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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. "Boardwalk Empire" gets better and better...it really picks up about halfway through the first season, and the second season is great all the way through. I have watched "Weeds" from the begining, and it is a mixed bag. After the first season, it really starts hurling in a million different directions. What is consistent about it, the dialouge is always great (so even when the story goes off the rails, it is still very witty), and Mary Louise Parker gets hotter and hotter...she will definitely "grow on you". All that said, the season that just ended (season 7) was really bad...a huge, unfocused, mess. I wish that had been the end, but I hear that they are going to have another season. Seasons five and six were extremely dark, and not everyones cup of tea, but I thought they were brilliant. "Walking Dead" is a mixed bag too...I really liked the first season, and like some things about the second season...but I thought this past weeks episode (Dale's demise) was probably the worst episode yet. I don't mind that there isn't a ton of zombie action...but they need much better writing for a character driven show. These characters just don't develop. Only the kid, Carl (who seems to be on everyones' hate list now) goes through any real change. Funny, there are a few shows ("Walking Dead", "Dexter", "Californication" and "The Killing") that I have watched from the begining. With all of them, I liked the concepts, and they started off strong, but just fail to deliver. I think I can refrain from wathching "The Killing" (what a pos that show turned out to be), but though I want to stop wasting my time on "Dexter", I don't know if I will be able to resist...hate that I am now feeling the same way about "Walking Dead". Thank god "Mad Men" returns soon!
  2. T-Dog had more lines in the previews for next week's episode, than he has had all season...I predict he gets killed before the season is over.
  3. I went with two of my sisters, neither who had ever been to a Bills game before...they were good sports...they were dying, but didn't dare ask if we could leave early, cuz they knew how much I loved going to games...when the 4th qrtr started, I turned to them and said, "you know, we can leave if you guys want to. This is an awful game" So, it was only the second time, in all my years, leaving a game early.
  4. But, how do they know Manning can stay healthy...coming off of a missed season, and 4 neck surgeries in a year and a half? The major pieces may be in place, but will losing Mario Williams hurt the defense? If I were the Texans, I would re-sign Williams, stick with Schaub, sign a more expereiced back-up QB than Yates (don't forget, they have Matt Leinart as well), and go from there. From everything the talking heads are saying, it sounds like Mannig has every desire to get this done quickly. I just think it would be a huge gamble for the Texans, of all the teams mentioned. It could very well pay off, but it could blow up in their face as well. For a team like Miami, or Arizona, the risk seems to be much less.
  5. I have mixed feelings about a dome. I have been to a number of Bills games in domed stadiums (Houston, New Orleans, San Antonio (the Katrina game vs Saints), Atlanta, etc etc), and, for me, it just doesn't compare to a great game, outside at Rich/Ralph...but I can also see how weather conditions can affect ones desire to go to a game. When I go home for a Bills game, as of late, normally the weekend before or after Chritmas, I have a really tough time getting anyone interested in going, even if I pay the entire tab. This past year, went to the Broncos game with a buddy, who was also in town for the holiday...so glad we went, had a blast. The Pats game in 2010 (Jimmyo referenced it) the day after Christmas made me really wonder if it was worth it. It was an awful game, only compounded by the fact that it was, possibly, the coldest game I have ever been to. My feet were absolutely numb afterwards. Tickets were dirt cheap though...IIRC, I paid $60 for 3 tickets through the UB Alumni association. Only game I can remember beig so miserable, was a 1984 game against the Browns, where it was not only cold as hell, but windy, and rainy...and, it was another awful game. IIRC, the Bills lost like 10-7 or something like that...I dunno, maybe as you get older, you start thinking twice abotu how much you want to deal with the elements. Bad weather and cold hasn't stopped me yet, but it does give me reason to pause.
  6. As many Bills games as I have been to over the years (about 130-140 or so...nothing compared to you I am sure ) my one regret is that I have never been to a Bills playoff game. I really hope I have that chance sometime soon...starting to feel a little more optimistic about the team!
  7. Not sure what you are implying...but the first substantial decrease in seating didn't happen unitl 1998...of course, this is from Wiki, so it's validity can always be questioned. Also, not sure if the attendance numbers are for tickets sold, or actual number in attendance. Seating capacity 80,020 (1972-1983) 80,290 (1984-1994) 80,024 (1995-1998) 75,339 (1999-2000) 73,967 (2001-2007) 73,079 (2008-present) Point taken...but still, they likely sold at least somewhere in the 75,000 seat range for thos games, I would think.
  8. Please explain? Cowherd is saying the same thing...but I just don't see it. I understand that he might want to stay in the same division, but I am not so sure the Texans would be willing to spend what it would take, and, unless Schuab is done (I haven't heard that, have you?) they have a fairly decent QB in place already. If the Texans aren't willing to pony up to re-sing Mario Williams, I just don't see how it makes a ton of sense for them to pursue Manning, at this point.
  9. There might be something to that...I think Arizona would be his best choice...but Miami would be his easiest choice.
  10. These are the last two regular season home games of each season 1987-96 (the "dynasty"). We all know, the "Comback" playoff game in January 1993 did not sell out, but, I believe, all other home playoff games in this era were sell-outs. Attendance numbers not too shabby...the Bills, I think, would be very happy with these kind of numbers now...what sticks out to me, the Bills seem to be playing more late home games than they did in the good old days. The NFL doesn't seem to be doing them a lot of favors, in recent years. Lets see: 1987 Week 11 (11/29/87) - Dolphins(5-5) @Bills (5-5) attendance: 78,055 1987 Week 14 (12/20/87) - Patriots (7-7) @Bills (7-7) attendance: 74,945 1988 Week 12 (11/20/88)- NY Jets (5-5-1) @Bills (10-1)- attendance: 78,380 1988 Week 15 (12/11/88)- Raiders (7-7) @Bills (11-3)- attendance: 78,348 1989 Week 12 (11/26/89)- Bengals (6-5) @Bills (7-4)- attendance: 80,074 1989 Week 14 (12/10/89)- Saints (6-7) @Bills (8-5)- attendance: 74,037 1990 Week 12 (12/2/90)- Eagles (7-4) @Bills (9-2)- attendance: 79,320 1990 Week 15 (12/23/90)- Dolphins (11-3) @Bills (12-2)- attendance: 80,235 1991 Week 13 (12/1/91)- Jets (7-5) @Bills (10-2)- attendance: 80,243 1991 Week 16 (12/22/91)- Lions (11-4) @Bills (13-2)- attendance: 78,059 1992 Week 13 (12/6/92)- Jets (3-9) @Bills (9-3)- attendance: 75,876 1992 Week 14 (12/12/92)- Broncos (7-6) @Bills (10-3) attendance: 71,740 (Saturday game) 1993 Week 12 (12/5/93)- Raiders (6-5) @Bills (8-3)- attendance: 79,478 1993 Week 15 (12/26/93)- Jets (8-6) @Bills (10-4)- attendance: 70,817 (day after Christmas) 1994 Week 14 (12/11/94)- Vikings (8-5) @Bills (7-6)- attendance: 70,358 1994 Week 15 (12/18/94)- Patriots (8-6) @Bills (7-7) attendance: 61,784 1995 Week 15 (12/17/95)- Dolphins (8-6) @Bills (9-5)- attendance: 79,531 1995 Week 16 (12/24/95)- Oilers (6-9) @Bills (10-5)- attendance: 45,253 (Christmas Eve) 1996 Week 12 (11/24/96)- Jets (1-10) @Bills (8-3)- attendance: 68,854 1996 Week 16 (12/22/96)- Chiefs (9-6) @Bills (9-6)- attendance: 73,671
  11. From what I have read (all this before Obama had Brietbart murdered), the tapes revolve around a demostraton that was held at Harvard, in support of Prof. Derrick Bell. He was controversial, because he was taking Harvard to task for having no tenured black females on their staff. I am sure that most will disagree with the issue (we can take a guess on how PPP would view affirmative action)...unless Obama is screaming about absolute anarchy I can't see this thing changing anyone's opinion of him.
  12. So the link that OP has posted doesn't work..for me anyways...all I see is something about "selective editing" in the address. EDIT: Never mind...went directly to the link: "However, the video has been selectively edited–either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, Breitbart.com will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama’s allies in the mainstream media and academia." IMO, if I was a decision maker at FOX, I would have one of their serious "news" people (assuming they think they have one) to show this video...Hannity is sure to lend it less credibility than it might have. It is sure to rile up the people who already hate Obama, and make everyone who doesn't hate the president, think the haters are just that, haters.
  13. You could arge that putting a team on the field that is still competeing for a playoff spot in December would do just as much good in selling out those games.
  14. A bevy of blonde sluts, you mean?
  15. My god, I wish Democrats had as much integrity as Republicans.
  16. Sopranos The Shield* Breaking Bad Battlestar Galactica* The Wire X-Files* Deadwood Mad Men * These are three contests that I really don't care about..."X-Files" is the only one of these shows I gave more than a casual view to, but it got pretty bad, so I stopped watching... Sopranos, Mad Men, & Breaking Bad are my 3 faves of all time. Sopranos clear #1, Breaking Bad and Mad Men I could filp flop at #2 and #3 any given day, while "The Wire" would be #4...would have picked Friday Night Lights over any of the rest of the shows. Though I have watched it from the begining, I gotta say, "Dexter" has gotten progressively worse each season it has been on.
  17. It is hard for me to fathom that Gregg Williams, or even Buddy Ryan before him, are the architects of this "pay for pain" system. I have little doubt this type of thing has been going on for decades. I think this is a case of Roger Goodell realizing that the violence of this sport is going to catch up to the NFL, financially, so he is trying to write the script, before somebody else does. This is Bud Seling/Steroids all over again. I am no fan of Gregg Williams, but I think he is going to be the fall guy for something that has been part of the NFL culture for a long, long time.
  18. I dunno...I started a post on this very subject about a week ago, and found out I don't know anything about football!
  19. He said "keep it" classy!
  20. The most glaring, and obvious gift the Bills got from the officials that day was Beebe clearly running out of bounds, and then coming back in the field of play to catch a TD pass. But hey, the good guys won! And we got our karmic payback a few weeks later, against the Cowboys. I don't think that particular rule was any different back then...remember Oiler fan friends (I live in Texas) screaming bloody murder over Talley "mugging" the Oiler receiver on that play...
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