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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Now, why can't they both be first ballot HOF'ers? Kelly (and I suppose Thurman and A Reed too) seem to have people (Bills fans) overrate them, or underrate them all the time, based on one moment, or some silly notion. Kelly was a terrific QB, one of the elite from his era. How can you argue that he isn't a first ballot HOF'er? The way these guys are remembered is all kind of tied togehter. I just think, as time passes, people forget just how great Kelly was. Not flawless, but for 4 or 5 seasons, you could have made a credible argument that he was one of the four best QB's in the NFL...just like Thurman amongst RB's. To the OP's point...I agree, this is not a super exciting HOF class.
  2. Since we are reminiscing about the old days, and since I don't want to start a thread on this... been watching a bunch of games from the 1988 season. Right when the team finally, turned the corner. That team that year was terrific, especially on defense. I am hoping this coming season is 1988 all over again. One thing I am sure I saw at the time, but didn't remember...on a MNF game, week 11, the Bills record went to 10-1, with a beat down of the Dolphins. The team clinched a playoff spot that night (imagine, week 11!), and concurrently, Marv Levy clinched his first NFL playoff season, as an NFL head-coach...in the waning moments of the game, Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennett dumped a bucket of water (with lots of ice) on him...man, he looked absolutely pissed! It made me laugh...it wasn't one of those deals where he looked shocked for a moment (that had to be cold), and then chuckled with them...he had a really stern look on his face, and as they are laughing and whooping it up, Marv just turns back to the field, and coaches right up to the final moments, without really acknowledging them in any kind of positive way...those teams really were exuberant. I know that kind of thing turns a lot of people off, but, for me, as long as it doesn't affect the game (Stevie!), I got no problem with it...good old days! I gotta say, I do like the red endzones though! The new blue endzone, with the script they use for the lettering, doesn't look bad, but it just kind of reminds me of the Colts for some reason.
  3. Direct TV= Cable entitlement program!
  4. Well...it is Texas...don't get too excited.
  5. So, the US shouldn't put their very best athletes into competition, even though they are following the same rules as all other countries? How unpatriotic is that? I agree, it isn't particularly entertaining basketball, but (I guess I am in the minority) I don't find most college basketball all that compelling either...if the IOC changed the rules, where nobody could play professionals in any sport, I am on board with that...but until that happens, there is no reason that NBA players shouldn't represent the USA in Olympic basketball...there are plenty of Olympic sports that are tilted toward one country or another...USA dominates in basketball...simple as that. International players get better all the time, in part, I think, because we have so many NBA players on the Olympic teams...some day, maybe not in our life time, but maybe, some other country will knock the US off the basketball perch...until then, deal with it!
  6. That would lend itself more to Gilligan's supposed willingness to do a "Breaking Bad" movie...
  7. My brothers' back home with his Beatles and Stones!
  8. Yeah, I can buy that...he is a plot device...but why not want to smash Gilligan in the face, moreso than the kid who plays him? It will be intersting to see how Walt Jr (assuming you can stand to see/hear him on the screen long enough) reacts to finding out his father, who he seems to worship, is actually a POS. Up to now, he has gone through this thing relatively unscathed...unlike anyone else...besides the baby. At this point in the story, ego seems to be more important to Walt Sr than his family. I would assume, eventually, he is going to destroy all of the people who still have his back...his son, his daughter, and maybe Jesse.
  9. GR has its' problems, but, I give them major kudos for all of the improvements since becoming the new Bills station. I love the fact that they have a two hour, year round, daily Bills/NFL show, as well as a 2 hour Sabres show. I suppose, during the football season, John Murphy's show will get pre-empted a few days a week for a Sabres broadcast...but I dig what they are doing there...I suppose they could cover more high school/local college stuff. Right or wrong though, I am not as interested in that stuff, though I would likely still listen to it... NASCAR talk is about the only thing I can't endure. As much as people hate Shcoop and Bulldog, when focused on sports they aren't so bad..with Bills and Sabres, they will be focused on sports a lot more, I get a feeling. And, I think Howard & Jeremy do a pretty decent morning show. Major kudos for getting Colin Cowherd off the airwaves of WNY. I may be the only one, but I love Schoops Saturday morning sports collectables show. I can never listen to it live. I wish he would take more callers, but I get the feeling he doesn't get that many. If I was listening live, I would call... btw- anyone who listens to the Sabres show: I am not sure how interesting that is going to be year round...Sylvester is much better with a sidekick. Andrew Peters was a terrible hockey player, but he is actually pretty funny when he sits in with Sylvester...he gets my vote...
  10. There are so many things to look forward to this season, and amongst them, is how the Bills will use Brad Smith. I get the feeling, last season was kind of a "lost year" for him...with a lack of a real training camp, and all the injuries at WR kind of taking the Bills out of their game plan.
  11. Not disagreeing with you, but wasn't Smith a college QB?
  12. I think the last time I purchased something off an ad, it was a little box of those tiny toy soldiers (a box of green for the American soldiers, and a box of gray for the Germans), off an ad in a comic book... btw- those "X-ray specs" never worked!
  13. Acutally, was not referring to the tv commercials, so much as the new radio commericals (on GR at nearly every commercial break) where she sings some blues song...an ad campaign that should probably go the way of the caveman, for a while at least!
  14. Yeah, he does. I can say, a guy I have worked with for the last 20 years or so, not only looks like an older version of the kid on breaking bad, but his personality is very similar...he also suffers from MS. Great guy, always positive, though a little naive for his age...I never once wanted to punch him. I have a hard time understanding the deep hate for some of these characters...I guess the writers/producers are doing their job! Hate the innocent characters, love the bad guys.
  15. Dude, I hear you...I actually recorded every edition of Prime Time during the 1991 and 1992 seasons, on VHS. I crapped out early in the 1993 season... That show was so great back then... you got higlights from every single game, and, even though you didn't see every game, you felt like you had a good idea as to what happened in every game...they wouldn't just show the big plays, but weird, quirky, funny plays too. The good old days.... Now, they don't even show highlights for every game, and, when they do, they just use the same highlight package that they use on SportsCenter...they will say, like, "the Bills lose a close one to the Pats", but then only show you a few huge plays by the Pats, and, maybe, one Bills highlight...so lame. Not even worth staying up on Sunday night to watch anymore. Used to be "can't miss" tv. Can't tell you how many Sunday nights, back then, ended with my ex saying "when are you comging to bed?"
  16. It is funny, I grew up so close to all of these places, but never discovered these treasures until I moved away. We would go to Anderson's or Ted's once in a blue moon...but as my other family all lived in Buffalo, we rarely ventured over to that part of Sheridan... so much lost time to make up!
  17. I know you are a big Riter fan, after listenig to this, I get it. I will make listenign to his podcasts a regular thing. I loved the fact that it was just a solid, fluid, 45 minutes of Bills talk (mostly), without any commercials. Loved heargin TG lamenting about his "mixed emotions" to returning to covering "just sports". He talks for a few minutes about a story he wrote for the Buffalo News, concerning some Desert Storm vets, and their families...sounds like a great read...Riter cracked me up when he says (after TG's soliloquy about his story), "and now your writing about Aaron Maybin, and Shawne Merriman's ankle"
  18. Thanks GBID! Watching this, it makes me wonder what I miss more, the Bills being great, or ESPN being great! The best of both worlds!
  19. Is it me, or has Flo (the Progressive chick) jumped the shark? I mean WTF?
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