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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I have been wathcing football long enough to know that the best players are not always on the field...even with the best coaching staffs.
  2. Not sure if anyone is "feeling bad" for Yeldon...just wondering why he didn't get used much in 2020. He played well with the few chances he had. And, he had a size advantage over Singletary and Moss.
  3. Honestly, I would have liked to have seen more of Yeldon in 2020. I have nothing against bringing him back at the right price, but wouldn't be upset to see him go either. A lot depends on how Beane/McDermott plan on attacking our running game woes. Are they of the opinion that our running game issues are rooted in the offensive line, or the running backs. As a depth guy we could do worse...
  4. I don't know anymore. I sure would like to see Skinner play with one of the top lines though. I am not on the "fire Kruger" bandwagon (yet), but I just can't stand listening to his interviews anymore.
  5. What did I miss? Now we all think Feliciano is trash too? Tough crowd, Bills Mafia. It's getting hard to keep up... Personally, I thought the O-line was much better when Feliciano was in the lineup.
  6. Miller has an injury history too... and could be facing some domestic battery charges in the future... not saying i wouldn't be interested, but he isn't without some issues as well.
  7. My brother and I may have been standing right by you!
  8. I'm going to hazard a guess that by "NYC people" they are talking about Jets fans in the state, but not necessarily living in NYC itself. If I was a Jets fan in Albany, for example, going to see the Jets play in Orchard Park, even though almost twice as far, would probably be cheaper than going to the Meadowlands if you were planing on staying overnight. I had Bills season tickets in the 80's, and seem to remember a lot of Albanians (?) making the treck to Rich Stadium for the annual Jets game. They would always remark how "cheap" Buffalo was in comparison, and how great it was to experience a game in Buffalo. As sombody who lived in NY city for a few years, and went to some Jets and Giants games, I can tell you...the stadium in the Meadowlands is a decent place to watch a game, but the whole experience there pales in comparison to Orchard Park. If you live in NY city, getting out to the stadium is not fun...and as many don't own vehicles, they would either have to rent a vehicle, or deal with public transportation. I did it about a half dozen times while I lived there...it was a drag.
  9. Juist watched the Celtics/Pelicans game...it was a brutal example of what you are talking about...Celtics totally collapse in a game they had well in hand, because of "hero ball". There wasn't a place in Louisanna that Kemba didnt think he could hit a shot from. Just terrible.
  10. I am a bit of a collector...I am not any sort of expert on ticket stubs...but those are awesome. I normally only collect stubs for events I was at...but this may be the most legendary game in Bills history. I wish I had been there. I have only ever seen full tickets from this game autographed by Frank Reich. For some reason, there were so many of them out there, it always made me wonder if they were real tickets. I never explored them real thoroughly. I have seen those (autographed by Reich) sell anywhere from $50- $100.00 While any Bills fanatic would love a ticket like this signed by Frank Reich, for an item liket this, assuming it is authentic, an autograph might actually detract from its' value. I know that doesn't really answer your question. Not encouraging it, but if you ever decide to break them up and sell them individually, PM me and let me know.
  11. Given our cap issues, assuming he isn't going to cost us anything more, I am fine with keeping him...I am not sold on Fromm to be honest. Davis is interesting, but pretty much an unknown commodity.
  12. I am an unapologetic NBA fan...but I am sort of with you on this. What the Warriors did was amazing...but it lead to a lot of really horrible basketball in recent seasons. Nobdy is afraid to take a 3 point shot anymore...and guys who are good shooters in general, just take bad shots too often. I have seen my teams leading games comfortably, when all they have to do is take what the defense gives them (2ptrs.) and play a modicum of defense. Instead, they start jacking up rediculous 3 point shots, missing them, and letting the other team back in the game. It is incredibly frustrating to watch. I know, old guy...I still enjoy the game, but i liked it so much more when each team had one or two "snipers" in their lineup. and 3 point shots were exciting. Great, you made 5 threes in a row...but what about the 8 in a row you missed before that?
  13. Our useless governer (Abbott) was doing press earlier today, blaming the outages on freezing natural gas sources...but withing an hour or two, he got the talking points to blame it on the New Green Deal. Not in this case buddy!
  14. That only shows how effective he was. Were you not listening the years when he had his whole bit about "Moo-Cehlle"? You know, his moniker for the first lady who had the audacity to want kids to get more exercise, and eat better? Too bad that he suffered, I don't wish cancer on anyone...but to pretend he was some great humanitarian, or hero, is preposterous.
  15. “Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does,” he said. “Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it’s true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots.” Limbaugh went on to ask why the government didn’t ban tobacco if it was so dangerous before claiming the society had vilified smokers, even though “their purchases are funding children’s health care programs.” “I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying,” Limbaugh added.
  16. There is just that element in the Buffalo fan base (probably in all) that immediately has to find the most negative spin on everything and anything...it's as if joy and enjoyment are such limited qualities, we have to ration them...it gets tiresome.
  17. I guess the "LOL" is supposed to indicate that you aren't the POS you present yourself to be? Clever.
  18. Bills fans are becoming sore "almost winners." Mahomes said nothing wrong. Flutie was far worse....always took credit, always blamed others. Listening to him do interviews recently, doesn't sound like that mindset has changed much with him.
  19. This is Trump's "I could stand in the middle of 5th Ave. and kill someone..." coming true.
  20. Dawkins is our best offensive linemen, he is homegrown talent, the team has other needs and little salary cap to play around with. So, yes, simply "no"!!
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