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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Coach was such a blowhard, but I gotta say, more than anyone over the last 20 years on Buffalo sports radio, the guy knows football. He had a lot of axes to grind, but he knew the game...I never felt dumber after listening to him. He talked about things that few others are qualified to talk about, with any real knowledge. I will listen...want to hear some Sabres talk.
  2. Yeah, I can't remember earlier in the season (on Versus/NBC Sports NHL Overtime show), they talked about revising the point syestem a little...they converted the (then) current standings, to a new point scoring system, and as I recall, the divisional standings remained the same as the current scoring system, except the bottom two teams in the East flip-flopped. So, their conclusion was, it doesen't really make a difference how you do the point system. Of course, they never mention the option of straight up wins vs losses. Back in the late 90's, early 2000's, before the shootout was introduced to the game, I made it a habit to try to attend a Sabres and/or Bills game, every time I went home for the holidays, or for any other reason. I went a horrible streak of going to 4 Sabres games in a row that all ended up in ties...it sucked. I had half a season tickets from 1979-87 for the Sabres, and nothing was more anti-climactic than a friggin' tie. So, the shootout, to me, was a better solution than a tie...but giving that damn point to the loser just rubs me wrong!
  3. Of course, silly me!
  4. Doesn't that look a little like a swastika?
  5. From the looks of next weeks previews, it looks like his wife might be starting to wonder about him too...as for the "SS" logo on the bike, Nazi stuff is popular in some circles of the biking community. Having some personal knowledge of bikers in backwoods Georgia, I thought it was actually a nice touch. Well, to be fair, it did end with a bang!
  6. Right! I don't know if it has happened yet, since they started doing the shoot-out, but, eventually, a team is going to win a playoff spot over another team, who has more wins, but not as many overtime losses as another. It is just silly. Keeping in mind that teams play 3-5 games a week for 6 months of regular season, then another 2 months of playoffs...seeing all the marathon OT games in the playoffs, I assume this is why the NHL will never go to a sudden death format. Teams would be exhausted. I love hockey, though I never played the game. So, I am not a purist...the shootout can be kind of cool (though the novelty has worn off some), and I appreciate that it did away with the dreaded (and all too common) tie game...but just give the winner the points, and the loser gets nothing...in fact, you wouldn't need the damn point system at all...
  7. Yup...hate to say I saw the end of this one coming...but the all of the sudden relevance of all the bit characters kind of telegraphed things.
  8. Completely agree on this...but for whatever reason, that is not an option. I just hate when my team (Sabres) is trying to make their annual scramble for a playoff spot, trying to catch two or three other teams...two of them play, an OT game, one gets 2 pts on us, while the other gets one.
  9. I have always hated that in the NHL, a team that loses in OT/SO is still awarded a point. I guess I am not the only one who thinks the point system should be revised...Pierre Lebrun is advocating a system where a team get 3 points for a regulation win, 2 points for an OT/SO win, and 1 point for a OT/SO loss. I could live with that. What do you think? http://espn.go.com/blog/nhl/post/_/id/15321/three-point-debate-change-the-standings
  10. I remember watching that game, right before my ex, became my ex...we hadn't talked about splitting up yet, but it seemed inevitable...one of the things she hated most about me, was my love for the Bills... and she only knew me during the "glory years" of the late 8o's, mid 90's. Imagine if she had been around for the 2-14 years, or this last decade? She didn't hate the Bills, mind you, but she hated the fact that I would "waste" every gorgeous Sunday afternoon watching a football game...she thought it was cute at first...then she grew to despise it. Anyway, that day, I just watched the game, at home, alone. She was walking in and out of the house, doing yard work, washing her car...I was sitting inside, curtains closed to block out the sunshine, watching the Bills get their asses handed to them. Every time the Oilers scored, and it looked more hopeless, I kept asking myself, "should I just turn it off, and go out and help her?" I had determined, if they didn't score early in the 3rd, my 1992 season with the Bills were over...then Reich throws a pick 6 on the opening drive of the half...then I started thinking.. "okay, maybe that will wake them up...just get a few td's to make this thing a little more respectable"...then, next thing I know, a full blown comeback was on, and I never stopped watching. She chuckled anytime I got a little excited, cuz we both knew there was no way they were coming all the way back...when they did, I will confess, I got teary eyed...only time in my adult life a sporting event got me chocked up...not bawling mind you...just teary eyed. I guess part of me thought, if the Bills can come back from that, surely I can save this relationship...well, as you know, the Bills never won a Super Bowl, and we split in June of that year...ultimately unsatisfying as my relationship with her, and the Bills would end up, I have more great memories of both, than bad ones. I wouldn't turn the set off on either, until they were really done.
  11. While Schoop may not be the best, I too hate phone-call driven sports talk radio...the vast majority of the callers are either mis-informed, or just repeating the same thing over and over...I can feel Schoops frustration. I really hope, for his (Schoop) and our sakes, they don't have Schoop taking calls after Bills games...to me, that is where his melt-down with the callers started, years ago... btw- I don't dislike Riter at all, but I just don't hear the brilliance that so many attach to him. What am I missing?
  12. Consider it a done deal...Ralph is so cheap, he won't even let Buddy and company waste a perfectly good name plate...must be that depression era mentality!
  13. Nah...wrong again...the Pre-Fab Four is, and forever will be, the Rutles! Ron Nasty, Dirk McQuigley, Stig O'Hara and Barry Womb left a legacy that will last a lunch time...
  14. Well, you may be right, but if it wasn't really about contraception, and only law, why was Bishop William Lori there to testify? Is Bishop Lori an expert on the constitution?
  15. ****, that made me laugh!
  16. A lesson we might all do well to learn, self included.
  17. B-man...if Limbaugh had meant things the way you want to pretend he did, why use the word "slut"...since you are the one making such a big issue of how "deliberately provocative" he was being? By your interpretation, if he meant it the way you are framing it, "prostitute" might be appropriate. But "slut"? That was just a deliberate, or maybe a subliminal window into the mind of this guy, and maybe some of you? There are ways to make the point that Limbaugh made, without the misogyny thrown into it. This "little charade" is presented by your desperate Republican party. And, in case you missed it, nobody is going to force the Catholic church to violate their own "faith"...even when it is in direct contrast with the majority of their followers.
  18. I have asked this before, in similar threads...and only one person even acknowledged it (thanks DC Tom)...do any of you guys have wives? Daughters? Sisters? Girlfriends? You do realize that contraception is not used solely for the prevention of pregnancy? From the continued ignorant comments, it is pretty clear that this is not common knowledge. I worked at a university health facility for almost 10 years, and there are many females who are not sexually active, who take contraception to regulate menstrual cycles, and cramps. Darryl Issa may have had a valid reason for excluding this woman from his little charade...err hearing, but it is ludicrous that his panel was made up exclusively of males... you can say this was an Obama distraction tactic, but these idiots ran with it, and ran with it hard. When Rush Limbaugh refers to this woman as a "slut" or "prostitute", it is a huge insult to a very large portion of American women. How many of you have wives, girlfriends, or daughters who take contraception, covered by their (your?) insurance? Are they "sluts" or "prostitutes". Does that make you guys johns? Pimps?
  19. Is that complaintent, or the roommate? If she is the complaitent, no thanks!
  20. They are for kids of all ages, those bit-o-honeys...just that they are really sticky, and I could imagine them sticking to your teeth pretty well...I get every other problem, last thing I want is a broken toof!
  21. I think there was more involved in the Lee Evans trade, than the Bills simply deciding he sucks, so lets get rid of him. I think there was more involved in the Lee Evans trade, than the Bills simply deciding he sucks, so lets get rid of him.
  22. Hey, Alex Jones comes in the reoord store I work at pretty regualarly...if anyone wants an autograph, just let me know. I would be happy to autograph something for you...not sure if Mr Jones will be too keen on it...
  23. I do listen to him. I am a bit of a talk radio junkie. Nearly every talk radio station, where I live anyways, is conservative talk radio. Part of the reason I always get a kick out of so many of you pointing out some hypocrisy from the left...the right is no different. The truth is somewhere in the middle, most of the time. You know what else, I probably watch FOX news more than any other television news. It helps me to know what you idiots are blabbering about! btw- that part about blabbering idiots was sarcasm.
  24. btw- after a January full of funerals, I finally got around to downloading that Brussles show you were raving about...you are right...it may be the best live Stones recording I have ever heard...that version of "Street Fighting Man" blows me away...great to hear the tired "war horse" songs when they were still fresh...Mick Taylor kills it.
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