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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care.
  2. I am not saying this to be a smart ass, just an observation. The Tea Party wrestled such a strong presence in the 2010 elections, how on earth did Mitt Romney become the party candidate? Politics are never as predictable as it seems they should be.
  3. I think it is funny how some Republicans think Rick Rubio is a "can't miss" VP candidate for Romney.
  4. Also get ready for more of LABillzfab's "Oabma Bad" and "Solyndra, Solyndra, Solyndra"....and other shrillness.
  5. I am not supporting anyone...just stating the simple fact, any time any mouthpiece for either party goes on to a "talk show" and is barraged with something contrary to what they had intended to talk about, it goes pretty much the way that interview went. It is just pointless to take any of this stuff seriously at this point. It is pretty easy to make someone look stupid under these circumstances. Listen to Diane Loesch (spelling? The Tea Party chick who was one of Breitbarts' people), any time she appears on MSNBC, or an outlet that isn't friendly to her cause...just as Wasserman Shcultz, she will babble on and on a bunch of talking points, that may or may not be relevant to anything being discussed...she comes off sounding like a !@#$-tard, much like Wasserman-Schultz.
  6. If you guys enjoyed this, you should turn on MSNBC or FOX on any given night, it is wall to wall, interviews just like this one.
  7. If you read the article you posted, the Press Secretary was answering a question, on Obama's behalf: Press Secretary Jay Carney conveyed the president's position just as the Masters tournament hosted by Augusta got underway. "He believes Augusta should admit women," Carney said. "Kind of long past the time when women should be excluded from anything." Carney said Obama thinks it's "up to the club to decide," but that Obama told him he personally thinks women should be welcome. Then you have this from Mitt Romeny, just today: "If I were a member, and if I could run Augusta, which isn't likely to happen, but of course I'd have women in Augusta. Sure," Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, told a reporter who questioned him on the topic at a campaign stop in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/04/05/bloomberg_articlesM20ND66JTSE901-M214L.DTL#ixzz1rF0jfkZ2 I would suspect, Dante, many (even some of the idiots here), feel the same way... they think women should be let in, but they also recognize that it is up to the club to decide who gets into their club.
  8. My first car was a 1972 Dodge Dart...got it in 1983...engine ran great, but the body was shot...the floor on the passenger side was completely rusted out...had to duct tape a cookie sheet over it, for those daring enough to sit there...
  9. Sorry, got here late...we talking Romney? Newt? Santo?
  10. Are you in full crayonz mode?
  11. Also, to consider, if I am not mistaken, the specifics of pre-season games are negotiated between the franchises themselves, rather than by the league, as is the regular season. So, it makes sense that some ownership groups are friendlier with eachother than others.
  12. It is a long standing tradition, Bills/Lions have always played a pre-season game (for as long as I can remember). My guess, it has something to do with Mr Wilson's Detroit roots. He was a minority owner of the Lions, before buying the Bills. As was his father, I think.
  13. I purchased a Sony Playstation 3, thinking it would revive my dying interest in video games...not so...it is now used exclusively as a back-up Blu-ray player...I did get a good deal on it, but I really didin't need it. And, so it goes without saying, the Madden 2011 and Madden 2012 games I purchased afterwards were a waste of money too!
  14. The Skins game is sometime between Aug 9-13... four long months!
  15. http://tracking.si.com/2012/04/04/report-vikings-tell-bill-parcells-to-name-his-price/?xid=si_nfl
  16. Elevator shoes, perhaps?
  17. You probably understand these things better than I, but I think it has something to do with this: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/read-directvs-fcc-complaint-tribune-306902
  18. Don't trust anyone over 30!
  19. The post-Fab Four!
  20. McCartney's kid is a window into Pual's furture! By the same token, I got together with sons' of my dad's friends, years ago, and we all agreed to get jobs that we hate, watch too much sports, and sit on the porch drinking beers!
  21. Yes, I have thought of that too...any time I hear Rush, or Sean Hannity...also ultra-douches!
  22. Was at a local watering hole this past weekend, they had Direct TV. They kept flashing something about Direct TV and Tribune Media not being able to come up with a deal. That woudl affect a lot of stations. Nearly evey channel on my Time Warner system is copy-right "Tribune Media"
  23. Not to be a prick, but I think it is kind of ugly...not well done.
  24. I am with everyone who thinks the white collars on the blue jerseys just looks stupid! Oh well, for one year, the Bills had one of the best looking unis in the league, again...the white dab was obviously added, just to distinguish them from the new uniforms from last season...I am not buying any more jerseys.
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