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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I am not saying your wrong, but I would have to see more of him, in Buffalo, to make that call. If I recall, when he had his good season in KC, a lot of it was predicated on his mobility, maybe a more than his accuracy. Kind of a "big play" QB, who, yeah, throws a lot of incomplete passes. But, that is why he is a backup. He may just be one of those guys who needs to get into the groove. I really don't think you gain a whole lot by dumping him, for Brady Quinn. Good points!
  2. Is a recommendation the same thing as advice?
  3. I am going to ask a dumb question...why does everyone think Tyler Thigpen is so remarkably awful? I know he had some bad moments in pre-season games (the ball tossed at his head during the Skins game was one of my favorite Bills hilights of the year), but he has been productive, at times, as a starter in other cities. What is up with all the hate? Not sure about Brady Quinn, who has never been productive in the NFL. However,I will just never be able to get this image out of my head...suddenly "Tebowing" doesn't seem so bad : http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.blogcdn.com/www.aolnews.com/media/2007/05/quinn-cup-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.aolnews.com/2007/05/03/brady-quinn-loves-packages/&usg=__KYLsXZ9qIDq0LFHeCl5T4fyUqqU=&h=377&w=425&sz=32&hl=en&start=203&zoom=1&tbnid=o0_huUVsckV03M:&tbnh=112&tbnw=126&ei=WAdFT8qqBaX_sQKZh8zCDw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbrady%2Bquinn%2Bfriends%26start%3D189%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
  4. Funny, the things we remember, and why we remember them. I remember going to see the Grateful Dead (who I was not really a fan of) the night before, at the Aud, with my best friend, who was a huge Dead fan. They were pretty good, but I was so amped to go see the Stones the next morning...we went straight from the Aud, out to Rich, and camped out overnight...we were amongst the first 50 or so let into the Stones show. I will never forget, being really bummed about having to miss the Bills game that day, they were on the road, in Cincinnati. I had my sister recording the game for me, on the new VCR. At that time, setting the timer was just too damn hard to figure out. The Bills were like 3-1 then, coming off a great season (best in my life-time to that point)with high expectations. While the Stones were my first musical love, missing the Bills was tough... Then, (a theme that would be repeated over and over in my life-time), Mick "frickin'"Jagger, the limey who you wouldn't think would give a ****, said something about the Bills losing to the Bengals, in between songs... so much for avoiding the score, and watching it when I got home! Anyone else remember that? It was the first time I was ever attempting to record a Bills game to watch later..and Jagger kicked the legs right out from under me! Anyways, still a great show...damn Bills!
  5. Does this help? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWnciBy49Is
  6. "Manos, Hands Of Fate" "Urban Cowboy" "Wicker Man" (Nicholas Cage re-make) All other bad movies are just bad.
  7. Had season tickets from 1979-1987 (my impeccable sense of timing!)...some of the best times I ever had in my life.
  8. Probably know the answer to this, but does anyone know if JP ever lived in that house, after the Bills let him go?
  9. http://www.spinner.com/2012/02/21/replacements-slim-dunlap-stroke/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D137214
  10. Uh, Magox, honestly, I am not sure how you can write any of this with a straight face. I don't see any eye-roller emoticon or anything, so I assume you are serious. I really don't hate Romney (if Obama does not win, I hope it is Romney), but I don't know how anyone who has followed this Republican primary can come away with a lot of respect for Romney as far as being principled. If he "isn't one of them", why is he trying so shamelessly to pretend that he is? He was "for everything before he was against it" (and vice versa)all along the campaign trail. He has been sucking up to the far right wingers all along...the guy has ripped a page out of John McCains' guide on "just say whatever you think people want to hear at the moment"...you won't be able to blaim the media when they point out all of his contradictory statements. He has made them time and again... now, he is chasing Santorums' tail, and who knows what he will say next... I am not going to make any predictions, but it just seems this field of candidates have lost their collective eye on the prize. I can't imagine what kind of transformation Romney will have to go through, in the general election, to win the presidency. I know, you will say that he won't have too, because Obamas' record will speak for itself...so I will save your fingers the taps.
  11. I thought I heard, during Super Bowl week, that Goodell and Co were actually looking to have more neautural sight game arraingements, for more teams. The Rams will play one of their "home games" in London each year, and there was mention of more teams playing one of their home games on foreign soil. Not sure how to feel about that, but, suddenly, Toronto doesn't seem so bad. I can see it now, 17 different teams each play a "home" game in Los Angeles!
  12. It is cool that prices are not increasing, and going down, in some cases. But, maybe just the paranoid Bills fan in me, that won't look good to the other NFL owners...you can actually get a ticket to a pro NFL football game in Buffalo for not a lot more than it would cost for two people to go to a movie.
  13. Okay, I get that folks are disappointed by the lack of action, but I think some are over-analyzing. You have to keep in mind two things: 1- They have been on the farm for a "few weeks", not the 5 months it seems like to us viewers. 2- They really don't know where to go. So, why not find a farm that is relatively un-scathed (compared to anywhere else they have been, with a source for food, and try to set up fort? They may not show them farming enough to establish it, but there have been scenes that start with a shot of Herschel's daughters doing farm stuff... I think it makes complete sense. Not to mention, they have the closest thing to a doctor as they can hope to find. Wouldn't you feel more secure knowing where you are, and trying to defend it, rather than roming, not knowing what to expect at each turn? I guess what I like about this show is that it is not like all those other shows. It takes a very unbelievable situation, and makes it somewhat believable. I am not saying I don't wish there was more action, and a little less conversation at times, but take it for what it is, and it has been pretty good. Of course, I would normally have zero interest in a zombie themed show...I only gave this a chance because it was on AMC.
  14. Beautiful house. If all things were equal...
  15. Tough thing for Romney is, given the climate of the campaign, he can't really boast about how successful he was, not only as a businessman, but as a governer. His strengths have become weaknesses. What is interestig too, if Santorum stays out in front, it would be yet another shift...he is very much a social conservative, but not necessarily the fiscal conservative that so many Republicans want.
  16. Nucky Thompson is based on a real life historical figure, Enoch Johnson. He was known for presenting himself as a gentlemen, a constant joke teller, a little flamboyent, but loved by the people he was "elected" to serve... he had a darker person than most of his constituents realized.
  17. Creepy, yes...but I love that story line...
  18. I don't mind a slower pace, but yeah, they gotta do something soon...the seed seems to be planted that the rift between Rick and Shane is growing wider, and they both have their advocates...but that seed has been pretty much planted since the begining of the series.
  19. And it is your kind of logic that always convinced me your not as smart as you seem to think you are, and you are pretty much an !@#$! The two points you are trying to connect are not related.
  20. I think the point that Joe D and Jerry Krammer are making is that guys that played in their time, didn't make near the money, relative to the success of the league, that guys like Brees do. Many players in the 60's and 70's had off-season jobs, just to support their family. The owners were keeping a far higher percentage of the profits than they are in the modern era. The popularity of the leauge was built on the backs of those older players.
  21. It may be overstatement, true. But, it is odd that Romney can never seem to gain any momentum. And, the longer he has to defend himself from his competition for the party nod, the worse he seems to come off, and his poll numbers reflect it.
  22. Ooohhh...the Grand Dame of PPP has spoken. Honestly, I didn't make my original comment as a criticism of the Republican party, but more just expressing how interesting the race is. I don't even think it is a bad thing for the Republican party, in the long run...though it may have short term (negative) consequences. It just seems to me, the party is kind of re-defining what it is, and what it stands for. But, being the whiney, bitchy little queen that you tend to be, I'll give you your props for your dramatic flair.
  23. Exactly...can you think of a front-runner who was so dis-liked by his own party?
  24. Okay...this Republican primary is just like all the others have been... just business as usueal The momentum swings you refer to were between Obama and Clinton..that is how it normally works. This Republican primary has had 11 shifts in the front runner...I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that is un-precednted in modern American presidentiall politics. The "racist pandering and 3AM call" (which you parrotted from B-man, even though there is such an extensive list to cherry pick, you claim) And this isn't even necessarily a battle of personalities as much as it is a battle of ideology. Honestly, I think that is what makes it so interesting. Clinton and Obama were much more similar than they are different.
  25. Okay...no point in gettin into a conversation with people who have no perspective. But, really, Obama/Clinton did not fracture the Democratic party anything close to what we are seeing this with this Republican primary. Sure, some people wanted Hillary Clinton, some wanted Obama, but there was never the level of hostility amongst them, shown at nearly every turn.
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