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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I have been collecting them for years...have every season highlight film...great effort and some $ involved. But YouTube has mad my collection pretty obsolete I am afraid!
  2. I find it much easier to hate coaches than players. If we are counting coaches, Jauron and Rex Ryan top my list. Hated when they hired Rex...I admit I was almost seduced, but ultimately, he was as big a train-wreck as I anticipated he would be. Jauron almost singlehandedly had me wondering if I should watch the Bills any more. I know they had worse teams, but Jauron just coached the fun and joy out of football, for me. I hated his tenure. To me, the one time TO popped off while he was in Buffalo, was to complain about the blandness of their game plans...Jauron got fired the next week. For that, I can never hate TO. Just as some say that Flutie "saved the Bills from leaving the Bills", Terrell Ownes may have saved me from ditching the Bills.
  3. Funny you mention Price... he is one of my very favorite players of the "drought era". I was so excited when they re-signed him later. I forgot how many people hated Whitner. I think he was a guy who just wanted to fire his teammates with bold proclomations, but couldn't deliver on his own, and for the most part, the team around him pretty much sucked. He played his heart out as a Bill...no wonder he had more luck when he went to a better team.
  4. I'm guessing it is because a large percentage of the folks here are too young to have seen him play. They likely know him more for his post career antics. As somebody who came of age as a Bills fan very much during the OJ era, it saddens me a bit that his greatness as a football player has really been downplayed so much by the NFL. I totally understand why, but it kills the Bills fan in me. I still think he is one of the top 5 running backs in my lifetime....and right up there was Bruce Smith as one of the two best players in franchise history. Now, when they talk about he all-time greats, he is an afterthought. When NFL Network did their all-tme coutndown, he ranked fairly high (can't remember where now) but only got cursary mention by the analysts. Like they want everyone to forget him. It really is kind of a scar for a lot of us older fans.
  5. I know somebody who worked for the Bills from 1986, until the Pegulas took over. Flutie was a "Flutie guy" all the time. He wasnt very popular with some of his vet teammates, and did a lot to undermine "pretty boy". There really was a sense that Flutie put his own personal success above his teams success pretty consistently. I remember sitting behind the Bills bench in New Orleans, for the final game of the 1998 season. In a surprise move, Wade sat Flutie for the final game, as the team had already clinched a playoff spot. It was known a couple days earlier. The Bills pretty much rolled over the Saints...RJ had a near perfect game. At the time, there was some perception that Fluties arm was waring down late in the season...he looked terrible the week before in a loss to the Jets.. Flutie sulked on the sideline, about 10 yards from the rest of the team, for most of the game. Johnson was excited, at one point, after hitting Moulds for a 70 yard touchdown. He was high-fived by his temmates, but Flutie turned his back on him. It was such a weasley move. I knew of Flutie's reputation for having a huge ego, and a chip on his shoulder, but I got to see it up close. It was rediculous. He sulked around like a child...after it was clear that the Bills were going to roll, and Johnson was having a great game, Flutie pretty much froze himself off from the rest of the team. It was Christmas weekend, the Bills were heading to the playoffs...Bills fans had taken over the Super Dome. There were hundreds of fans crowding around the stands behind the Bills bench late in the game. It was a happy bunch on the sideline. Guys like Bruce, Thurman and Andre were interacting with the fans pretty freely, singing jerseys, programs...a lot of kids were holding out things for Flutie to sign...he would have none of it. Just stood there, back to everyone, looking pissed off. At one point a jubiliant Bruce Smtih took a box of Flutie Flakes from a kid in the stands, and marched it down for Flutie to sign. Bruce was playfully pushing him....trying to get him to lighten up some. But Doug wasnt having it. To his credit, I have heard Flutie, in recent years, admit that he did sometimes put his ego over the team. He even admitted he felt somewhat vindicated when the Rob Johnson led Bills lost to the Titans in that now infamous playoff game, a year later. If you ever see a replay of the game, you can kind of see him smirking in the aftermath of the loss. Regardless of whether Johnson should, or should not have been starting in that game, Flutie was not a great teammate. I know he had a chip on his shoulder in general, about the way he was shunned by the NFL. But guys with much better careers than Flutie, have handled being benched with much more grace. No doubt, he had some great moments...but I just never really liked his personality. I rooted for him because he was the Bills QB, but never got the warm and fuzzies for him.
  6. I never truly hated any Bills player. Flutie, Richie Incognito, Fred Smerlas were all major a-holes, but I can't say they didn't give us some great moments, and did all they could to help the Bills win...can't hate them for that. But, not guys I would want to sit and drink beers with. I have a hard time hating guys who under-achieve, or don't live up to their draft hype... most of them want to achieve, and live up to expectations but don't for whatever reason. A lot of those reasons are things that are out of their control.
  7. Allen is 24 years old, living in California. If he is like most of the people I know that are his age (I work with a lot of them) he isn't concerned with the vaccine, or hasn't been, because in a lot of places, people his age (especially pro athletes) don't qualify to get them. I believe Josh wouldn't be able to get one in California until April 15th. Much ado about nothing.
  8. I think it sold out, but not in time to lift the local broadcast blackout. As I am sure you recall, back in those days, a Sunday game had to be sold out by Thursday in order to broadcast in the home city. Different times!
  9. No, I was referring to the opening day game from that season...the Miami game where the streak ended.
  10. One of the greatest runs ever... Giovani Bernard Unreal Run On Thursday Night Football - YouTube
  11. I have always been a fan of his. I wouldn't object. Good receiver out of the backfield, and can be an elusive runner.
  12. I collect old Bills games. That is the "holy grail" of modern Bills games. From what I understand, it was only broadcast in Miami and some parts of Florida. It was around the time when VCR's were becoming a little more common in most houses. Surely, somebody has a copy of it somewhere! I have been looking for a copy of it for probably 20 years. I even joined some Dolphins fan group, just to see if anyone had a copy. Found a guy that had nearly every Dolphins game from the 80's, 90's and early 2000's...but no luck on that game. I was at the game...my first game as a season ticket owner! What a way to start!
  13. I was in Houston when the Bills played the Texans in 2006. It was the game where JP Losman opened the game up with back to back drives with back to back 83 yard touchdown passes to #83 Lee Evans. JP had about 220 yards in the first quarter of the game, but the Texans slowed him down considerably after that. It was an ugly game the rest of the way, but the Bills were down 21-17 with a little over a minute to play, no timeouts...they had to go about 60 yards for a td. JP put together a nice drive, got them down to Houston's 15 yard line. With 9 seconds left, he rolled out, and find the newly re-signed Peerless Price (taking Eric Moulds place, who was now a Texan) for the winning touchdown. It was awesome. The winning touchdown grab by Peerless was right in front of us. I have been to a fair number of Bills road games, that was the only one that had such a dramatic finish. I was sporting my brand new Price jersey, which I had only gotten in the mail the Friday before the game. I really thought the Bills were finally going places!
  14. I was at work...I had planned on taking a long "lunch" to watch the game, but the bar I would normally go to for that was shut down because it flooded. I was stil kinda new to the city (NY), so after checking out a few other places in relative walking distance, and striking out, I gave up. Came to find out a week or two later there was a sports bar I didn't even know about, about 5 short blocks away I could have gone to! BTW- my boss at this particular job (Tower Records) was a huge sports nut... Broncos, NY Rangers and St Louis Cardinals for him...so he understood my addiction. He was cool with me taking a 3- 3.5 hour lunch, and staying two hours later. That job was a blast. The store was massive, we got tons of perks from record lables. We also happened to have a pair of season tickets for the NY Rangers, NY Knicks, NY Mets and NY Yankees. So, even though I didn't make a ton of money (especially living in NY), on my days off, I was almost always going to a game of some kind. If not a game, a free concert. I got to see so many sports legends from the late 80's to early 90's..good old days.
  15. I am probably not the only one here who can make a similar claim, but I have only missed one Bills game (either in person or on tv... and not including pre-season) since 1980. The one game I missed was October, of the 1989 season...Bills got trashed by the Colts. It was the infamous "bickering Bills" game, where Jim Kelly called out House Ballard afterwards for missing the block that got Jimbo knocked out of the game. I did see the game, well after the season was over. I purchased the game on VHS from a guy who advertised "classic games" in the back of Sports Collectors Digest. It was hardly a "classic". Not sure what it says about me that I was willing to pay money, to spend a day in May to watch a game that had been played 8 months earlier, knowing that my team was going to get destroyed 37-14. But that is the depth of my Bills depravity... in certain company I am embarrassed to admit it. Not here! If my math is correct, I have missed only 1 of the last 686 regular season/playoff games played by the Buffalo Bills. Their record in that time is 338-348. In that time, I have attended about 100 games live. I realize, I got nothing on Pinto Ron...but it still takes some effort. Of course, I saw plenty of games in the 70's (I was born in 1965), but in those days, it was nearly impossible to see home games, unless you had season tickets. No satallite...no NFL Ticket...no Reddit streams...it was a lot of work! I moved to NYC in 1988. I had a job at a record store...if I had to work on Sunday, it wasn't uncommon for me to take a 3 and half hour "lunch" so I could slip around the corner to watch the Bills game at a bar. Once, I was in Los Angeles for my sisters wedding. Coincidentally, the Bills were playing the LA Raiders that weekend, in Buffalo at 1pm. That meant they were playing at 10AM Los Angeles time. As there was a bunch of family flying in for the wedding, and the two families hadn't really met yet, the grooms father arraigned for a Sunday morning brunch/party at his country club. I disappeared during the brunch, and found a room down some dark corridor of part of the club that wasn't open....there was a massive tv in there. I found the remote, jacked around with the tv, and watched the Bills/Raiders game. There were so many people at the party (two large families) only my immediate family seemed keenly aware that I had disappeared for 3 hours. I made a brief appearance at half-time, glad handed the newest additions to my family, and lured my brother back to my secret room, for the second half. He brought some beers with him. Bills won! Needless to say, my sister was po'd at me...but she got over it.. we laugh about it now.
  16. I had season tickets from 1980-1987. It never got quite to that point for me, but there were points during the 1984-85 seasons, where my poor little sister got dragged along to about a half dozen games... most in really miserable weather conditions. She only got to see them win one game (20-0 against the Oilers, cold, miserable, rainy day). My buddy who I owned the ticket with had no interest in going those years.
  17. Tina Turner "Help" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h08L0Plf6GU Ike & Tina Turner "Come Together"
  18. Not bad! But you know I love the Stones. Ringo's version has a good "swingin' 60's" sound....the Stones version (the original studio version) always sounded a little like Mick was embarrassed to be singing it. It really wasn't a song that fit the Stones style, in my opinion. Too poppy for them.
  19. Can't figure out how to post videos anymore...but if you ignore the crummy 80's production sound, Tina Turner does an amazing version of "Help!" Sinatra has a really nice version of "Something" as well. I will never say either is better than the original (it's the Beatles for chrissakes!), but they both have interesting takes on the songs (especially Tina), and both can sing pretty much anything and sound great! I'd also throw in Siouxie & the Banshees version of "Dear Prudence".
  20. It may have been usurped by the corporate name for the stadium!
  21. I am as big a Stones fan as there is...but the Beatles version is better!
  22. I know this is a joke...and I am as obsessive as any Bills fan...but I have never understood how adamant people are about their preference for face-mask colors. To be honest, I barely even notice it.
  23. I was hoping for something a little more conservative and old fashion...like Haggar Wrinkle-Free Slacks for Men Stadium.
  24. And yet, playing running back, he authored (with DeSean Watson) one of the modern-Bills era's most painful moments. Tough guy.
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