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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I can almost guranatee you have heard worse songs on the sirius xm LOVE staton!
  2. They wouldn't let you in the 50-someithg circle-jerk on PPP?
  3. She is the daughter of Rick Dufay, who was in Aerosmith (gutiarist in the early-mid 80's)...and her mom was a "dancer"! btw...legs look pretty good to me! http://www.magweb.com/picts/actor/15310/minka_kelly.jpg
  4. No, actually I live in Texas. A red state through and through. I am virtually surrounded by Republicans, most places I go. Honestly, while I know they will all vote for Romney, I am not sure I can recall anybody speaking particularly enthusiastically of him. Even on a national level, the same Republicans who were bashing him only 6 months ago, are now giving their lukewarm endorsements... in his 7 years of running for the candidacy, he hardly seems to have won the hearts and minds of his own party. Romney was the guy who nobody in the Republican party wanted as their candidate, but they couldn't get a conscensious on anyone else. It seems to be the "anyone but Obama" philosophy has taken root... in some ways, it almost a replay of John Kerry... hope for your side it goes better than that did. It very well may, but after Romney recreates the wheel on his first day in office, what is he going to do?
  5. I know this is some on-going joke/thing, can you please refresh my memory...I could use a laugh today! My car got broken into!
  6. I dunno... I think most who post here, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, are paying more attention to this stuff than the average person... Obama may be failing miserably at defining Romney, as you say, but what is Romney doing? We are only about 3 months away from a presidential election and we haven't heard anything substantive from him... I get that he wants to let Obama flail, and maybe that works. But, don't forget, when GW Bush was elected for his second term, he wasn't particularly popular either. His approval ratings were on a steady decline leading up to the election in 2004 election. People may not like Obama, but they don't really know who or what Romney is. He would be wise to speak for himself, rather than letting his wife and his minions do it for him. They aren't doing him a lot of favors.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4lmvEp8r8g&feature=related
  8. One has to wonder when Romney will start defining Romney, because he hasn't presented a very clear picture of himself.
  9. Wow! You guys are tough...I think she is 100% gorgeous! I try to igore the fact that she is the spawn of a member of Aerosmith (one of the most gawd-awful bands ever)...I saw her a few times here in town, when they were filming "Friday Night Lights"...she was a knock-out!
  10. Could be a nice pickup for Carolina...guy has some speed... http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/8192530/oakland-raiders-trade-louis-murphy-carolina-panthers-pick
  11. I think you might be talking about "Please Come to Boston" by Dave Loggins (not to be confused with Kenny Loggins?) Cuz its' magically delicious?
  12. Yup! Thanks bbb! I have a problem with comprehending poorly written posts, sometimes! It's all good JSP, as long as we agree, a Minka Kelly tape has some posibilities!
  13. They don't sell these any more...you can get them custom made, by NFL Films, for a heavy price ($100 range)... I have every annual Bills hilight film (minus 1967, 1984, 1985), from 1960-1996, and most of them after that, though missing a few from this most recent dark era...
  14. People just love to B word!
  15. Sorry...I guess I misunderstood your first post...I thought you were taking a moral high ground. Shoulda known better!
  16. I dunno...but you're not going to watch it anyways...right?
  17. Not that is all that simple, but just having talent, and getting a payday for it, later in life doesn't all of the sudden make you smarter, or more responsible. In some cases, it only makes people more self destructive. Money doesn't buy wisdom.
  18. Funny...reminds me of my buddy Ed. He was a huge Bills fan, like me... living in the middle of Texas, we met about 20 years ago, watching a Bills game at a sports bar, and watched together, every Sunday, until the 2004 season was over...Ed died of a heart attack, at the age of 38. I remember, going to his funeral. A mutual friend of ours, who had a sibling who worked for the Bills, had sent a bouquet of red, white and blue Bills flowers for the top of his casket. His mother, god love her, wanted to make sure Ed was buried in a Bills jesrsey. Ed used to regualrly sport an old-school Thurman jersey, so I figured that would be the choice...instead though, much to my dismay, there he was, lying in the casket, in a Drew Bledsoe jersey. At the cemetary, I just remember his brother John, completely shaken up by the unexpected death, hugged me and said "jeezus...I didn't have the heart to tell my mom that Ed hated Drew Bledsoe!" We got a chuckle out of it later, but it seemed so important at the time... this was only a few weeks after the Bills season had ended by losing a "win and your in" game to the Steelers...Drew stunk it up that day....I am sure you all remember! Wear the damn tie!
  19. But in the case of Minka Kelly, at least from the article, there is nothing indicating that the person she is on the tape with was involved in showbiz... we have a new generation that is growing up in a time when there every move is captured and cataloged somewhere, for someone to see later. If this kind of technology was easily accessible to me when I was in my teens, god knows what I would have filmed!
  20. But you will watch it if she is a minor?
  21. Yeah, Travis Henry, on the field, was one of the few bright spots during a really bad period of Bills football. It is kind of sad on a lot of levels. TO, the same thing... these guys just never seem to realize that their glory days are few in number. What they do off the field will have far greater implications for their lives than anything they do on the field.
  22. I think it is pretty severe, and its' implications would seem to be far more lingering than a death penalty. Don't forget, Penn State is also being fined 60 million dollars, which is to go to victims of child sexual abuse. That is the equivalant of one years' income that the football program typically pulls in. I relize, you can't put a dollar amount on the damage done here for those kids, but that is a huge amount of money that will affect the entire university...its' students (not just student athletes)... This was obviously a very unusual case, the cover-up, by a handful of men, went beyond just the football program.
  23. ? Could you elaborate? What does one have to do with the other?
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