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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Aw, come on..."Miss You" is a great song..."Do You Think I'm Sexy" is just flat out awful...as was most of Rod's stuff post-Faces...
  2. I used to put together a "summer mix" for all my friends and family, years ago...my sisters still pull out those old cassettes...my family has had a rough year, was thinking of putting together another summer mix...what songs evoke summer to you? Doesn't have to necessarily be a song about summer, just a good summer vibe... or good summer melancholia. Something like: King Harvest: "Dancing In the Moonlight"
  3. I was the same way, hated disco...remember my brother dis-owning the Rolling Stones for "Miss You"....but as I get older, I don't mind it, at least some of it...KC and the Sunshine Band, for instance, still sounds like awful, factory made pop music to me...but the Bee Gees age well. We listen to an oldies radio station at work most of the time (a compromise, it plays stuff that everyone doesn't hate), they play a lot of Bee Gees disco era stuff. When they were a rock/pop band, they had incredible harmonies, and they only sang better together as they got older...almost Everly Brothers, with a four to the floor beat...it doesn't sound so bad..."How Deep Is Your Love" is really a great R-N-B tune, like those old Chi-Lites and Spinners songs...I love that stuff now...hated it growing up. Funny, I grew up on 70's AM radio...I have a real soft spot for some of that stuff...when I got a little older, I hated all that "pop crap", but some of them were just great records, and I get a little sentimental when I hear some of those songs... a few weeks ago, I purchased a used copy of the double Fleetwood Mac anthology (Stevie Nicks era, not the cool stuff)...I can't tell you how much I used to hate that band...but they made great singles.
  4. I never use this emoticon...but you have forced my hand! :wallbash:
  5. Holy ****, you don't know how funny that really is... :lol: Unless of course, what you say is true...than I have pity for you!
  6. Mmmmm....not really. You could have, say, a war movie (genre) with an Italian guy...and he could have all the qualities that could "stereotype" an Italian, but it would still be a war movie. The minute the Italian soldier starts breaking the knee-caps of the guys in his platoon who owe him money for, say, cigarettes that he stole from a supply truck meant for another platoon, the movie becomes a gangster movie, set during a war. You throw a vampire into the platoon, it becomes a vampire movie, because vampires don't exist. An Italian guy, or an Irishman can be incidental characters...because they are human, and human's exist, in (most) all films. There could be an entire story created around those characters, where the fact that they are Irish or Italian does not matter one iota to the story. If a vampiere is a character in a movie, typically, the story, somehow, revolves around the fact that they are a vampire, which, to me anyways, makes it a vampire flick, part of a genre, or type of story that I don't particularly care for. Does that make any sense?
  7. Damn...you can find anything on Youtube...I mean, if I can find a 7 minute interview with Werner Klemperer on the Pat Sajak show, I sure as hell should be able to find Chef Jim making history! I am gonna shoot Youtube a nasty email!
  8. I hear you....sounds like the Celtics...this year, more than any, I think Rondo has shown himeself to be an elite point guard...he is great at hanging on to the ball long enough to let the old guys to get into position... Thing about guys like Bynum and Gasol, they are both very talented, but I don't think they give their best effort, unless they have someone like Kobe pushing/embarassing them into it...there aren't too many guys like Kobe.
  9. Dear Ms Odes, I was wondering if you would be interested in appearing on my show, "Celebrity Apprentice" next season. Thanks- The Donald
  10. They have a lot of success, sad to see their run end that way. Obviously (I think) Kobe isn't going anywhere...what do you think it would take to get someone like Dwight Hoaward in a Lakers uniform? It seems like Gasol and Bynum, who have been dangled as trade bate so often (whether real or not) have diminishing value...
  11. There used to be a topless protest at a cafe behind my old job, every year....it always sounded better than it looked!
  12. Yes, that is a great song...it was kind of one of the earliest Beatles "higher conscious" songs...that and "Don't Let Me Down" battle it out as my favorite Lennon songs, with the Beatles... Loved the return of Paul Kinsey in last nights episode...as a Hare Krishna no less...with "The Negron Complex" script...brilliant story line... Layne is now my runner-up for the office window...
  13. I thought Bernie Kosar was awesome there, for a few years, with his side-arm delivery.
  14. He may never be an elite QB, in the class of Manning, Rodgers or Brady...but I can't help but think, after a decent rookie season, with some NFL experience under his belt, he might get a little better... of course, I am one who still thinks Ryan Fitzpatrick can, and will, get better.
  15. Really? I have known lots of Irishmen and Italians in my life, have yet to run across a vampire. Vampire is a character-type, in a genre! Sorry, I think "True Blood" went from an interesting concept to unbearable pretty quick...at least by my standards, which work for me. It still has the coolest opening credits of any show on tv...and lots of great gratuitous nudity (Deborah Woll, huba-huba), but it isn't what I would considier a good show...my gf loves it...me, not so much... I like things that are based more in reality. I can take the un-realistic concept, if it is presented in a way that seems realistic..."True Blood" did that for about 4 weeks, and then jumped the rails, for me...
  16. That is exactly what I was thinking...so Billswatch, I have to ask, what did you ask Takei & Keoning? Incidentally, since we are on the topic, I met Gene Rodenberry as a kid (autographed a Star Trek Poster for me, when they were in the early development phase of the very firsrt movie), Walter Keonig at Star Trek/sci-fi convention a few years later. I met Leonard Nimoy in 1994, on a hotel elevator in Sacremento, while on a business trip. It was the weekend that Shatners' ex-wife drowned in a jacquizzi. For you younger kids, Shat was not always the superstar he is today...we had this runnig joke all weekend that Nimoy was in town to drive a despondant Shatner around in the Galelio shuttle-craft, and lead NASA on a slow chase through the cosmos... Got a chance to talk to Nimoy the next night, at he hotel bar, where he was kind of "holding court"... if I recally he was still in his "I am NOT Spock phase" (unless they are paying me boat loads of cash to pretend), so "Star Trek" related questions and conversations were taboo...I just mentioned to him, that my buddy Joe, in NYC, lived in the same building as him, and told me he used to walk Nimoys' dogs...to which he arched one eye-brow and said "fascinating"
  17. You know, I just always assumed he would be LDE, but, this was the first time I saw that he had asked for the switch...their source was Don Pompei...perhaps old news, or just confirming what we all assumed? Either way, I also like to hear that Merriman's recovery is going well...of course, that is strictly a "believe it when I see it" kind of thing. He did look really good in pre-season, last year.
  18. Found this tidbit, posted today, from the National Football Post: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/NFP-Sunday-Blitz-3275.html *Mario Williams was a right defensive end the last time he had his hand down, but the Bills are moving him to the left side on his request. Sources tell me Williams, who played left end in college, told the Bills he is more comfortable on the left than on the right, where he played in Houston. This will enable the Bills to put their speed rushers on the right side. Mark Anderson and Shawne Merriman will compete for time at right end. Merriman, by the way, has gotten outstanding reviews in his comeback attempt from an Achilles injury, and looks like he will be able to help the Bills if he can stay healthy.
  19. So...you don't think Steve Young is any good? Thanks San Jose... normally any thread I start dies after about 4 responses...I was just joshing people...I thought it was pretty obvious...but a joke is never funny when you have to explain it, so I apologize to anyone who thought I was serious. I do love the Bills...
  20. Love the old stuff, and I don't even hate the Disco stuff. Odd how three of the four brothers have died relatively young.
  21. And the people, and the players HATED Joe Pendry! Of course, Bills fans hated Kevin Gilbride, who has been fairly successful at every stop in his NFL OC career...except...well...I wont' got there...
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