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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Isn't it past your bedtime Napleon?
  2. Almost makes me wish she was running instead of her husband.
  3. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........I guess we have come full circle!
  4. Weren't you telling us a few weeks ago, Gingrich was the guy? You are not a believer in the "Santorum Spike", I take it?
  5. Sorry, I don't hang on your every post...but isn't it silly then, to say, over and over, "the worst in my lifetime" (as I have seen numerous times from you) when you just really mean, the "worst president in the last 4 years, since I have been paying attention". You are just wrong some of the time. Or, as somebody in the thread said, you only have the ability to see things as they pertain to your best interets. You seem to be suscribing to the pervasive attitude around here of (and nobody here isn't guilty of it, except DC Tom of course, "I said it, I believe it, so it is true". By your definition, anyone who doesn't think the way you do is "too lazy to think for themselves." What an inflated ego you seem to have. As somebody who worked with health insurance in my previous job (until 2 years ago), I can tell you, the question was "Okay, Obama talked about healthcare reform, but where is it"? He didin't come out of the gates swinging on healthcare, as most anticipated he would. IMO, and others, we got a watered down versio, that nobody was really happy with. btw- I share some of your sentiments on John McCain, I think. I can't think of another politician in recent times who more exemplifies everything horrible about the state of politics right now. I used to have the utmost respect for him. I used to think he was as prinipled as they come...now I just see him as somebody who will say anything, to anyone, just to get good press.
  6. If you look at the NFL transctions this past week, most of the non-playoff teams are signing players...I think this happens every year. Remember last year, when the Ravens signed James Hardy, during the playoffs, for the next season? Hardy made some comments about how the Bills were never committed to him, and he looked forward to playing with the Ravens in 2011...then he got cut early in traing camp, IIRC. Oops!
  7. You are so funny...you asked me where my anger will be when the next Republican president makes such a move (and they will), but then call my asking you where your anger was when the last guy did it "tiresome". You seem to love lashing out at double standards when it comes to the president, but have no problem with them when they are aligned with your political view. For the record, Obama is "my guy", only because there isn't any better alternative being offered right now. You can throw around the "worst in my lifetime" tag (talk about tiresome, and lazy catchphrases) all you want, but I guess I remember worse. Since we are being drama queens here, I don't recall any president in my lifetime ever facing as much BS, from day one, as the current president. My biggest criticism of Obama is that he tried, for too long to play nice with people who had no interest in working with him. I chalk that up to nietivity on his part.
  8. Not really what I meant, but that is how you will interpret it. Which is fine. Though, going that rout, I might argue that Barry is only 1/5 as bad as the previous guy. My point was, LA has this uncontainable outrage anytime Obama does something that raises an eyebrow, and pretends that the president is setting all-time new lows...it is the way things get done, for better or worse. If a president, either party, has a Congress that will not work with him, he will find ways around them...it has been going on for decades... so yeah, if you must, in this regards, current president is no different than the last president.
  9. Oh god, you got me good...and just when I thought you were devoid of a sense of humor!
  10. Really?
  11. LA..you always get your panties in a wad over politics as usual...the Democrat in office right now isn't doing anything that the last Republican in office didn't do, many more times over, in the same time span. Were you so upset then? Maybe you were...I don't know...but I doubt it. What was the harm then?
  12. You wanna bet, if Manning doesn't sit out the season, and the Colts go 13-3, or 12-4, Polian and son are still employed by the Colts. It is all about wins and losses, in the end. Finishing with the first pick in the draft, is a sign of something gone wrong....being arrogant and difficult, doesn't help. So, Irsay just thought, maybe rightfully, it was time to make a change. That doesn't mean that Polian will have any fewer suitors. And it shouldn't. You can argue that he isn't a nice guy, but you can't really argue with his track record.
  13. Chan Gailey turned 60 yesterday (1/5)!
  14. Yes. I used to normally just listen to the archived stuff on GR, interviews and such, so you didn't get too much editorializing. But, starting with this football season, work situation changing, I have listened to more real time stuff on GR, and I never get the feeling that they are "too soft" on the Sabres. Schoop and Bulldog are pretty harsh at times... Agree, too, abotu Hamilton. I think he is great as a Sabres reporter, because hockey is, obviously, his passion, and I never get the feeling that he knows as much about football, he is just doing the job, as he is instructed. He offers, IMO, more insight than any local person, on the Sabres "behind the scenes", but doesn't seem as well connected with the Bills. I don't fault him, but, I suspect GR will get somebody else on the Bills beat, maybe Joe Buscaligia? I also wouldn't be surprised to see much of 97Rocks' programming and Bills people moved to GR. Honestly, and I hate to say this, because I know he lurks here, but I guess I am missing the "alternative appeal" that Brad Riter seems to have. I don't dislike him, mind you, he is fine...but, to me, has many of the same strengths and weaknesses as Mike Schoop, who most (not me) seem to have the biggest issues with. Either way, it seems like he (Riter) may have said/written enough to have irreparably damaged his realtionship with GR. I can't see him going back there. To me, this is a great move. It is far better to have one comprehensive channel for WNY sports talk, than two that are sort of only half-way there.
  15. Wow...that is amazing...I would have never guessed that. Andre Reed came very close to 7 consecutive 1,000 yard seasons, but just a little off, every other year. Very odd.
  16. Sorry...my one and only lentil joke! Promise...
  17. Not sure if this is a joke, but yes, and I don't think it would be a subconscious thing, either. People want to have good choices, not the lesser of two evils. Huntsman obviously won't win the nod from the Repuplican party, so we are at the "lesser of two evils" point, once again.
  18. They did talk about the Wanny move on NFL32 on ESPN, as well as PTI. The move was given a "thumbs up" by all. It was also on the ESPN crawl, where I saw it first. It's nice to get the national press, but really, until the Bills start winning, there isn't a lot to say...it's playoff time.
  19. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................
  20. 10. Lentils! Sorry Sage, couldn't resist!
  21. I remember reading, when Fisher resigned in Tennessee, a comparison of him, and our own Lindy Ruff. Two guys who may have never, ultimately, won anything, but are amongst the most respected in their field. I like Fisher a lot.
  22. Not jerking off, listening to 97Rock?
  23. Hey MC, if you look, virtually every NFL team whose season ended on Sunday has signed street FA's in the last couple of days. Hell, even the Colts, who fired their front office, are signing free-agents.
  24. Yeah dude, get over it...the Cowboys cheerleaders are future Ricks Gentlemen's Club employees (or past?)...the best looks that money can buy. There is a douche in every crowd...sometimes more than one!
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