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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. There is this local guy, here in Austin, Gary Clark Jr. I think he is going to be the "next big thing" in contemporary blues. He is great live, great guitar player...saw him when he was about 20, opened up for Chuck Berry...Chuck brang GC out during his set, and they played an awesome cover of "Old Time Rock 'N' Roll"...always figured Chuck would record that song as some sort of a "comeback" like all the old guys get these days...no luck. Gary Clark Jr has a major label debut record coming out later this year.
  2. Isn't it? I saw that there were a couple other videos posted, by the same kid, from different days. The lady wasn't quite as docile with the kids, but she would make threats that, in today's world, probably only made things worse for her. She was clearly over-matched by these little pricks. She would say things like (paraphrasing) "I'm gonna put your face on a poster. It will say, "this is not a good boy" Of course the kids just laugh their asses off at her benign threat, and, it seems (or I imagine) things just escalated from there, and got worse by the day. I think in the article the poor old lady even says "they were never this bad on other days"...jeez, she looks like every other friends grandmother that I grew up with in WNY. Is it crazy that I feel even worse about this, because it happened so close to home? That upstate New York accent never sounded more hideous to me when the kid is making the crack about the lady buying her purse at Wegmans.
  3. If you think the ball comes funny out of Fitzs' hands, wait until you get a long looksey at Vince Young.
  4. That is a classic...I am not as familiar with Joe Bonomassa as I should be...I love SRV, Clapton (pre-80's) and Jeff Beck's good stuff. Clapton and Beck did a great version of this song "Further On Up the Road" in some concert film I saw, somewhere, years ago. I can't remember. It was originally a Bobby Blue Bland tune. If you want something contemporary, this is one those songs that will haunt you once you hear it...if you haven't already heard it...cool mix of old-school blues/modern studio mix. It was used in a very famous sequence of the "Sopranons", years ago...was lucky enough to see RL perform this not long before he died:
  5. Before he became the musical voice of male impotency (I sure hope his family got a lot of money for that), Howlin' Wolf was THE man, as far as I am concerned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd78tpJuE-8&feature=related
  6. I remember growing up, if I ever had a conflict with a teacher (really any adult), or another kid at school or in the neighborhood, my parents never took my side...I was always guilty as charged, even if I wasn't. It wasn't fair, but I think it made me avoid a lot of potentially bad situations. Fear starts at home! I am not sure that it really has a lot to do with "public vs private" education, as Dave suggests. I think parenting is more the issue. If a kid is scared straight at home, they aren't as likely to partake in this kind of thing, even if unsupervised. Chef, I couldn't bare to watch that thing again, but I didn't see another adult present. Are you referring to the bus driver? Another disturbing thing about this, the kid who filmed this, and posted it on youtube, it seems posted it because he thought it was funny...but now he is changing his tune, saying he posted it because he wanted to point out how !@#$ed up kids are...it sure sounds like the camera holder is participating in some of this...could be wrong... A huge controversy has developed...one website was trying to identify the kids...some of the kids id'd are having their homes protected by police...
  7. And that is what the focus should be on.
  8. I know kids can be ****ty...and I know they were, even back in the "good old days"... but just in case you have forgotten...not for the faint of heart: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/20/greece-school-district-bullied-footage-causes-outrage_n_1612925.html?1340215853&icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D171675
  9. You know what is so funny? About 5 episodes into the first season, after one red herring after another, my gf and I joked that the killer was going to be either Jamie (the blonde haired assistant of the "mayor") because he was so smarmy, but seemingly unrelated to the whole murder...or the father, or sister in-law....bingo! Turns out we were 2/3 right! btw- I did see a few minutes of the second season here or there, in preperation for "Mad Men", or after...I can tell you, the red-headed cop lady did add a "sardonic smile" to her repitoire in the second season. Sage, read your article...good stuff. This show can be viewed as a "soap opera", or something far more complex. I think you see it like me, a bit more complex! Draper/Whitman is an amazing character, his dual id's written rigth into the script. What I have always wondered, and something I had a little issue with, early on in the series, was how Dick Whitman, this clumsy, farm kid, scared of his own shadow, transformed into Don Draper. We all know how he assumed the Don Draper identity, but how did he become that person? So in tune with everything going on around him, and a great reader of people. Dick Whitman and Don Draper really are two very different personalities, from what they have shown us. As for the Randian angle, I don't know if you recall, early in the series (first season), I think it is Cooper who urges Don to read some Rand...IIRC, he tells him something like "everything you need to know is in here" or something like that...
  10. First Reagan, now Bryce Harper...Dems will sink to any low, it seems, to get votes! As long as it is popular! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/19/harry-reid-clown-question-bro_n_1609803.html
  11. I trump your confidence in the character of our coaches, staff and team that we could handle one or two problem children, and a raise you a coaching staff that has enough confidence in itself, and its' players to know, they have a good WR group, and they will get the most out of them....beware Donald Jones & Derek Hagan!
  12. You are such a child...
  13. Guy is talented no doubt, but this quote would scare me away, if I am an NFL GM: "I'm going to be honest with you guys. I've been watching tape, but it's just working on things from last year," Harvin said when asked about the offense. "I'm into it, but like I said, I'm not happy with things, so I haven't really been in tune to (personnel) and stuff right now." Of course, most of us are saying we don't want him...but we would be dancing like Ewoks if the Bills did get him...
  14. Refs have had too large of an impact on NBA series for qutie a while...this is nothing new. Decades. It used to be isolated controversial calls (JoJo White vs Bob McAdoo in playoffs, etc)...they happned infrequent enough that you rememmbered them. It was really the Jordan era where things got so painfully out of hand. I am not blaming it all on Jordan...I am sure superstars beofore him got the benefit of a doubt...but it was during the Jordan era, to my recollection, that the phantom calls really started to become pronounced... I understand bad calls, and, I do think the NBA would be one of the harder games to officiate...the players are big, the court is small, the action happens fast. You can't review every play. One result of Jordans' success, agressive movements toward the net are now the norm, when they used to be spectacular. Now, there is so much contact... I am happy to see that Stern is taking a serious stand toward addressing the flopping issue. It really is bad. But, honestly, without reviewing the plays on the spot (thus slowing the game down to an unnatural degree) I don't know how they will be able to enforce it. They are saying, starting next season, there could be "retro-active penalties" for flopping. Meaning, just becasue the refs don't catch it during the game, all game tapes will be reveiwed, and if it is deemed you took a flop last night, you could pay for it next game...which is about as good as you could ask for...but in a playoff game (particularly ones as close as these finals have been), a bad call resulting from an flop or two, could realistically be the difference between winning and losing. As much as I love the NBA, over the last few years in particular, I get so pissed off when I hear analysts harping about how a guy "needs to get to the free-throw line more" to improve his game.... Broussard was going off yesterday about Durant having to step his game up, and getting to ther charity stripe more often...what a bastardization of the game. It's a complex issue, and there is no perfect solution...but Stern and Co., I think, can do better.
  15. Just an odd series...OKC has been into every game up to the end, but it never feels like they will win them. The Heat having such a tough time with the Pacers may be the turning point for the Miami "dream team"...if nothing else, that series is what made Lebron take that last step in his development. He isn't going to let them lose... I owe Exiled In Illinois an apology...I never thought Miami would win this in 5, but OKC looked pretty dis-spirited at the end of tonight's game. Not saying they won't win Thursday night, but I wouldn't bet on it...
  16. One of the real bummers about rooting against the Heat, is rooting against Heat assistant coach, Bob McAdoo...nice piece on him on NBA.COM today...comparing him to Kevin Durant...I had never thought of it, but the more I think about it, I think it is a good comparison... http://www.nba.com/history/legends/bob-mcadoo/index.html
  17. Oddly, FOX News seems light on either. Their progamming is about 95% idiot talk show hosts...I guess that is how FOX NEWS gets around slamming the media all the time...and at the same time boasting that they are Americas #1 source for news. Even they can't make the distinction.
  18. Oh no...a battle of the links..."This link say this!" "Yeah? Well, this link says that link is bull ****" "Well, let me finad a link proving that your link is complete crap!"
  19. 3rd....and I am asking this in a respectful way...what do you consider the MSM? I have seen plenty abou the leaks, and I agree, it is a serious issue. But, I am not sure where you, and so many others, always get this idea that nobody is covering anything except bloggers that you choose to go to, or, FOX. Also, as for the Mithcell/Romney thing...I watched both videos...and I know where you are coming from. The video is edited to give one impression. But honestly, the Romney in the longer form video is the one that scares me more than the goofy one that Mitchell's work of art portrays. The long-form Romney is letting us know that we can all be replaced by machines... I will admitt, I get a fair amount of my political news from Huffington Post. It is known to be liberal leaning, but it doesn't exclude negative news about the current president. For three days, in fact (granted it was over a weekend), there was an article front and center about a leak where Obama admitts to intentions to break a campaign promise, concerning how the US would deal with international business agreements. Also, they have conservative bloggers...hell even Gretta Van Sustran writes for them... On a side note, and I am not asking this in a partisan way (I don't think)...when was the last time that any president who ran on a platform of downsizing government actually downsized government?
  20. I like Stern...he may be a little arrogant, but he isn't afraid to say it like he sees it...PC he is not. I think, all in all, he deserves a lot of credit for the NBA surviving, and thriving, as it does now...fixed lottery drafts and all!
  21. Happy belated Paulie! Trashed by many...but there isn't likely anyone alive who has meant more to popular music...
  22. Uh...okay...I will take 1, 3, 4 or 5!
  23. Thanks for the info. I will look into this a bit further. Thing that sucks is, for my purposes anyways, my 2006 Mac Mini works great...except for this one issue.
  24. Well, there is that whole gambling component to sports that one could argue makes it a Federeal concern. If we have legal gambling, it is silly to ignore all of the other implications that institutionalized cheating can have on many different levels. I agree, the steroid thing is kind of silly, but I don't think boxing should be off limits. Big money is being made, and collected. When the outcome of contests are manipulated, it can have all kinds of ramifications on more than just the boxing match itself. Agreed.
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