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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I didn't say heartless. I know, you reserve your right, like everyone, to tell people who give a **** about something, that you don't give a ****...but they are phonies, because they don't (you seem to assume) care about things that you think are more important. btw- almost nobody in this thread is getting "gushy" about Junior Seau, just expressing the bigger implications that his death might have on something we all (I think) have in common, a love of football. Sorry our "professional mourning" and being "properly upset" doesn't fit in with your rugged individualism.
  2. Marcellous Wiley, literally balling his eyes out over Seau...apparently they were good friends...also, Adam Schefter reporting that Seau never once, in his NFL career, was listed as having a concussion, or head injury...doesn't mean it didn't happen...but interesting.
  3. I just PM'd you a 35 page PDF that calls into serious question, the NFL's handling of concussion study information, as recent as 2005. Enjoy!
  4. I will get back to you when I have a bit more time to find something...but keep in mind, the NFL has been accused of paying doctors to come to the conclusions that are advantageous to the league, as opposed to the players safety. It is said they have given more lip service to safety, in the past. Goodell is being very pro-active, but this information was out there before he became the commissioner.
  5. There is something to the notion of common humanity that is lost on a lot of people...especially on message boards...I suspect that not everyone here is as big a dick in the real world as they present themselves here... who, beside you, is saying that people who feel kind of sad about the Seau situation don't care about military vets, or the "8-5 joes"? What a strange place to try to pick a fight like that.
  6. Good point...I try to stay away too, but everytime I think I am out, the drag me back in!
  7. AJ, there is lots of info out there, that they NFL has know about this for a long, long time...they hired their own doctors who came to these conclusions, and chose to ignore the info...Goodell is making strides in the area, but the players and the players union are getting more and more wise to it... the issue gets a lot more discussion now, because the sports news media (as useless as they normally are) have shed a lot of light on the individual stories, and the public is taking more notice...this isn't new to the NFL.
  8. You don't visit PPP very much, do you Kelly? You should visit, it is occupied by type A personalities, who would never make a mistake, have poor judgement, or be vulnerable to the kind of things that us lesser human beings fall prey to, so easily. They are a great bunch of personalites.
  9. Actually, the NHL has been having similar issues...there have been a rash of NHL players (most of the "enforcer" type) who have offed themselves over the past decade or so...and to a man, almost all suffered mulitple concussions. Sports Illustrated and "Real Sports" on HBO have done some pretty sobering reports on the issue. I am pretty sure you would find it has been an issue in boxing as well...but boxing, for all intents and purposes is an underground sport over the last 20-25 years, you don't hear about it as much, because most have never heard of the boxer.
  10. I get, and agree with your point...but isn't it possible to care about both issues?
  11. I guess...if you don't have any feelings!
  12. There have been times over the years, particularly the last 5-10, where I have felt a little guilty for how much I love football...and for getting mad, because the game seems so soft to me, compared to the "good old days"...then you hear guys like Joe Delamielleure talk, or see feature stories about all the hell the guys subjected themselves, for money that is long gone, and for my satisfaction...I am more and more conflicted by this...but I still love the game, it is in my blood. It may be a weak correlation, as one may not have anything to do with the other, but I think Goodell is right to be taking what seem to such extreme measures against the Saints. I am not sure that his motivation is as much to avoid future lawsuits as it is for real, honest to good concern for the well-being of the young guys who are playing... Also, responding to someone else in the thread, it seems like, more and more, they are finding out that guys exposed to hits to the head, end up being more prone to depression, and mental health issues...it kind of makes sense. Part of your brain is being damaged, it is a physical and mental injury.
  13. I know it is pretty cliche, and there may be much more to the story, but Seau was one of those guys who always struck me as a guy who wouldn't know what to do with himeself, once he wasn't "Junior Seau" any more, or once being Junior Seau wasn't such a big deal anymore. I don't mean to imply anything, but I think, sometimes, guys like Thurman and Jimbo love Buffalo so much, and choose to live there when many others wouldn't with their money, is becasue, in a releatively small town, being Thurman Thomas, or being Jim Kelly will always be a big deal...
  14. Funny, the internet and my ever-hazy memory cut down on some of those calls for me....as the song says "I forgot more than you'll never know"... I work part-time at a record store...a bunch the people there take part in these huge trivia contests, for big prizes. They came in second, last week, in a large local contest...all prize money was for charity. Me, and at least three other friends, have all been talking about getting together for some BBQ, beers and a game of Rolling Stones Trivial Pursuit. Somebody at my "real job" gave the game to me for Christmas, and I feel bad, I still haven't opened it. I want to play, but I want to play with people who know their stuff...used to love playing Trivial Pursuit. They have a Beatles version, which were thinking of trying to meld with the Stones version, so we could get more people. Beatles trivia seems a little easier, for many. Probably because they weren't around as long, and didn't put out a bunch of crappy, unmemorable records like the Stones...but I still love them. It should be fun. Middle-class suburban fun! btw- here is a good trivia question: "What does Corning make?" Ans: "Bowls, vases and napalm"
  15. Stick around kid...I know all kinds of unimportant stuff!
  16. Only 10 times? What is so important that you can't stop by more often?
  17. Okay, I have watched the Fred Jackson video somewhere between 3 and 425 times...so I voted 425! I was at that game, it was awesome, until they lost...Naaman and Freddy! btw- certainly not a complaint, or criticism of this sight (because, obviously, I love it!), but I have found it amusing, the last couple of seasons, when the scores on the schedule (on the front page) would always stop being posted, somewhere around week 11 or 12...like "eech...why bother?" More a commentary on the state of the Bills in recent years, than TBD!
  18. Total gut-check for the Celtics tonight...Ray Allen out with injury, Rondo suspended...Pietrus gets 3 fouls in the first 4 minutes of the game...but there are the old guys, Pierce and Garnett diving for loose balls on the ground...the Hawks thought they were just going to run the old guys out of the gym...but defense prevails...and Avery Bradley is turning into a good little basketball player...not as flashy as Rondo can be, but he might turn out to be just as good...and I know people hate the Celtics, and Paul Pierce...but man, I love watching him play...he has his off nights where he can't hit the broad side of a barn, but he never backs down, and is never afraid to take a shot...and KG is just looking slower and slower, but he still brings it on defense when they need him...they may not go far, but I love this team...crazy as it may sound, I would kill for one more Celtics/Lakers final...I can dream, can't I? I know, Crayonz says this is LeBrons year, but I am still going to watch...and hope! Great win tonight...I promised myself only 3 Newcastles tonight, but number 4 is on the way! Good luck to everyone's teams...my only regret, this time of year, is that the NBA and NHL playoffs interfere with each-other.
  19. She's been on all kinds of tv shows for years (Martin Balsam's daughter)....I always thought she had a kind of MILF-y quality...those smiling eyes.
  20. Did you know, also, Talia Balsam, the woman who plays Roger Sterling's original wife (not the young one- she was on this past episode doing some spy work for Roger) is John Slatterly's wife in real life?
  21. I worked for the Nets for almost a year...ticket sales...a job less important than the popcorn salesmen in those days...part of the problem was, they never had a strong fan base in Jersey, or New York...back in the day, the only time the Nets were a draw was when Jordan, Magic, Bird, Barkley, etc would come through...a pain in the ass to get to, but a cheaper way for NY are hoops fans to see the big names, than trying to buy tickets at MSG. It would likely be much the same for the New Jersey Devils, if they hadn't had so much success...they don't draw all that well, all things considered. I kinda like the simplicity of their new look. Their new building is gonna be gorgeous, and is sure to shake up the landscape of the Park Slope area in Brooklyn...I think they will do well there...Brooklyn ain't what it used to be...when I lived in NYC (mid-late 80's) nobody went to Brooklyn...it is gentrified, and affluent these days, in some parts. New Yorkers are very trendy, it is kind of the nature of the city...it will be interesting to see if the Chis Rocks, and Spike Lee's of NY, so associated with the Knicks, will show their faces at Brooklyn Nets games. I am hoping to try to see the Celtics play there next season.
  22. Yeah...what was mostly a romp, turned into a downer of an evening for everyone...except Roger! It was a small scene, but I loved the conversation between Pete and Megan's father... Jeez...Matt Weiners kid doesn't get any less creepy with age, huh?
  23. Yes, I mentioned that in another thread, I heard it at the time...was listening on-line, cooking...Mayock seemed pretty definitive in his statement that Glenn would not cut it at LT...funny, pretty much everything else I have heard/read about Glenn has been very positive...almost everyone had him projected as the 3rd best tackle in the draft, and pretty much all had him projected as a late first round pick...fug Maylock...I never heard of him! Mayock...Maylock...Maalox...fug him!
  24. Oh brother...I don't even know what this means...only that Chef wants to fight...
  25. So, by the same logic, to be sure, any president who was commander in chief when OBL was taken out, would use it as part of their campaign...but, you know, when you take every and anything positive away from him, he is an failure! I don't understand the issue here. At least when he said "mission accomplished", the mission was accomplished.
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