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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I only follow college football casually...if you don't have a great preference for college pre-game shows, Erin Andrews will host FOX Sports college pre-game: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/01/erin-andrews-fox-college-football-pregame-espn_n_1641636.html?utm_hp_ref=sports&icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl23|sec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D174919
  2. Good for Katie, free at last... always liked her!
  3. And another thread heads towards the ditch...
  4. KG re-ups with the Celtics, with a new 3 year deal! I like it...he could be a great mentor for Fab Melo.
  5. Chris Berman is cheap! No, I doubt it. From what I have read, here and there, ESPN just doesn't want to pay their newer talent. They seem to realize is all they have to do is talk NFL Football about 66% of the time, year round. No matter how inane the topic, people will watch. Guilty of it myself from time to time. Beadle has been doing Hollywood Acces, or something like that, and will make her debut with NBC Sports during the Olympics. Silly as it sounds, with her, and Doc Rivers doing commentary for the Olympic basketball games, I will probably watch a bit more of the Olympics than I intended. Always liked Costas too...
  6. ESPN loses another of their best known "new" talent...Erin Andrews to FOX Sports! http://aol.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/story/2012-06-29/erin-andrews-leaving-espn-possibly-heading-to-fox-sports?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D174691
  7. Good call. IMO, one of the two or three best head coaches in the NFL over the last 30 years or so.
  8. Happy Birthday Bill! One of TSW's best!
  9. Uh...not to be rude, but "duh!" Lebron put the Cavs on the NBA map, they did everything they could, to get him to stay, and he made a prime-time special out of snubbing them. At that point, Miami never had him...so the feelings against him "snubbing" Miami would be minimal. Okay, paranoia setting in. Celtics rumored to be trying hard to trade up to get Doc Rivers's son, out of Duke. C's don't have enough to offer for a pick that high. Then, today, I see that Doc is set to do color during the Olympics. Now, remember, Doc almost retired 2 seasons ago, to spend time watching his son. Then, out of the blue he re-ups with the Celtics. My theory, he wanted to stick it out, hoping, somehow to get his son. If that doesn't work out (and it likely won't) he will urge Ainge to bring Garnett and Allen back, and coach them one more season, before resigning. Then, he will do color for ABC or TNT for a season, and wind up coaching whatever team his son is on, for the 2014-15 season. Mark my words!
  10. You can bet, insurance companies will be hiring! Job creation? That is the part of the bill I don't like... bend-over for the insurance companies. But, you know, any government regulation is bad! I think it is safe to say, nobody knows anything. Virtually everytime makes a prediction about the way these things will turn out, they are wrong.
  11. That whole album was great.
  12. Sorry, should have said mandatory healthcare coverage. If, as you say, the divide on the issue is merely how it is implemented, I think you are mistaken. The whole concept of "mandatory" anything, coming from the government, seems to flip a lot of people out, even if, in the long run, it would be best for everyone... the bill, the way it is, needs to be shaped in some areas, but it is a start.
  13. It's funny, the way things evolve. Up until not that long ago, healthcare coverage for all was a Republican cause.
  14. Well, to be fair, the other side (your side) seemed pretty confident that the Supreme Court would repeal the bill. So, the spin is begining, from both sides.
  15. That would be cool, a Bonnie guy playing for the Celtics! I remember my dad flipping out, about 10 years ago, about JR Bremer not getting drafted...was thrilled when the Celtics signed him. IIRC (those were bad years for the Celtics) he had pretty solid couple of seasons in Boston, then bounced around the league a few years ago...I think he went to Europe...could still be there for all I know. Thing I hate about the NBA draft, as opposed to the NFL, many teams don't keep their 1st round pick..so the Celtics could likely draft Ncholson, and turn around and trade him for a vet the next day. Haven't seen a ton of him, just during the tournament...but he has some great offensive skills. Good size.
  16. You said what I was getting at, in a much better way. Great post. Now, there is a strange situation developing in Boston. Rumor seems to be that the C's are pretty confident that KG will come back, and play one more year for them...they would like to bring Ray Allen back as well. Here is where I hate sports in the modern era: Allen is likely not playing a lot more years. The Heat, and he, are rumored to have mutual interest. As a Celtics fan, I would hate to see him go to Miami...anywhere but Miami...even the Lakers would be easier to accept. Allen was so eloquent, after the last game of the ECF, on why it was such an honor to be a Celtic. But, it is also no secret, he was not happy coming off the bench late last season...although, from the team pov, it made perfect sense. He was not playing 100% healthy, and Aver Bradley was playing great in his place. Allen has got to know, returning to the Celtics will feel nice, but going to Miami would increase his chances of another championship tremendously. Not sure what team could/would offer him more money...but he lives in Miami off-season, with a sick kid. For me, this is where the question of being a player of the fan, rather than the uniform they wear comes into play.
  17. Okay, for at least a year or so, I have noticed that whenever I watch ESPN2, the sound and picture are always slightly off. Anyone else notice this? Normally I would think it was something with my tv or cable (I have Time Warner), but it is consistent with ESPN2, and no other stations. All of the other ESPN stations are fine. What is up with that? Am I nuts..the picture is always a split half second faster than the sound. Only on ESPN2. I recorded the Bills Yearbook earlier today, and it is really pronounced in a few spots. Watching the channel live, it is just as pronounced. Anyone else?
  18. Got it. Thanks for explaining. I think it is a stretch (as would you) that the military killed Pat Tillman for his views, but the length they seemed to be willing to go to, to cover up the circumstances of his death, and to mis-characterize the circumstances as one thing, when they were another, has to at least give you some pause to wonder what they were so afraid of. It seems that "friendly fire" is an accepted part of war. A soldiers death, while serving his country, by "friendly fire" is no less honorable than one who dies at from the result of enemy fire. Why the need to manipulate the facts? It sure seems as though it was done to either cover something up, or to sway sentiments one way or another. I realize, to your point, that most accept the war in Afghanistan as a necessary evil. The Iraq war is viewed by many as an un-necessary evil. Tillman served in Iraq, and was killed in Afghanistan upon re-enlisting. I am not sure how the distinction between the two wars is relevant. You have a guy who was, for all intents and purposes, the poster boy for the war in the middle east, and he was expressing, at least to those closest to him, the wisdom of the war in Iraq. Who knows if, had he lived, if he would have spoken out publicly? I agree, it is silly for Toure to come out and act as though he knows this would have been the case, or to imply that the military intentionally murdered this guy. But, given the circumstances, it is just as presumptuous to assume the opposite. In the end though, this wasn't being reported as factual information, but just as a notion that Toure (and no doubt many others) has. It all comes back to what is "news" and what is "opining". Toure was opining. In another thread, you astutely made the point that FOX News has news content, and they have personalities like O'Riley or Hannity. We aren't supposed to take their thoughts as anything but editorializing, and that is what Toure is doing.
  19. Agree with AJ that season 4 was pretty much note for note perfect, but I agree with you, also, that season 5 can be just as compelling.
  20. The article you are linking will not open. I am not sure of what reviews of his wife's book you are referencing, but if you see the documentary "The Tillman Story", Pats' family leaves little doubt that he wasn't in full support of the mission he undertook. As they (his family, the people the knew him) portray it, although he was in doubt about the wisdom of the mission, he was loyal to his fellow troops, more than anything. They were all surprised, though they understood (because it was part of his DNA- loyalty) when he re-enlisted. His wife, brother and parents all certainly gave that impression. IIRC, I think it was his wife, who mentioned, early on, right after his death, when he was being given military honors at college and pro football games across Arizona, she felt conflicted about accepting their requests for her to participate, given his feelings about the mission. I suspect, if Mrs Tillman didn't mention these things in her book (and I will assume you are right) it was because she was honoring her husbands memory, rather than trying to make a political statement out of his life and death. It would be nice to be able to read the link that you guys are referencing, but from what I know of the Tillman story, it seems like you, and others here, are basically jumping all over a MSN media source (whatever that means anymore) because it is is not in line with your wishes, while ignoring the actual story that inspired all of these things. If anyone is guilty of besmirching, you would have to accuse Tillman's family. You really want to got there? The whole bit about a "liberal not being able to comprehend giving up millions to serve their country" is just a further insight into your partisanship on this particular topic. Most can't comprehend it, which is why he was revered as such a hero, and symbol of the greatness of the American spirit. It is not like there have been thousands, or even dozens, who made the kind of personal sacrifice that Tillman made, to serve their country. If there were, we likely wouldn't even be talking about Pat Tillman all these years later. His sacrifice is part of what made him such a great symbol.
  21. Haven't seen the show...but I am assuming this is supposed to be active players? How many great running backs have been on a Super Bowl winning team, in the last 10 years or so? Haven't thought about it with any research, but I would bet it is not many. So that list doesn't look all that off to me. It's a passing game, baby!
  22. She was an assistant cheerleadig coach? Maybe she wanted to be head coach!
  23. Still kind of unsure how I feel about them having Rick flying solo in the booth for home games. I guess Ray will be chirping in from the ice level. I never really liked that set up...but maybe it will be less cumbersome with two people than three.
  24. Shame on you too!
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