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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Explain how Obama is the "lefty version of Santorum"...please.
  2. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more...
  3. After pondering last night's episode, it dawned on me, Hershcel (along with a bunch of other characters) were not in the episode at all. But, the ladies were looking for him...they never did explain where he was...could this be a subtle plot development...or just AMC lowballing the budget for the show...as they say, word on the street is "AMC is cheap"!
  4. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/7621119/san-diego-chargers-plan-release-de-luis-castillo-source-says
  5. Christie may be what conservatives want...and he may be bright (I think he is), but he keeps leavig the impression of being a little thin skined (no joke intended),defensive, with a quick temper. That appeals to some, but turns some off as well.
  6. Funny, when Santorum made the "elitest" comment (IR to Obama's "college for every American" aspition) his reasoning sounded dangerously close to the arguments that Democrats use in justifying certain social programs: "not everyone has the same opportunities, and not everyone has the same capabilities". I give Santorum credit for sticking to his guns, but the guy seems to be living in another world.
  7. Yeah, that is just the crap that she records...but she can sing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxqpALfYhtQ
  8. The current Republcian field seem to want less government in our lives, as it pertains to taxes and social programs... but, don't really seem to have an issue with sticking their noses in our personal business. It cracks me up how they continue to hold up this facade that Obama is a "snob" and "knows better than everyone else"...
  9. Yeah, meant to mention the "businessman" walker...that was a very eerie scene. The way that Shane was just watching him from the car window was a nice touch... gotta say, though, maybe this is just me...one thing I hate about this show, is the way they try to cram a pop song onto the soundtrack...for whatever reason, it just never works for them. As for Randall/Maggie...do you think he might have made it up, to give them a moment to pause? You just know, that kid is not going to die at the hands of Rick. If he does, indeed, know Maggie, maybe a new love triangle for Maggie, Glenn and Randall? Jeez...I hope not.
  10. She's a lovely girl, jboyst, but she is not a good singer. If you have ever seen her live (I have, my girlfriend and her daughters love Taylor), she can't carry a tune...she is obviously helped out tremendously in the studio. You should also go back and listen to Beyonce...she can sing circles around Taylor Swift. Sorry, don't mean to be so mean... Incidentally, I know most here hate country music. But, one of the reasons that people are so fanatical about country stars, many of them do stuff just like this, all the time...it is a huge part of the business.
  11. Some may be intellectually dishonest (how hypocritcal is that?), while others are just ignorant. You should run for office.
  12. No offense, Magox, but Fact Checks credibility has been called into question by prominent people on both the left and the right...so using Fact Check, despite its' clever name, as the final voice in an argument doesn't really mean much.
  13. One thing they referenced, but never explained (unless I missed it, which is possible) Rick makes a differential between "bites and scratches" when they are looking at the carcasses of the two dead cops. A plot developement of some type? Shane and Rick were both slicing their hands up to entice the zombies...of course, I always think there is something more to things than it ends up...I could see Shane getting infected (he was being very generous with his blood) and that moves the story off the farm...and we lose one major character, as somebody suggested... all in all as Jim says, this episode had lots of action, but really didn't move the story along much. From previews, it is looking like maybe Shane and Angela (the blond, I think that is her name) may be driving closer to breaking off from the group...and this is starting to feel like a more realistic version of "Survivor" with alliances and things like that...
  14. If the Bills would save a ton of money by cutting Edwards or Spencer, I could go along with that...but unless the savings is substantial, I just assume keep vetrans like them...while neither is a pro-bowler, it is really hard, for me, to assess the talent of our defensive players, as, I am convinced, they have been poorly coached, in a scheme that they were not equipped to run, for a few years now. I am pretty excited to see what a defensive coordinator, with a track record of success, can do with this group. I like what he says about simplifying the defense. You have veteran guys like Edwards and Johnson, they may look a lot better. Both of those guys had more of an impact with their previous teams.
  15. You just made the OP's point, much more succinct than he did. The hard-core conservative-right influence on the Republican party will likely cause the party to nominate a candidate who can't beat an enourmously unpopular president. Even if it ends up being Romney, the always presumed nominee for the Republicans, it is hard to fathom how the ultra-conservative branding of the Republican primaries has not damaged his chances in the general election.
  16. And this from the current king of the idiot nugget!
  17. Kind of a dramatic interpretation of what goes on the PPP board.
  18. Never had that one, but I did have a cool "Bermuda Triangle Poster" (Haslett, Smerlas and Shane Nelson), and then, this classic: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5307/5888603596_a8bf260594.jpg
  19. Don't be so rational when it comes to Thigpen. Bills fans have seen enough of him, with his 8 pass attempts, to know that anyone who is a pending free agent is much better!
  20. I don't mean this to sound like a prick, or like a snob, but I haven't read comic books since I was about 12 (30+ years ago) and I just don't have an interest in them. Like I said, not trying to be a snob...hell, I still collect sports cards! I have a lot of friends who are hard-core comic book fanatics, I just can't get into them. I love comic books for their nostalgia, but I just can't get into a comic book story, in that forum. I have tried. I think, sometimes, I am just too jaded and lacking in imagination to enjoy things like that anymore. I can't stand most movies that are based on comic books. "The Walking Dead" tv series is normally something I would have zero interest in, but I don't approach it like a "horror story". I just think of it as a good action show, or a good sci-fi show. I may not be explaining myself well...but, take something like "True Blood". When it started, I thought it would be a pretty cool show (awesome opening credits) because it was taking a very unrealistic situation, but presenting it in a context where it seemed somewhat realistic...which is what I like about "The Walking Dead". But, "True Blood" quicly morphed into being very silly, campy, and ridiculous...so I lost interest. I suspect, the minute "The Walking Dead" starts to become all about the zombies, and cool ways to kill them, I will lose interest in it, as well. But, even as slow as it is for some tastes, I think the show has been pretty good. I realize many fans of the comic book hold your opinion, that the show pales in comparison to the books, but I think the reasons in pales for many, are the reasons I like it. Does that make any sense? Interestingly enough though, I really like the new "Comic Book Men" show that comes on after "The Walking Dead", on AMC. Anyone else watch this? I can imagine some people will be offended by it, because it kind of perpetuates the whole "comic nerd" stereotype, but I really enjoy the portions where people bring stuff in, for the store to purchase. I love the history of things like this. It is very much like "Pawn Stars" for the comic book crowd ("Pawn Stars" is an occaisional guilty pleasure of mine as well) I got a kick out of the Green Lantern book that somebody presented to them, with the guy shooting up on the cover...anyway, just curious if others watched, or enjoyed (not in that order!).
  21. I realize, Slim is not Bob Stinson, but I always liked the influence he had on the Mats sound...he was a little more "rootsy" in style. If you don't own it already, you should hunt down a copy of Dunlaps' "The Old New Me"..it came out around 1992 or 1993. Great little rock and roll record. I always dug this tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaJxh3mfp7o&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLF8A5BE57A0D697AA
  22. Man, you have issues.
  23. They just signed Fitzpatrick to a 6 year deal...he is only 29, which is about prime age for many QB's. Unless you presume that Fitz just sucks, or is not the answer (and maybe that is how you feel, but the Bills obviously don't), I am not sure that finding his replacement, when you just spent a decent penny to sign his backup last year, is a super high priority. In case you missed it, the Bills don't spend lavishly. Thigpen it is!
  24. In a later episode, first part of 2nd season, they showed that the helicoptors were dropping Napalm on Atlanta... it was the short segment, right before the opening credits. It was a flashback, with Laurie and Shane watching, shocked by what they were seeing...it was, honeslty, one of the best scenes of the whole second season so far. I guess we have to see what happens at the farm...I haven't read the comic books (I have no interest)but I bet they will not be on the farm forever...why they leave could be the season finale. Do you know this for a fact, or are you assuming this, because of the comic books?
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