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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I have been just tuning in for the last period for about a month...somehow, watching the Sabres suck 3-4 times a week is less tolerable than watching the Bills suck once a week...tonight, however, I watched the whole game. I figured if they can't get up for Toronto, there really is no hope. It isn't that they are playing sooo bad, they just cannot score a freaking goal to save their lives. If they get anything less than a stellar effort from their goaltender, they have no chance. Lindy just seems resigned to the situation. I think they need a change, big time. I still am excited about Pegula, and I think something will happen. I really like Lindy Ruff, and I am sure he will do well somewhere else (he would get hired with no problem), but it just isn't working with these guys. I think they should be willing to trade anyone (except Vanek, unless it was a doozy of an offer), at this point, for a physical forward who can skate, and/or a real topline NHL center. Centers won't come cheap, but they aren't going anywhere right now. Thing that sucks, IMO, this team has some talent...to think that they may finish without a playoff spot, this season, is almost unfathomable...
  2. Do you mean Romney should pick Gingrich as his VP, should he get the nod? That would be an interesting ticket. I just can't see Newt playing "second fiddle" to Romney. I don't particularly like Gingrich, but I acknowledge, he is no dummy. Petulant is a good word to describe him. It is just hard to take him seriously when he says (whether he means it or not) that he would consider Sara Palin as his running mate. Her recent endorsement of Gingrich makes me think there might be something to it. It seems that Gingrich kind of po'd the Tea Party folks early on, so he has to find some way to get in their good graces. Is Sara Palin still legit, amongst Tea Partiers?
  3. I always wanted Hillary. Just curious, why do you think Gingrich is somehow above re-election politics? I guess I haven't really noticed this elite political skill set of Newts' that you keep touting. He has a dirty past, so he went around trying to pretend that he was running a clean, "no-negativity" campaign, only becasue he has so much baggage himself. I think it was pretty transparent. It seems like many Republicans thought so too.
  4. I don't know if I would call it "throwing players under the bus", but I do think Gailey, generally, is far more critical of players, to the media, than any coach we have had in some time. I don't honeslty think Gailey sees it as "throwing them under the bus", but fans, being as obsessive as they are, always look to find more meaning in what the coach says. If you recall, last season, he was pretty critical of Lee Evans, but in a round-about way. The only player I have really him really bend over backwards to defend, is Fitzpatrick. It makes sense, he is Gailey's QB, for better or worse, no point in adding fuel to the fire. But, recall how critical Gailey was with Aaron Maybin as well. As a fan, I find it refreshing. But, as a player, in a profession where you often have 50 to 80 thousand critics watching your every move, it has to be a little nerve-wracking if your confidence isn't healthy enough to take it. I think Chan, and Buddy Nix to a degree, really enjoy the media give and take. That lends them to saying "too much" sometimes.
  5. Ahh...I get it!
  6. I thought it was mildly amusing...wonder why it was rejected? Maybe it would go over some peoples' heads? If that is the case, I almost never know what product a commercial is advertising half the time...
  7. Knowing Wacka, I assume he is talking about Bill Maher, not Tebow...but knowing you, I assume you know that, and are just trying to add to the general confusion around here! I just don't get the hate for this kid. I am 100% non-religious (not anti), but I am also 100% against religious persecution. I didn't follow Tebow real closely in college, just the big games...I am kind of a part-time Broncos fan. Maybe I miss something, but I have yet, in the 4 years or so that I have been aware of Tebow, heard him utter a single "christy" word. I know he genuflects, does the sign of the cross, maybe a "3:16" in his eye paint, but so what? Who am I to condemn somebody for the personal beliefs, when they are not infringing upon me, at all? I am honeslty bewidlererd by the cottage industry that seems to have developed in hating Tebow. Sure, his "cult of fans" might have some faith-based reasons for their zealous love of him, but is that any worse than the over the top anti-Tebow sentiment? Also, I just found it so odd that the sports media (ESPN in particular) made it such a priority for all of their "personalities" to take some hard-lind stance on Tebow. Merril Hoge declares the Broncos MUST cut Tebow, when he fails to win the starting job from Kyle Orton at the begining of the season. Phil Simms reports, as well as a few others, that Tebows back-up took two snaps in practice on Friday, but, somehow, ESPN turns that into him taking a"significant amounts of snaps", so somehting must be up. Why can't Tim Tebow suck, and be evaluated the same way as Caleb Hainey, or Tyler Palko? Believe me, my hatred for the Dolphins is so strong, it normally extends to all Florida teams, pro or college, all sports. But, this crusade against Tebow only has me pulling for him all the more...
  8. Moorman is adequate at this point, but seems to have lost a bit of his "touch" so to speak.
  9. All in all, nothing earth shattering...but it sounds like they do intend to sign Steve Johnson.
  10. Probably right, but I suppose this would be the time, if there is such a time, when we here if Nix is planning to stay around after the draft...I would sure hate to lose Whaley.
  11. I never cared for Fewell's defenses...but I will say, he was a breath of fresh air during his short stint as HC.
  12. I assume that GR will be carrying it...but can't confirm that.
  13. Yes, Ralph was disgusted with Bledsoe. TD took that as the opportunity to jump-start the Losman era... don't remember all the specifics anymore, but Mularkey was not on board with that move, unless they had another experienced vet to cover should Losman fail...TD came up with a journeyman in Kelly Holcomb. He wasn't adequate...the Bills likely would have been better off sticking with Bledsoe one more year. Front office/coaches were very split on Losman. Mularkey, Modrak and Sam Wyche liked him, but didn't really feel like he was a franchise-type QB, but more a raw prospect who would need time. Modrak was opposed to drafting him in the first round, viewing him as more a third or even 4th round talent. They did agree, however, that he was the best QB available at that point. I suppose the reason I feel like we were in better hands with TD, he was building a team a piece or two at a time. What we have seen since, it feels to me, is an approach of taking one step forward, and two steps back. It sometimes feels like the Bills create their own problems. This isn't meant as a knock on the owner, but anyone who were to general manage, or coach this team, has to be cognizant of the fact that money is an obstacle to overcome in running this team. Marv Levy even eluded to this when he re-signed. I just think TD was able to manuver the situation better than the guy who have come since. Ultimately, though, I suppose it is foolish to argue that one was so superior to the others, when the results were about the same.
  14. No, I don't remember that. Quick google search finds no mention of that either... Explain to me how TD is the "still the reason" the Bills can't draw "big free agents". I think your memory is a little hazy here....he did not put the team in a bad cap situation. Mastering the salary cap while working for a conservative owner, and still signing upper tier free agents were some of the things he did better than anyone else.
  15. Somehow I knew this thread would re-surface!
  16. I really hope he gets in this year. I agree with Rico, beyond Parcells, Charles Hailey, and maybe Willie Roaf, there aren't many guys on that list (from my time- can't really comment on 50's & 60's players) that I would say absolutely belong in the HOF any more than Andre Reed.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. I hadn't heard that. I remember hearing something in the last few weeks, about Frazier telling Joe Webb that he still has a shot to earn the starting job, nobody is secure.
  19. What have you seen in the last 6 seasons to make that seem so unbelievable? Good point...but I bet you no other franchise is (or will be) clamoring for Buddy Nix, Marv Levy or Russ Brandon to come and pull them out of the doldrums either.
  20. You are good at catching typos, I will give you that. Part of that little man's complex I suppose. It sounds like you may have some issues, so I will leave it at that.
  21. I went to see the Bills at Met Life Stadium, against the Giants, in October. Sat around the 45 yard line, row 19, behind the Bills bench. Went to see the Bills and Broncos game on Christmas Eve, at the Ralph. Had almost exactly the same seats, except in row 22. The face value of the Bills/Giants ticket was $350. The face value for the Broncos at Bills game? $90 I believe, face value, the cheapest seat for a Giants game, regular season, is $125. Bills games are really cheap.
  22. I would reverse that...but I know I am in the minority. Particularly in the Jauron/Levy/Brandon time, there was truly awful football management. I really think the Bills were much closer to being a playoff team when TD was fired, than they are right now. Name a GM who doesn't make mistakes. What I liked about TD, he was a master at working the cap, rarely (if ever) over-payed FA's, and took real, bold moves to address issues. They weren't always the right moves, but he also wasn't afraid to cut his losses. People point the Mike Williams and McGahee picks as terrible...but almost any GM would have picked Mike Williams, with the same needs, when TD did. And, for all the BS about McGahee, he has a solid, if not spectacular, career. He pissed off Bills fans on his way out, but there were few gripes (that I recall) about him as a teammate, or his lack of work ethic. To me, TD's biggest blunder was forcing Mularkey to make Losman the starter, before he was ready. It was bad for the team, and possibly, hurt Losman. It may have been the right move to dump Bledsoe at the time, but Kelly Holcomb wasn't an adequate replacement. In the end, it was more the relationship that TD had with the owner, and some other front office people that likely got him fired...more so than the wins and losses. Well...this may all be true, but lets look back on the drafts since, in another 6 years, and see how bad those were. I will go to my grave swearing that trading up to pick JP Losman in the first round was not as bad a move as trading up to pick John "friggin" McCargo! A guy still waiting, after 6 years, to make an impact of any kind, other than a franchise salary cap.
  23. I still think this franchise would be in a better place today, if TD hadn't been canned. I also don't think Mike Mularkey was a bad coach. What happened after TD was fired really set this franchise back.
  24. I can't remember who the player was, but I heard once, there was a Bills player, in the early days of the franchise, who had an off-season job at Twin Fair worked into his contract.
  25. What about the Vikings? They play in a Dome, have some offensive talent. I guess I haven't seen Ponder play enough to know if he is for real, but I have heard mixed things about him. Also, this is just kind of a hunch, I don't think Chan Gailey and Payton Manning would make a good match. Manning seems, to me, too strong a personality for Chan... Gailey seems to prefer "his guys", rather than to be Manning's "guy".
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