If you read the article you posted, the Press Secretary was answering a question, on Obama's behalf:
Press Secretary Jay Carney conveyed the president's position just as the Masters tournament hosted by Augusta got underway.
"He believes Augusta should admit women," Carney said. "Kind of long past the time when women should be excluded from anything."
Carney said Obama thinks it's "up to the club to decide," but that Obama told him he personally thinks women should be welcome.
Then you have this from Mitt Romeny, just today:
"If I were a member, and if I could run Augusta, which isn't likely to happen, but of course I'd have women in Augusta. Sure," Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, told a reporter who questioned him on the topic at a campaign stop in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/04/05/bloomberg_articlesM20ND66JTSE901-M214L.DTL#ixzz1rF0jfkZ2
I would suspect, Dante, many (even some of the idiots here), feel the same way... they think women should be let in, but they also recognize that it is up to the club to decide who gets into their club.