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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Same actors, yes...but not the same characters every week, and rarely the same situation....I love "Mr Show" as well, and thought about putting it on my list...it is very similar, in some ways, to Monty Python...sort of stream of consciousness humour that goes from point A, all over the alphabet, but always ends up at point A again... not sure if it is sketch comedy, but, I don't think of it as a sitcom either.
  2. And, I think it is important to point out to the young whipper-snappers...the people who braught you "Mary Tyler Moore" (James Burrows, Glen & Les Charles) were responsible for "Taxi", original "Bob Newhart" show, and "Cheers" as well...I don't think they were as invovlved with "Frasier" during its' run..other than creating the character for "Cheers". I have to admit, I was never a regular "Frasier" viewer, though I have seen a handful of episodes over the years, mostly in syndication. It is pretty good...good, adult sitcoms are hard to come by. It's one of those shows I always think of going back to watch at some point... I never wathced it when it was current, but that was mostly because it was a spinoff of "Cheers" which, for me, was awesome when Shelly Long was on it...and just got increasingly un-funny after she left (Kristy Alley was awful on that show) ...to the point where I just stopped watching it...the same thing that appears to be happening to "The Office" right now!
  3. I enjoyed the post-race jump!
  4. I think they are both fine actresses...and their storylines, as much as some seem to hate them, are what gives the show a sense of realism, and make you bleive that Walter White would make the rotten choices he made... but, I alwats notice a trend, most here have very little tolerance for female characters in their "guy shows". For you Saul fans, a possible spinoff: http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/breaking-bad-creator-vince-gilligan-says-hes-thinking-about-a-saul-goodman-spinoff-20120718#.UAgxhKN5mSM
  5. What is stopping Romney from asking for the same things from Obama?
  6. "Chicago gang" is the right's equivalent to the lefts "Karl Rove" boogey man!
  7. I think you are underrating Seinfeld a bit...I think it ages quite well.
  8. That looks a little more accurate. Just a hunch, but I think Obama is more likely to lose some states that are assumed to be his, than Romney.
  9. Like meazza said (that !@#$ing retard! ) polls don't matter all that much now...which is why, if I were Romney, I would just put this issue to bed now, rather than let it linger into the fall. That would be Bachman-esque on his part!
  10. So he shouldn't release his tax returns (like everyone else), becuase they would be too hard for everyone to understand?
  11. If it does, my reading output would double!
  12. Rob... that is the game of poltics, isn't it? Obama has hardly gotten off scott-free by the right for his past. If this election is about the economy, and taxes, as the right keeps insisting it is, why wouldn't Romney's tax returns be relevant?
  13. Presidential candidates have been releasing their tax records for decades. Romney is insisting that everything they would reveal is above board. There seems to be some question about that. All I am saying... if Obama was refusing to divulge his tax records, the right would be up in arms as well. If Romney wants to make an issue of Obamas college transcripts, why not? Voters can decide for themselves how relevant that is, or how desperate that will look. Myabe they should look at Obama's transcripts. I know we have seen his tax returns. Equating the tax return issue, and college transcripts is one of those false equivalancy things...or "retarded" as you seem to prefer. What I find humourous about these threads (you call them discourse, you give them too much credit) is that you will all jump all over Obama for "disgracing the office" (or whatever you are calling it), but then revert to the same tactics that you accuse the left of. You are really not interested in discourse, so much as confirmation that you are right.
  14. Thanks for your recommendations. We are only all supposed to agree with the poltical slant of the PPP, I got it... btw- "friends" on facebook aren't really friends.
  15. 21 for me... I wish I could get back in the reading groove... I have been out of it for the last 5-10 years... everytime I try to read, I start dozing off...
  16. That may all be true... but if Romney has nothing to hide, why hide it? Sometimes the cover-up is worse than the "crime". If Romney really isn't trying to hide anything, he should just release his tax documents (as has been the standard) explain them (as I am sure there will be questions)...and move on...relasing them in drips and drabs is only making it worse for him. And the longer this is an issue for him, the closer the election gets, and the more it affects perception of him...
  17. He can say all that, and it is within his right to say that..but it only makes it look more like he is hiding something...and I think, given the crap that you post about the Obama campaign, that you would be fine with this response. John Stewart had a great line on the Daily Show, yesterday, about Mitt releasing a second year of his tax returns...the second year that he was running a campaign, so they will be expected to divulge nothing: "Just the two years when you knew you were running for president," Stewart said. "Nobody gives a [bleep] about those two years. It would be like if the Keith Richards autobiography was called 'My Years as a Movie Pirate.'"
  18. Don't know how I could have neglected "Mr Show"...very worthy of a marathon...starring David Cross and Bob Odenkirk (aka Saul Goodman)...great, Pythonesgue "sketch comedy" show...years ahead of its' time...it was "edgy" before edgy was the norm!
  19. Awesome show... back when Jack Black was kind of funny...Odenkirk was always the man!
  20. http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/Terrell-Owens-comments-on-nude-masturbation-photos-being-shopped-of-him.html?cmpid=138887484
  21. I would say, by and large, NBA players get in off the court trouble far less than their NFL counterparts. Of course, I realize, there are a lot more of them.
  22. There is just something about that team!
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