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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. It's funny that everyone sees Star was the "missing piece" from the D-line in 2020, when many wanted him cut in 2019!
  2. If memory serves, this was during the 1996 season...Kelly was having kind of a rough season, showing his age a bit at times, fans were calling for Kelly to get benched. At some point in the season Kelly was mysteriously injured in practice and missed 3 games. There were lots of crazy rumors going around about what "really" happened. People saying it was really an in-house suspension by the team. There were lot of unsavory rumors going around.
  3. No way he is the head coach next season...short of him being retained the rest of this season, and they somehow make the playoffs. The Pegulas may not be hockey smart, but they aren't clueless enough to think they could bring Kruger back. With arenas (hopefully) opened to capacity again, they wouldnt draw more than 5000 a night. Kruger has proven, he cannot coach this team.
  4. Ebay "sold" listings are kinda the way to go. An un-graded Kemp rookie card, listed by the seller as "VG" can go for anywhere between $25- $80 One that was graded as an "8" sold recently for $175.00 Meanwhile, a 2018 Josh Allen (1/1) autographed patch card, graded at 9 soid for $210,330 this week. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2021/03/josh-allen-bills-autographed-rookie-card-goes-for-six-figures-in-auction.html
  5. Who know's what is true...but I seem to remember stories of him calling the owners home and being pretty nasty, and also him being banned from the facilities in the days leading up to his release.
  6. To be honest, I think the triple header was "too much" of a good thing. Maybe it is just because the Bills were actually participating this year, but as someone who normally watches all the playoff games, it was tough sitting through that many games on back to back days. During normal non-covid times, I would be working on Saturdays, and DVR'ing the two Saturday games, and watching them after the fact, avoiding scores all day. A triple header makes that a bit more difficult. This year, my weekend job was shut down in January, so I was able to watch. I think it was too long of a day, especially back to back. But, I am also not in favor of a MNF playoff game either.
  7. i am inclined to think Brown will re-structure. I think other guys will too. Also, 31 isn't as old as it used to be in the NFL. There are plenty of skill position players who are playing into their mid-30's a high level.
  8. Let's not forget, the GOP censured those in their own party who voted to impeach their Mango Messiah. They know all about "cancel culture", they have been doing it for years.
  9. I think people are underestimating how good Brown is, and maybe overestimating McKenzie a tad. I like him, but I don't think he is even close to as good as a healthy John Brown.
  10. Hey, there was a time, not too long ago where EJ Manuel and Geno Smith were the hottest young players
  11. I collect sports cards, mostly Bills (all eras) and vintage Sabres and Celtics (70's- 80's vintage for me). DrDawkinstein is correct...the current card boom is for current cards. The prices are absurd...it can't last. Prior to Covid19 quarantine, I had collected 47 different Josh Allen certified autographed cards. I paid anywhere from $12- $40 for each of them. Over this last year the values have skyrocketed on these things...I am not exagerrating...these cards are now selling for anywhere between $150- $800. I recently sold an autographed Drew Lock card for $125.00 I had it listed for months on eBay for months (prior to the boom) for $30 and couldn't sell it. It is really nuts.
  12. Sorry, my memory is a little hazy on all the details now... but as I recall, the Sabres were winding down a somewhat successful run when the Pegula's purchased the team in 2011. They stuck with Ruff/Rieger, logically it would seem, as they had been winning. But that window, for the Ruff/Rieger Sabres was closing when the new owners came around. They purchased the team right toward the end of the 2010-11 season, the last time they made the playoffs. They then barely missed the playoffs in 2011-12, before firing Ruff only about 20 games into the next season. As I recall, the fans were already growing restless with the team, and the notion "Ruff has to go" or "the players have tuned Ruff out" was pretty popular. The owners just weren't (and still don't seem to be) all that well connected in the league. It just seems they have been spinning their wheels ever since. Maybe it is the LaFontaine fiasco that ensued, but for all the coaching hires they have done since Ruff was canned, all have been pretty uninspired, or a little too "outside the box". It seems serious hockey people don't want to go to Buffalo. Time to whatever it would take to get somebody like Claude Julien... Mike Babcock is the only coaching candidate with any sort of real proven track record I can ever remember them going after. And he shot them down. Thankfully, perhaps. It may take some bucks, and swallowing some pride, but turn this into a competitive hockey team, and all the trappings are there for it to be a successful business venture for them. No need for them to sell the franchise, but re-assess how they are running it.
  13. That is what scares me, a little, about the Bills. Suppose McDermott and/or Beane were to leave, will the make the same mistakes of the past? Or, did they learn anything from the past?
  14. They don't need to sell the Sabres...they need to hire real, experienced hockey people to run the franchise. I am not knocking the Pegulas, and I really appreciate what they have done, or have tried to do. But, as they finally learned with the Bills, write the checks, and step aside... owning a professional sports franchise isn't something you can learn overnight. They simply don't know what they are doing with that hockey team... I am not sure who the right answer would be, but get someone there to add some good, hockey fundamentals to steady the franchise, let them work. Buffalo will support the Sabres as any other market would...but 10 years of "asleep at the wheel" management isn't going to cut it.
  15. So dumb question...but the article says they are "handing over operations to STBC". Does that mean they are selling it to STBC, or is STBC simply operating it for them?
  16. I don't know about the football side of it...but he does have a massive ego.
  17. Sorry, you are correct...I was thinking the Philly game that he won with them, to clinch the playoff spot.
  18. I understand. But, did you watch him in the playoffs? He is not mobile at all, and looks like a sitting duck. Him ending up as a starter somewhere does not scare me as a Bills fan...it scares me for him.
  19. Honestly, as much as I admire him for his dedication to coming back, he was just painful to watch....as in, every time he was under pressure, I was holding my breath expecting to see blood. I wish, for his own sake, he would hang it up.
  20. To be honest, and keeping what you say in mind, I wouldn't have been upset to see either Moss or Singletary as the inactive at points in the season, in favor of Yeldon. Personally, I wasn't real impressed with Moss. He played a little better as the season went on, but he still couldn't get a yard when they needed one...I thought he was going to be a good short yardage guy. I won't blame it all on him...perhaps line issues.
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