefit. The event was called, appropriately (perhaps?) "Live From N**erhead"...the place was packed. The Perry people were embarassed. I am sure Perry is still "the man" in the rest of the state...voter apathy has played a larger part in his election success here, than his "economic miracle". It is a huge state, with a large population, and low voter turnout. Something like 33% of elidgable Texans vote in a typical election...and this is a very red state. I really liked John McCain, a lot. You don't have to believe me, but I would have voted for him. I didn't like John Kerry, at all. Of course, McCain ditched many of the principles that I thought he stood for, in the 2008 campaign. To me, he is the shining example of how cynical our poltical system has become. He was not the same guy in 2008 as he was in 2000.
  23. It is all a game. The way things are. The reality is, as often as not, we are voting against somebody, more than voting for somebody. I don't like that, but that is the truth, as cynical as it sounds. Hell, I live in Texas, so, anytime I vote for anyone who isn't Republican, I am only doing it to make a statement, in my own small way...and, consequently, making sure my vote doesn't really count.
  24. And, if John McCain had won the GOP nod in 2000, I would have voted for him over Kerry, without hesitation.
  25. Oh, sorry, I should have known you would be offended by the word "childish". For one who doesn't get involved in the game of "partisan hackery", you sure get offended easily by criticism of the GOP. And, you made a silly, argument in their defense. The truth (about the GOP/Tean Party) hurts...if the Republicans lose this election, they will have, in large part, the Tea Party to thank for it. Point taken on the two party system....but it is what we have.
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