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So, just when I am praising Pete for being virtuous, he shows his true colors...classic episode! Roger: "I know cooler heads should prevail, but am I the only one who wants to see this?" Such a great show...I always wish it was longer, every week.
We worked together years ago, and still keep in touch sporadically. He was so down on "The Wolfman" that I almost felt like a traitor going to see it. It was not "Se7en", but I have seen far worse movies...went to see it opening night...my gf has a thing for Benicio, so it was as good excuse as any. I realize (and I think you have probably been through some of this) what you write, and what makes it to the screen are not always the same. I really wanted AKW to write the screenplay for that awful Tim Burton "Planet Of the Apes"...it would have been awesome, I am sure of it...
Great guy too...but probably his own harshest critic.
A Guy With a New Heart vs. Someone With None
Buftex replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Okay, I just have to ask 3rd, what kind of response are you expecting from this idiotic thread? Are you wanting everyone to say that we would be in much better shape if Cheney had been president since 2008, than Obama? Cheney didn't run, as far as I recall. Or, did you just find it interesting that Cheney is saying "Obama Bad"... does Cheney espousing his opinion somehow make you feel more confident that you are right that "Obama Bad"? Or, did you just want someone to point out that Cheney is an ass, so you could rip them a new one? -
Awesome! A very good old friend of mine wrote the screenplay for "Se7en"...glad the film is still appreciated. Also saw another of his films "The Wolfman" referenced in this thread...he isn't too proud of that one...but I thought it was alright!
The Cowboys are hiring - Enterprise Systems Engineer
Buftex replied to Just Jack's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I worked for the New Jersey Nets for about 8 months, back in the late 80's...horrible team, never liked them...but it was fun while it was lasted. And I got to go to see a lot of the NBA greats of the era for free! -
Like you, I have Time Warner Cable...my father gets the NFLN at his house, and honestly, I think I can live without it, most of the year...it's really no better than ESPN, but, in many ways, even worse "personalities". Only advantage it has, in my eyes, it is 24/7...but it is just the same 4-6 hours of programming, over and over, in a loop. But once the NFLN starts having weekly Thursday night games, I suspect the two parties will come to an agreement. 16 NFL games would hurt Time Warner too much...NFL is king, on regular and cable tv. It is a shrewd move by the NFL to win the stalemate, IMO.
But do you recall, the greatest "00" of all: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=robert+parrish+celtics&hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&biw=1318&bih=704&tbm=isch&tbnid=n6DUF-N2tYkcSM:&imgrefurl=http://bleacherreport.com/articles/704362-nba-draft-2011-the-5-biggest-draft-mistakes-in-nba-history&docid=BkGsOmiymwZYzM&imgurl=http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/945/676/72340843_display_image.jpg%253F1305670476&w=264&h=400&ei=mHCLT9i0O6rV0QGP5rjiCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=726&sig=116848871423644144920&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=115&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:88&tx=51&ty=78
There actually are some proposals out there, if the point should ever come that they do build a new stadium. There seems to be some debate over whether it would have a dome roof, or be open air. Compromise that they are leaning towards is a retractable roof. Not sure how I feel about that, but anything that keeps the Bills in Buffalo is, ultimately, alright by me. Here is a proposal that seems to be most popular: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=buffalo+bills+toilet+bowl&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1318&bih=704&tbm=isch&tbnid=mFKWSdeVs-JrbM:&imgrefurl=https://plus.google.com/100495982785800226764/posts/RKFAQ1kPjy7&docid=LrtlOfAr_WZHzM&imgurl=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ltmi0avyawc/TvTC4wQ7o1I/AAAAAAAAD9E/yQxP3c0k0tk/Untitledattachment00016.jpg&w=426&h=512&ei=T2OLT9SyFoPX0QGK9NmyCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=965&vpy=107&dur=2072&hovh=246&hovw=205&tx=96&ty=130&sig=116848871423644144920&page=4&tbnh=170&tbnw=143&start=62&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:62,i:219
Yeah, that me has a little worried too. While I don't mean this as a knock on Wannestedt, though, do you think his hire would go over well in Arkansas. It is a pretty high profile job, and DW hasn't really bowled anyone over as a head coach, at any level. I haven't heard this part (who replaces Petrino?) discussed a lot nationally...are there any other names being bandied about for the job...surprised John Gruden hasn't been mentioned...
That song is too cool for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0nHWAoIfxo Your gf has excellent taste...in music anyways!
For Bills info, yes...most anything else? No way!
"Eight Days a Week" by the Beatles! Ironically, and purely coincidentally, the American LP that this came from. "Beatles VI" was the first album I ever purchased with my own money...when I was nine...
I am a very patient viewer...I like things that unfold at a slower pace, if they are good...it wouldn't have bothered me at all if the case took the entire course of the series to be solved...in fact, I would think that was great. But it was more than a "couple of red herrings"....nearly every episode was so over the top contrived to make you think one thing, only to have it defused within minutes of the next episode, to the point where there was no real reason to watch it, for me. Also, the two cops (Holder and the other, I can't even remember the ladies name anymore) would have to be two of the worst homicide detetectives ever! I do agree, I like the look and feel of the show...but I also hate the whole political campaign angle...it is so cheesy and cliche...agree that Michelle Forbes is a fine tv actress...loved her since she was Ensign Roe on Star Trek The Next Generation...also, that season finale was just the most atrocious writing ever, for a "good" show. I know, I am being a little harsh, and this is certainly better than, say, CSI Miami or something like that...but not a lot better, IMO Sorry...I still respect you for watching it, since you do like "Mad Men"! Obviously a man of taste! That is a show I can get behind! Season has been terrific so far. I almost had the feeling, last season, that Rodger would sort of be "phased out", but he has been back, and better than ever. Pete has taken on an interesting backbone too...not sure how things are going to end up for Don and Megan Draper, but I don't think it is going to be good.
Funny, when "The Killing" started, it got such rave reviews, and since AMC seemed to be on such a role (Mad Men, Breaking Bad) I wathced the entir first season...but I started hating myself for it after about 5 episodes. When the lady cop was following the "scruffy cop" partner that she was "thrown togetehr" with, and finds out that he isn't up to anything at all, but is sneaking off to AA meetings, I almost smashed the television. Even my gf, who I think is not the most discriminating of television watchers, hated it by the end of the season...we swore, no matter how bored, or how much we might have to talk to eachother more to avoid it, we would never watch that show again...
Keith Moon to play the Olympic Ceremonies???
Buftex replied to The Poojer's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Since they (obviously) can't get Moonie, they should get Clem Burke, the next best thing! -
I have not read this thread in it's entirety, so forgive me if this has been said. First, I was under the impression that Wannestedt wanted back in the NFL, not college. Also, whatever the contract may or may not say, I seriously doubt the Bills would deny Wanny a chance to take a head coaching job anywhere, if he wanted it. I am not rooting for that to happen, just sayin'
I recall a scene where she was breast-feeding her baby, and somebody (Paulie I think) was zoning in on her breasts...
Not admitting I am wrong about anything, other than to get personal with those three gentlemen. There really is no use, and it never changes anything.
Being a big "Sopranos" fan, not sure how it slipped by me...but the chick who played Faye Miller, also played Christopher Molitsanti's wife on the last season of the "Sopranos"...she was dark haired in that... Layne seems to have the roving eye...I could see him connecting with Dawn, or, perhaps more surprisingly, Joan. They seem to have a mutual respect for one another that nobody else seems to have for them.
LA, 3rdning, OC...sorry. Sincerely.
Wah, wah, whah...
Yes, a well understood tea party truth that has been watered down to fit the situation the party finds itself in. I don't think you lack intelligence LA, but I would agree that you are shrill, tiresome, and not really worth a lot of effort to engage...because you essentially engage in a circle jerk with your buddies here, and I have no interest in participating in it. I do find it curious though, that you, 3rding, and OC (to name a few) have an adolescent need to throw in homopjobic barbes whenever you don't agree with someone. Your self-righteous, and pompous indignation is fitting for someone of the persona you portray. Whatever happens this fall, I hope it is the best for our country...your endorsements are not encouraging. OC, every once in a while you say something that is halfway thought provoking, but it gets overshadowed by your self-loving (or is it self-loathing?) non-sense...looks like you will continue to dance with yourself...sorry buddy. You are trying to challenge me to an argument I wasn't making, and I don't intend to encourage you in that way...
I hear you..."Mad Men", "Breaking Bad" and "Boardwalk Empire" are clearly the cream of the crop..."The Killing" may be the worst "critically acclaimed" show I have ever seen. Don's dream sequence was kind of a jolt, huh? For a minute I thought the show had taken the most unexpected of turns. I have had similar dreams...
Just the kind of shrill response one would expect from you...not that I believe the nonsense in this article, but when I read it, I immediately thought of you LAShrillz: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/07/conservative-politics-low-effort-thinking_n_1410448.html?ref=mostpopular