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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Agreed on all counts...Pete's little prank on Roger, for the 6am Staten Island meeting with Coca Cola, was hilarious...love the dirty look they give to each-other at the end... Megan is pretty damn hot...sort of in a vintage Mary Tyler Moore way...you had to know this was coming: http://blogs.amctv.com/mad-men/2012/03/zou-bisou-bisou-record.php The show is so funny sometimes, you kind of lose sight of the fact that these guys are all kind of a-holes. Ironically, Pete, weasley Pete, is probably the most principled guy in the bunch...I thought it was interesting that they showed how oblivious they all seemed to the civil rights things going on around them, and only had their hand forced, because of a jab at their competition.
  2. Oh, my point was, many seem to think these guys are studs, except those running NFL teams.
  3. I kind of like Sullivan...but I can understand that some don't. Either way, people obviously miss him!
  4. He is recovering from hip replacement surgery, and is taking time off. He was on GR55 a few times, and seemed impressed with what the Bills are doing.
  5. I don't watch online as much as I used to, just the occaisonal Celtics game here and there...honeslty, as expensive as the various sports packages are, for me, as much as I love watching NFL, NHL and NBA games, they are well worth it... watching online just ins't the same for me. I will say, John, if watching the games live isn't of the utmost importance to you, the NFL Rewind is pretty great. The picture is excellent, no buffering...although, as I was bummed to learn this past season, if you are a Mac person, you can't watch on your Mac.
  6. I have Time Warner...most nights, they offer the Sabres feed from MSG, with a pre and post-game, but no HD. They have two seprat HD channels devoted to the Hockey package...I think the Sabres have been on there once all season. I suppose it is possible they could have the Caps/Sabres game tomorrow night, but it would not be the MSG feed. The only time I get to see the Sabres in HD is when they are playing the Dallas Stars (FOX Sports) or in a nationally televised broadcast. Other downside to the way Time Warner does the seprat HD channels, they don't re-broadcast those games. As I am always an hour behind the eastern time zone broadcasts, and trying to keep the family peace, I watch the re-broadcasts a lot of nights...so the girls can watch their shows...they go to sleep...and I can watch hockey in peace! HD is just great for all sports, but hockey, in particular, just jumps out at you.
  7. That looks like one huge fish to me... What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
  8. I know you are not here in the States, but just so you know, VS is now NBC Sports. They are not showing the Sabres/Caps game tomorrow, but the Tampa Bay/Boston game... It is not a big deal, I have Center Ice package, so I will be able to see it...only downside is, no HD...I actually don't hate the NBC announcers for the most part...I just think it is sad that this is such a huge game, and they are showing a game between a team that is already in the playoffs (Boston) and one that is 9 points out of the final playoff spot in their conference (Tampa Bay) with six games left in the season. Same scenario for tonight, Tampa Bay at Philly. Maybe they will switch coverage at the last minute (they have done that before IIRC), but why on earth they would want to show Tampa Bay Lightening games on consecutive nights is beyond me. I realize Boston and Philadelphia draw big ratings for them, but, as I recall, Buffalo gives them some of their very best ratings...and Washington likely isn't too shabby either. I know they make these schedules in advance, but you would think they would be a bit more flexible, the final few weeks of the season. Incidentally, as much as I enjoy hearing the Buffalo broadcast (and I will always choose it over any other given the choice) I kind of like hearing the other guys too...particularly on the national broadcasts. Sometimes, I listen to Rick, Harry (not a huge fan) and Rayzor, and I like it, but I feel like they aren't really giving me any insights to the team...the national guys are often much better about that. Having a fresh set of eyes on the team (particularly when they were really struggling in November, December and early January) can be insightful.
  9. I don't think I have been as excited about a regular season hockey game, as I am the game tomorrow night, in a long, long time....a pity it is not on NBC Sports. They are showing Tampa Bay and Boston! In fact, tonight they are showing Tampa Bay @Philly...so, back to back Lightening games.
  10. God, these people are idiots. Last week, the Sabres dropped 5 spots on their rankings, becasue they lost a game...now they jump 11 spots, becuse they didn't lose any games all week...I guess they just go by wins-losses...good thing they lent their expertese to this: http://espn.go.com/nhl/powerrankings
  11. No, I don't recall that stipulation either...
  12. The sea really is the final frontier: http://www.pawnation.com/2012/03/26/sea-monster-washes-up-on-south-carolina-shore#page=1%3Ficid
  13. Yup...NFL Network will have 13 Thursday night games this coming season (instead of 8), and every team will have at least one Prime Time appearence: http://nflcommunications.com/2012/02/03/five-additional-games-for-nfl-networks-thursday-night-football/
  14. We know the Bills will have at least one prime-time game (every team will), but I agree, seriously doubt it will be opening weekend.
  15. It was a big hit for Sophia Loren, back in 1965. I love youtube...of course they have a vid for it!
  16. Well, I guess the Supreme Court will decide if somebody isn't acting outside the Constitution. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/26/supreme-court-health-care-reform-affordable-care-act-obamacare_n_1379805.html?ref=topbar
  17. This feels like Troy Smith all over again...the guy the Bills were crazy not to go after, even though nobody else was really interested in him either.
  18. I have this re-curring dream that Fitz goes down in pre-season, and the Bills have to start Tyler Thigpen...he lights it up, and leads the Bills to their first playoff appearence since 1999...and a whole bunch of internet, NFL arm-chair talent evaluators have to sit at a table and eat a big bowl of crow...
  19. Yeah, it seemed like Don's near miss with getting caught in the "Dick Whitman" lie last season made him sort of think, "I'm tired of runnig from this...let the chips fall where they may". The whole scene with Don & Meagen cleaning the apartment kind of lends itself to some other things they hinted at, last season. Don/Dick seems to have some issues in the bedroom with "feeling worthy"...pretty bold storyline for them to follow up on. Also, though she is a bit more worldly, it almost seems like Don has married another woman-child, like Betty. It also seems like Layne has some deep, hidden lusts too...I wonder which black lady he will pick to work at the firm...seems he had some predelection for this taboo as well. Wasn't sure what to make of the whole Delores/Padillo thing...they spent enough time on it that it makes me think it is significant. Is Padillo a gangster? Didn't the voice of Delores sound really familiar?
  20. It's back, finally... great season premiere...too many commercials though....I will never be able to hear "Zoo Be Zoo" again without thinking of Megan Draper...what a babe! Almost makes me forget about Sophia Loren. So many great lines in tonight's episode, almost have to watch it over to remember them all... but the "bean ballet" takes the cake. I get the feeling that this season is going to be even darker...
  21. I think that is a pretty bold, but smart move...at least one candidate will be standing behind his health-care initiative this coming fall, however disastrously his opponent wants to frame it. Since when has context been relevant?
  22. Yeah, couldn't they flip a coin or something?
  23. As I recall (admitting that my memory gets worse all the time) there was a lot of attention from the media about CJ playing WR, when the injury situation got bad at the position...and CJ even practiced at the position during the week...but come game-day, not much came from it. What I remember most vividly, when they did throw to him from the position, was him getting open, deep, but Fitz wildly overthrowing him...more a case of too high, than too far. I like Fitzpatrick, so I don't mean this to be a slam on him. I think Spiller has shown some ability catching passes out of the backfield, and I would love to see them work a little more on him as a WR...he just has too much speed to waste. I realize, catching passes out of the backfield is a little different than going deep...but I think it could work. I am trusting, too, that Fitzpatrick and the coaches will make a concerted effort to improve his accuracy issues on deep throws.
  24. Great move, as far as I am concerned. I see a lot (too much sometimes) of Dallas Cowboys football, and I always thought Choice didn't get a real shot with the Cowboys...injuries hurt him some, but I liked what I saw of him in Buffalo last year too...no problem with Gailey having one of his guys in there.
  25. The Rangers guys aren't too bad...kind of dull, but pretty fair.
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