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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Jeez....another thread about how bad Thigpen sucks... all based on 5 pass attempts, no off season...proving once again, the idea that Bills fans are "smarter" than your average football fan, is a pure fallacy...it seems, haters gotta hate someone!
  2. Well...as the song says, "life is sweet" then...according to Steve Johnson, this change will be made this coming season. Road jersey will be the white helmet they wore in 2011, white jersey, blue pants. Not sure why they didn't do this in the first place...but there you go! Btw- I am 47...earliest Bills memories start around 1971-1972...I never liked the red helmets...the version they are wearing now, for me, is the all-time best!
  3. Okay, season two of the "Talking" Dead is in the books...there isn't a single female character on this show I would have been sad to see go...not a bad finale...but only a so-so season. Glad it is over, honeslty...hopefully they add some better writers to the staff...
  4. :thumbsup:
  5. When was the last time the Bills had a defensive coordinator with established credentials? Wannedstedt as DC is a almost a big deal to me, as the signing of Mario Williams. Now, I don't want him to be our head coach...but as DC, he makes me feel a lot better about that side of the field.
  6. This is my first visit to this epic thread, so forgive me if this was linked by anyone else...an "unbiased" scouting report of Mario Willams (some good, some bad), from a Houston area sports writer, for what it is worth: http://blog.chron.com/fantasyfootball/2012/03/for-bills-fans-a-scouting-report-on-mario-williams/
  7. I have a t-shirt with your avatar on it...and I paid my own money for it, so it must be a 10!
  8. You're only now noticing that?
  9. I like Chan quite a bit, but I kind of agree on this. I thought the his premature killing of the run game played a big part in two losses in 2011. We aren't privy to what goes on the sidelines all the time, but I remember Spiller had a terrific first half against the Dolphins, the second time they played...then, inexplicably, he barely touched the ball in the second half...after the game, Chan said something like "He wasn't as effective as we wanted him to be, at that point in the game."
  10. I agree...but Spiller did start to get un-tracked after Fred went down last season. I just hope this goes over better with FJ than being second string for the first pre-season game last August... it will be interesting to see if his contract gets extended, as Nix seems to have promised. If they do this right, these guys could be dynamite together.
  11. I have heard she has been spotted on the town, with Joe the Plumber.
  12. I have always had issues with Mr Wilson, but I appreciate what happened today, a lot...at this point, I hope he is around to see this team rise from the ashes.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gHwQSraaPY&feature=related
  14. Man, somebody should so do that! It's a good thing you guys haven't fallen for the evil Obama plan to change the topic from the economy to birth-control!
  15. He might as well have just called conservatives sluts or prostitutes!
  16. Kony 2012!
  17. I get the sense that Nix believes in building through the draft, and building depth through mid-rang FA's...then go for the knock-out signing, when you feel like you are ready to turn the corner.
  18. Green eggs and Green Manningham...or something like that!
  19. PTR- I will admit, I have been skeptical (but not a hater) about Nix, but these last two days have won me over. It sure feels like everything is falling into place with Mario Williams... but no matter what happens with this, I can't help but be impressed. Two things to consider with Butler... it was during his tenure that the NFL salary cap came into affect...all of the sudden he goes from being a top NFL scout/talent evaluater, to an bean coutner? This was all unchartered territory when Butler served as the Bills GM. Sure, he had some whiffs in the draft (name one GM who didn't/hasn't), but don't discount the major role he played in building the Chargers into a near elite (underachieving I know) team in this century.
  20. I was living in NYC in 1990. I remember, just prior to SB XXV the Village Voice ran a great column about how the Buffalo Bills were really Amercia's team, and how the players on the team relished the fact that others in the league thought they played in a **** hole city...the idea was that it was the Bills, taking the down-trodden upstate city on their back, and saying FU to the rest of the NFL. The article was accompanied by an awesome picture (which I have never been able to find again) of Cornelius Bennett, standing in the tunnel at some road game (all dressed in white) giving the double-finger salute to the opposing fans, obviously booing them... does anyone else remember this photo? I thought I might have dreamt it, but my old roommate remembers us having it hung on our refrigerator for a few months... before the internet saved everything! Of course, nowadays, Bennett would be suspended for a few game for such an infraction!
  21. Smerlas is such a jack-ass. Pains me to say it, but even in their playing days in Buffalo, he, and his buddy Haslett were class A jerks. I remember when the Bills were looking for a coach (can't remember now, if it was when they hired Williams, Mularkey or Jauron) but Smerlas was on the Rochester radio station, publically trying to start a fan movement for the Bills to hire Haslett as HC, and Smerlas would, naturally have loved to work on the Bills radio broadcasts. This was from the guy who has did nothing before, or after, but bash the franchise and the owner. I have had my issues with Ralph Wilson from time to time, but the fact that Haslett was always more interested in the Bills coaching job, than the Bills were in hiring him, was sound thinking on the old man's part, as far as I am concerned. PTR, as I reacall you were a radio guy in WNY at one time? Do you recall when Smerlas and Haslett had a radio show, with John Murphy (IIRC) on WBEN in the early to mid-80's? They both thought they were hot ****...would threaten fans with bodily harm...every phone call sounded like two stupid high school bullies...I used to feel bad for John Murphy, tyring to calm things down...as I recall, during the glorious 1984 or 1985 season, it had gotten so out of hand, WBEN pulled the plug on the show... too bad too. Those early 80's teams are amongst my all-time favorite Bills teams...and Smerlas was a fine player in his day... but, a total "earf wurm" as he might say.
  22. Sorry..typo... "Tuesday I got Friday on my mind"
  23. Somebody needs some anger management!
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