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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Where did you see him? My only time seeing him live was at UB, Fallfest...opening up for Cindy Lauper of all things...IIRC Black Uhuru and Yelloman were also on the bill.
  2. Yes, that is precisely what I am asking!
  3. Was just playing along with Doc's take...don't get your panties in a wad!
  4. He can't be a racist...but he can be a doucebag!
  5. My third concert ever, I sat second row, dead center, at the Aud, for the Who in 1979. It was the day after the stampede in Cincinnati, where 13 people were killled at a Who show. A friend of mine had the tickets, and his parents wouldn't let him go...my sister and I snagged them at the last second...face value...which, IIRC was $15! My how times have changed...that show made a big impact on me...first time I ever experienced the anger and fury that rock 'n-roll, when done right, can embody.
  6. Trailer for "A Face In the Crowd"
  7. I have been to way too many shows, and sporting events to rank which one I had the best seats for...but the one I can remember best, where my seats actually played a role in my experience of the event was sitting in the third row, court-side for a Phoenix Suns/New York Knicks in MSG. We were sitting two rows behind Donald & Marla Trump. Not really a fan of either team, I was there to see Charles Barkley. About midway through the second qtr (IIRC) things were getting very chippy between the two teams. Ewing took a Suns player down hard, Barkley retaliated, and got ejected from the game...as he was walking off the court, somebody near me threw a mustard covered pretzel at Barkley...he started to make his way into the stands...right over trump...put his hand on one of my shoulders and started cursing at the person who threw the pretzel. That person was ejected. Honestly, I am don't even remember who won the game (I think it was the Knicks), but it was a pretty wild situation, for a minute there...I thought I was going to take shrapnel, by way of Barkleys elbows...didn't happen, but memorable just the sames. That was a great moment from that time, and is kind of Flutie's signature play as a Buffalo Bill. But, I have to say, I pretty much agree with you. I never liked Flutie, before he came to Buffalo, and I remember, after this particular game, Flutie was all "me, me, me", "I, I , I"...the worst thing, if you recall, in breaking down his "greatest play ever", he was sure to start out his story by telling everyone that Thurman screwed up on the play, leaving mighty mouse with no ohter choice but to to carry the ball in himself. Fwiw- I know some long-time Bills employees, and from what I remember at that time, Flutie throwing Thurman under the bus, for his own self-loving, did not sit well with a lot of the vetrans on the team...Thurman was pissed, but got over it...but it lingered a bit with guys like Andre Reed. I have seen that play a million times (and it was a great play, no doubt) but I don't think for a minute that Flutie ever intended to do anythig with that ball, but run it in himeslf.
  8. There were a handful of tv shows from that era that had a sort of "unspoken" realness about them,even if the stories were a little hokey at times. "Leave It to Beaver" is another one. Griffith really was a first rate actor.
  9. Before the Andy Griffith Show, he was in one of my favorite movies, "A Face In the Crowd", playing Lonesome Rhodes. Great movie, and very timely today...will leave it at that. I suspect Turner Movie Classics will replay it in his honor...highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. Also...he gained some accolades for his monologs...this is his best known...if I am not mistaken, it hit the Billboard Top 10 as a single...what brings us all here, football: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I42JIgfnMYE
  10. http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/03/andy-griffith-dies-dead/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D175258
  11. Boy, you're really on fire... how can anyone compete with that?
  12. From a political debate pov, this should turn into one hell of an argument. Romney is in a very odd position...he agrees with the president, apparently, that the penalty for not having insurance is, in fact, a penalty, not a tax! MSNBC has been running lots of clips of Romney defending his plan against the same attacks that Republicans are making on the plan the last few days...to a word, Romney takes Obamas' stance on all of them...and, he can't make the argument that he was only talking about a state by state mandate...in at least two clips he refers to "insuring up to 45 million Americans that are not currently insured"... it will take a Houdini for him to get out of this. http://www.bostonherald.com/business/healthcare/view/20120702romney_agrees_with_obama_health_care_mandate_not_a_tax/srvc=business&position=recent_bullet
  13. Yeah, I think Obama stole 2008 from her...I don't see her runnig for 2016. If Obama wins in November, we will have a Republican in 2016...that seems to be the cycle of things.
  14. I didn't take your post as a comment on her attractiveness, but more a comment on her health...and I agree, the job seems to be taking its' toll on her...I have often heard that the SOS position is one of the most physically demanding of all cabinet jobs. Then there is the fact that she is 65 years old...not a spring chicken. To put it in perspective the president is 50, Sara Palin is 48...Condi Rice was 50 when she held the job.
  15. Kind of a Spock VS. bearded Spock thing?
  16. Nice...that cake will add a whole new meaing to the term "bluetooth".
  17. Yeah, I guess you are rignt...add to that, assuming you knew what was going on, and, assuming you knew proper syntax. You lost me on this one JSP...
  18. Oh, okay. I just assumed, since you loathe her so much, that you knew she has already made clear, her intentions of leaving the job at the end of this current presidential term. She has resigned. It has been known for a while now. If Obama is re-elected, you will have a new SOS to loathe, as your standards are so impeccably high! You should be very happy! btw- in your "Resigning" post, I asked two questions...I asked if you were referring to something specific that she had said or done to inspire your silly post, and what she would have to do to meet your high standards? Your answer was "Resigning"....I assumed that was your answer to the first question...if you had said "Resign" it would have made more sense.
  19. I really wonder wtf you are talking about? This has to be a joke, right?
  20. Joe_the_Six_Packs' war on women! I assume this is directed at me, and I know the difference between resigning and re-signint, thank you. What does her leaving her job have to do with anything you said in your original post? And, if you characterize her resinging as "give up", and that is what you don't like about her, how can you contend that Palin would be better suited for the job? Because she is prettier, and only talks about things that "most Americans care about"?
  21. Oh okay, since you put it that way! So, now your original post makes even less sense! btw- maybe I am mistaken, but I thought NewBils was one of yours! So what exactly is your criterion for an ideal SOS? I am sure Palin would bring a homespun idiocy (that you call "practical)to the position, and yes, she is more attractive than Hillary Clinton...are those the two things? Oh yeah, they have to be polished public speakers to pass your litmus test. And they should only talk about things that Americans care about...anything else? Yes, Powell presented himself well...of course the fact that, after he left his position, he went around bad mouthing virtually all of the decisions made during his tenure made him look a little weak. Somebody who will speak up and say "I told you so"...great!
  22. What the !@#$ are you talking about? Are you referring to something specific, or just being an !@#$? Or, are you just looking for some approval from the right-wing nuts on PPP? She "drones on and on about some foreign place that most Americans don't care about"? I would think your post was a joke, but your posts are some times sort of hard to figure out. What should Hillary Clinton be doing differently, so Joe_the_Six_Pack will approve?
  23. You really are an idiot. Jim...you are really being a little pollyannish here. Sure, disparaging Palin is tiresome (because it so easy), but to act as though her failed run at being vice-president of the country was her only act is either being naive, or partisan. I presume you aren't naive... are Palin trashings any less relevant than making Bill Clinton blowjob jokes? Honestly, the niche that Palin has carved out for herself, and her family, based on her VP candidacy, and her big, ignorant, self-serving mouth should make anyone, either side of the aisle, cringe.
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