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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I didn't include anything current on my list. I just started watching "Louie" and I really have enjoyed it...but this is a new phase of sitcom...is it a sitcom? Is it a dramady? Not a criticism, just an observation...the rules of the sitcom are being redefined. This past weeks "Louie" (where he goes to Miami) was pretty much devoid of any humor (except when he is on the stage), but was still, somehow, humorous. Can't explain it...
  2. Fouts does color on games, I think..or does he only do college now? I know I will get crucified for saying this, but Dan Dierdorf is really good doing Sunday afternoon games...he really toned his act down, post MNF, and is less of a hype master, and more of a football guy... he is really good at breaking down line play, during the games, and pointing out small things you might not notice, that are impacting a game. Of course, he has a face for radio, so doing color is perfect for him.
  3. This is tough...but chronologically: Honeymooners Leave It to Beaver Andy Griffith Mary Tyler Moore The Bob Newhart Show (the original 70's one, where he plays a shrink) MASH All In the Family Taxi Cheers Roseanne Larry Sanders Seinfeld
  4. And that scene, if you think about it, was the begining of Walts final ascent.
  5. They may know the game inside and out, but they rarely display it... when was the last time Terry Bradshaw had anything insightful to say? All these guys do is speak in cliches...the emphasis, these days, always seems for the guys to take a position on some sort of "hot button" issue of the week...it is just a waste of a lot of knowledge. I assume Dan Marino knows a ton about reading defenses...but we never hear that kind of thing from him. Honeslty, what good does seeing Dan Marino, or Boomer Esiason interview a player about some tragedy in their life do? Isn't that the stuff the people who are now sideline "reporters" can do, just as well, if not better. I understand that they want to humanize the players, and humam interest stories are a part of it...but why not have journalists do that, and the football guys talk about "X's & O's'? Even during the broadcasts now, with all the commercial interruptions, there is less and less time to talk football.
  6. Honestly, I feel like the more ex-players and ex-coaches they add to the broadcasts, the more un-bearable the broadcasts have become. Most (not all) don't really add anything to the broadcast, and don't really add anything more than rudimentary football knowledge to the game. There are some, but most people seem to hate them...guys like Dierdorf. And I may be the only person who can stand Collinsworth. I don't look for these guys to always be right about everything...but I look for them to be interesting, and to give me a perspective on things that I haven't heard a million times already, during the course of the week. I think Costas is still the best studio host in the business...and I wish ESPN would just go back to Berman and TJ for a highlights show. btw OP- I love music too...but I hate the idea of adding a live band to a pre-game show...ESPN started doing this in the late 90's and, IMO, was the begining of the end of their pre-game show being good. I really don't need to hear Hootie & the Blowfish, Goo Goo Dolls or Big Bad Voodoo Daddy on the pre-game show... and those are the kinds of acts they would have...the NFL does a lot a things right, but their realtionship with quality music is not one of their strong suits... the game is great enough on its' own... Exactly what we don't need..."the next Terry Bradshaw"! Aren't there enough of these blithering idiots on the tele already!
  7. Ahh..I thought it was an address or something...thanks!
  8. Great episode, though I expected nothing less... gotta ask though, I don't see as quick as I used to. What was printed on the photo in the evidence bag...I kind of missed what it said, and I suspect it will be significant...
  9. "Treme"...only two seasons... few watch it...but it is excellent...from the same guy who brought you "The Wire" Season 3 is pending...hopefully this fall...I doubt it lasts much beyond that. For a 1 or 2 day marathon, "Freaks And Geeks" is pretty great.
  10. It is hard not to come to the conclusion that most people are douches.
  11. Hagan impressed the hell out of me, early last season, when he was on the Raiders, playing against the Bills. When he joined the Bills late in the season, I thought he was one of the best players on our offense the last few weeks. The guy seems motivated to stick on a roster... he is my "dark horse" surprise player for the Bills in 2012. I fully expect him to not only make the roster, but to give Donald Jones some serious competition for the #2 spot.
  12. Maybe Condi Rice wouldn't rev up everyone in the base! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/13/condoleezza-rice-vp_n_1671585.html I like Rice, but you have to admit, if she were the VP candidate, that would be the record she will be associated with, so it isn't all that unfair. That is how things work. She won't be offered the job, and if she were, she wouldn't accept it. Btw- if Romney wins in November, what is the moritorium on blaming Obama for the mess he inherits? I can't tell if this is sacrcasim. Is this saracasim?
  13. Except that sports are about 95% show, and 5% news... how often does anything happen in sports that is really all that significant outside the vacuum they exist in?
  14. Rice would be an interesting choice, but I am pretty sure she is on record as saying she has no interest in the position... but leaking that she is being considered scores points for Romney...I personally think Rubio would decline... not sure how much this will matter when he chooses Tim Pawlenty!
  15. So, he is running on hope and change? What are they going to admire him for? Why won't he tell anyone?
  16. And implied that blacks would only be motivated to vote for Obama because he would give them entitelments. It is a common view here, it seems, so, not surprisingly, not all that controversial to you. Think of it the way that some of you get riled up when somebody implies that all Republicans/conservatives are racists. Of course, you know that is not true, so you resent being lumped in with that.
  17. Jeez...go back and read the comments on that blog...I suspect some of you here posted there...we are a bitter lot!
  18. GG... perhaps I explained my point poorly... obviously it was lost on you. You are being naive 3rd... your point would make more sense if he didn't say, twice, that he was the best candidate for African American families...
  19. Chef, your reply is perfect. Yes, implying that all African Americans are only in it for the free hand-outs is what he was going for... letting all white America know, he stepped into the ring and told black people that living off government entitlements is going to end, and the rich uncle is going to give you some tough love...it is a complete insult to an entire group of people...but that message, obviously, appeals to another group. Romney wasn't addressing how he would be the best candidate for African American families. If he really thinks African American families are suffering because of reliance on entitlements, tell them why...tell them what you are going to do, as the best candidate for African American families, to make their life better... Don't beat yourself up too hard WorldTravler... you just need to get out and see more of the world! You got me there...you may be right. But, either way, I think his plan was to get a message to a different group of people than those he was speaking in front of.
  20. I will take Mitt at his word that he isn't racist, and I don't think he is...but I also think he knows he isn't winning the black vote, so invigorating the racist strand of the Republican party is the next best thing...he was playing the race card today! He wasn't speaking to black Americans today, he was drumming up votes amongst some white Americans. Modern politics. And you suck! Yup! It seems to be working! Funny...that is what Repulicans have been accusing the president of doing, a wink and a smile, in regards to what he will really do if re-elected.
  21. I actually saw a bit of the speech...and it was condescending..."Obamacare" issue aside. He went to pains to remind everyone numerous times, "if you could see what is in my heart, you would see..." Really Mitt? How come you can't tell anyone? I don't think he gave any other speech telling everyone that he would be the best president for African American families...where else did he say that? He wanted to get booed... I have little doubt. The poor old white guy getting booed by a bunch of blacks is going to play well for him in some places. To me, it was a cynical move, and not nearly as dumb as it seems...
  22. Sorry I have not read this whole thread, so forgive me if this has been said...Romney wanted to get booed by the NAACP. It will invigorate a certain element of his party. He wasn't there to garner votes or endorsement from the NAACP... Mitt, we may not know your heart...but it is becoming more and more visible... his defense "if they are just looking for someone to give them more handouts, they should vote for the other guy" speaks volumes. I suspect he is entrenched in Elma.
  23. To me, Berman is synonymous with the NFL, and I like him there...could care less about any of the other things they have him doing.
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