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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Apparently, both Donovan and JJ Walker got over it...I know Donavan and Dylan worked together later on...and I personally saw Jerry Jeff get up on stage with Dylan, about 20 years ago... when "Don't Look Back" was made, Dylan was, basically, a kid, being dubbed the "spokesman for a generation" long before that kind of "journalism" had existed.. pop musicians were accustomed to being treated, by the press, as silly "kid stuff". Dylan was really the first to be taken seriously as a poet, and literary genius...much to his amusement and bewilderment...so, as a defense mechanism, he just kind of played it up... if you ever get a chance to read his autobiography, which came out about 5 years ago, or so, it is really the first time you get to hear Dylan in his own voice, rather than some persona that was created for him...turns out he is just your average, working class dude...loves baseball (Twins!). He describes those times as being full of pressure...he couldn't go anywhere, say or write anything that wasn't over analyzed....so he just kind of played with the press knobs who followed him...I think he was pretty hilarious all in all. "Talking to me is just the same as talking to you...." Dylan kind of was the first to go through a lot of this stuff...the Beatles were much more intelligent than the "music press" (Tiger Beat, 16 magazine!) realized, so, on the creative end, they really didn't have tremendous pressure to live up to something...they could do what they wanted, and people would follow....Dylan started out writing stuff that was years beyond what anyone else was doing in pop music at that time...Chuck Berry was clever, and smart, but Dylan was writing beyond the surface... two of the greatest lyricists (along with Lennon/McCarthey & Hank Sr) of the last century. "Contemptible human being" seem like pretty harsh words... other than this perceived dissing of Jerry Jeff and Donavan, I am not sure where you could draw that conclusion...guy is pretty quiet, rarely does interviews, and honestly, I cannot think of a single reason (maybe I am forgetting something...more than possible) reason to regard him as contemptible. Is it just the Jerry Jeff thing? I think even Jerry Jeff can admit that he was a fine songwriter at one time...but not in the class of Dylan. "Mr Bonjangles" is a great song, but some of JJs's best stuff was wriiten by others, like Guy Clark.
  2. Yeah, those collars are awful...IIRC., the Bills had a choice on the collars, and went with those...noticed them on a few teams in pre-season highlights....just hideous design. As I said in the Shoutbox during the game, the Bills really stand out....like they should all be wearing clip-on ties or something...just bad. When they were interviewing Fitz on the sideline, and you saw them up close, it just looked like something had been torn off the front of his jersey, in the collar area. Funny, there are some teams (Packers for instance) that just stuck with their traditional collar style. I can't help but feel that the Bills went this way, to make these uniforms more distinguishable from the throwbacks they introduced a few years ago. Too bad...cuz, other than that, I love the uniforms. Incidentally, was playing Madden 12 the other day (for the first time since it came out last summer) and while the Madden game has the Bills "new" look, the collars are red...it actually looks kind of cool, especially in comparison to what they went to. Not much red in the new unis.
  3. Happy 7th Crayonz... David Stern wants you in LA...pack your bags!
  4. I don't agree with you at all, but I respect your reasoning. As fun as last season was, for a while there, those losses to Dallas and San Diego were of the "worst team ever" variety. And to think, Bullough didn't even realize, the best QB on the Bills roster that year was Frank Reich...imagine how different Bills history might have been if Reich had become the starter that year! As bad as the 1985 Bills were, they also had Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, and Darryl Talley on the roster...
  5. I was born in 1965, so not really qualified to speak of those bad late 60's, early 70's teams. My answer is convoluted (as you would expect from me by now): Worst single season team, in my "Bills" life (saying 1972- present): 1985 Bills... the franchise had never reached the heights of a Super Bowl appearance, yet, so they got no benefit of a doubt. The 1985 Bills were just plain gawd- awful. They had jettisoned Joe Ferguson in the off-season, and were putting their trust in Vince Ferragamo...as I recall, Vinny put up some huge numbers his first few games, but couldn't stop throwing picks, and, worst of all, couldn't remember the playbook...he is the first QB I can ever remember (and I know it is common place now) to wear the playbook on his wrist...I remember my dad saying, "man, this guy is a dumb son of a B word" Ferragamo barely lasted a half season in Buffalo, and was shipped off to Green Bay, the only less desirable city in the NFL to play in, at that point. And, the duo of Dufek and Mathison was pretty miserable...my first season as a season ticket holder...got my seasons dirt cheap, cuz they couldn't give them away at that point. And, to top it all off, their #1 pick (first overall), Bruce Smith, looked, and played often, like Baby Huey. The 1984 Bills (also 2-14) are saved, in my eyes, because their first win of the season came against the big bad Cowboys...of course, at that time, we didn't realize the Cowboys were on the cusp of one of the worst periods in their history. Still, one of those wins that everybody remembers... All that said, as bad as those teams were, I preferred them to the misery we endured under Gregg Williams and Dick Jauron. I didn't hate the Mike Mularkey Bills as much. But, somewhere during the 2008 season, for the first time in my life, I stopped looking forward to Bills games... I just hated Dick Juarons teams...not all the players, mind you...but just so uninspiring... they embodied that dull, "play not to lose" philosophy as much as any team, in any sport, that I have followed. Ever. I will say, as big a douche as Gregg Williams was, his teams played with a little more passion. I really think the Jauron era, as a whole, was the worst period in Bills history, during my time as a cognizant Bills fan.
  6. Happy birthday KD & Kevin...
  7. I have to admit, I am pulling for VY....but I also think Thigpen is a bit better than people seem to think... that said: I was one of those underwhelmed when the Bills hired Chan Gailey... he wasn't the big name guy I was hoping for, at that time...but he has won me over... the first move he made to make me think he was a guy I wanted coaching the Bills, was cutting Trent Edwards. Many were critical of the timing of the move, but he blew me away with the honesty of his explanation for the move (I am paraphrasing): "I just had to make sure I had given this guy a chance, with this coaching staff. He practiced hard, and was dedicated, but, at the end of the day, we decided we had to move in a different direction... I didn't ever want to look at the bench, and be tempted to go with that option (Edwards) again, because I know it would be a step back from where we want to be"....
  8. I have been getting it ever since it became available (maybe 4 years ago?). I think it is well worth the cost...this year, for the first time, you have the option of just subscribing to your favorite teams' games. It is about $20 cheaper than getting all the games. I go to watch every game at a local sports bar (Texas), and I enjoy that immensely. However, every year, there is one game I have to miss, because of the music festival, so I watch it on Rewind, when I get home. The picture quality is excellent, have had very few issues over the years with buffering, or anything like that. They do have some crazy (or ****ty) rules for when you can watch...you basically can't watch anything on it, until, roughly, midnight on Sunday. The day's games become available about a half hour after the NBC Sunday night national broadcast game ends. The NFL, ever protective of their product, will not let you access any games, on-line, when there is a game on your regular tv...so, in other words, you can access it all day on Monday, but once the MNF game starts, you can't watch...same for the Thursday night games. So, in answer to your question, you should be able to watch the Bills game around midnight on Sundays (eastern time!) While I don't use it to watch other games as much as I used to, I do like to be able to go back and re-watch the Bills games during the week....as much as I love going to the bar on Sundays, I always feel like I miss a few things along the way...audio can be spotty at the bar, and sometimes, like at a game, somebody will talk your ear off, and it is distracting...
  9. Yes, you will be able to watch it live!
  10. You must be a blast at parties! Personally, I liked Mularkey. Bills fans will get as much milage out of something when they can...the cheeseburger thing actually kinda worked for him, not sure why that is such a big issue. But, like Thurman losing his helmet, for one freakin' play in a Super Bowl, for better or worse, it is now part of Bills lore...I bet if Chan pulled the same stunt (cheeseburgers I mean!) people would be tripping all over themselves saying how he "gets it"....blah blah blah...
  11. Closest for me, I think, is Holley Mangold...but I'm big boned!
  12. I was asking the same thing about Steve Johnson a few years ago... I really think Jones was coming along pretty nicely last year, before injuries (on him and everyone else) took their toll. I hate to say it, but I also think if Fitz improves his accuracy issues some, Jones will look a little better. I like Jones and Hagan.
  13. There is the sanctimonious, pollyana side of you! So now, when somebody gives an interview, and states something controversial, we have to consider who/where he was saying it? You realize that this type of consideration would eliminate about 95% of the "discussion" that goes on here? I assume Dan Cathy knows what a microphone is...I assume he knows that once he puts something out there, on the airwaves, it is out there for anyone to hear, or see. He obviously wanted somebody to hear his views, or he wouldn't have stated them.
  14. Signed up for it yesterday. I have had it the last couple of years.I really only watch the Bills games on the pre-season thing...pretty nice, and, IMO, pretty reasonably priced. I don't have NFL network, so, this is the next best thing for me. I was happy to see, while signing up, for the regular season (NFL Rewind) you now have the option of choosing only to see the games of your favorite team, and it is about $30 cheaper. I have had the NFL Rewind in previous years as well...while it is nice to be able to see other games, the only ones I ever watch, in their entirety are the Bills games....still not sure what option I am going to take on this one.
  15. No..I don't necessarily. But when one goes of out of his way to share them, I assume he is doing it for a reason. If I were to find out the same thing about another company I frequent, I would follow suit. Cathy wants consumers to know his position. I don't deny his right to feel the way he does, do donate money to whatever group he want to donate to...or to do business. As has been said a million times. This company, by making donations to certain groups, is taking a stance on an issue, that I think is wrong, so I am not going to give them any more of my money (as small amount as that may be) because I don't want my money, ultimately, going to a cause that I think is morally wrong. Is that so hard to understand? I am not in favor of impeding Chic-Fil-A from doing business anywhere they want to...but I am not going to support that business. Let me ask you a question: Do you argue with everything, because it makes you feel superior in some way? Is it the "cool thing to do"... do you ever act out of principle? I suspect you do...why can't you fathom that anyone else might? Don't forget, it was Cathy who shared this info with everyone... he is probably smart enough to realize the financial and political implications that it had on his business, and decided that the risk was worth it.
  16. Perhaps the words "agreeing in principle" were not the best words for me to use. I am opposed to Chic-Fil-A, and I would choose not to give them a penny. And, I have given them a couple bucks over the years. So, I am with him in finding Chic-Fil-A, kind of reprehensible. The girl he is chewing out has nothing to with anything, really, so, he looks like an ass. As for the death of the Chic-Fil-A exec, I thought the retort to the "karma is a B word", with that story (as stated by somebody here, in reference to drive-thru douche losing his job) was just kind of amusing in a "bigger picture" sort of way. But, I forget sometimes...at PPP, everyone is a sanctimonious, pollyanna when they are in a political debate. My bad!
  17. Okay, you and joeincalifornia had me thinking I was having memory issues... early Alzheimer's is a possibility for me. But, this is the game I was talking about...Bills played pretty well, until collapsing, and being outscored 21-0 in the 4th. So, maybe it wasn't dominating, but it was one of the Bills better perfomances that year... http://www.footballdb.com/boxscore/2007122306 :
  18. This guy is the ultimate douche...and the fact that he is so proud of himself makes it all the more funny..."I am doing something good". I agree with him, on principle, but his tactics are all wrong. The girls' patience, and his inability to rattle her make him look like a tool... I am not sure he should be fired from his job for this (it is pretty tame), but guy is a grade A douche.
  19. Remember the first year when the Couglin-Mannig Giants won the Super Bowl? The Bills were absolutely dominating the Giants, at the Ralph, very late in the season...nobody thought the Giants were a SB caliber team at that point of the season...the Bills absolutely collapsed late in the game, the Giants stole the game, and rode it all the way to the Super Bowl...
  20. It was not a good show... it was a family show.. it wasn't funny..."Partridge Family", right afterwards was much better! Even as a kid, I hated the "Brady Bunch"! I watched it every week, because that is what you did on Friday nights...
  21. Not that Jenna! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/03/jenna-jameson-mitt-romney-endorsement_n_1737769.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec3_lnk1%26pLid%3D188036
  22. The original show was pretty awful, I expect even less from this. If the "Brady Bunch" has any appeal it is that it is conjures up a sense of nostalgia for many people between the ages of, roughly, 40-50. The movies worked, to a degree (I think they are far better than the original series, at least the first one), because they embraced the nostalgic aspect of the show, and, somehow, made it contemporary. The "somehow" was to make it sort of make fun of the "sweetness" of the orginal. This new concept, a divorced Bobby Brady, dealing with ex's and kids is, frankly, just lame. Is Bobby Brady going to be the new Louis CK?
  23. I am in no way disagreeing with you about the greatness of Thurman Thomas...you are preaching to the choir. My point was: what does Kelly getting in on his first ballot have to do with the injustice of Thurman getting in on his second chance? They aren't related...if their eligibility was the same year, I might understand your argument...unless you just don't think Kelly was that good...and then, we do disagree. During his era, he, Marino, Elway, Aikman, Young and Moon were the dominating players at their position. Kellly, by far, had the team with the most balanced attack of those guys (save Aikman), but, I believe, he would have been capable of putting up stats (if that is the worry) comperable to Marino, Elway, Young and Moon, if his team needed it. He did it plenty of times. The point about statistics just doesn't make an argument, for me. I realize, stats are important, but they don't necessarily reflect the quality of a players career. If it was all stats, Vinny Testeverde and Drew Bledsoe would be first ballot HOF'ers...was Vinny Testeverde better than Steve Young?
  24. Did you happen to see the Ron Jaworski special on ESPN last night? Apparently a new vehicle to showcase Jaws, since they bumped him from MNF. It was excellent. I think it is called "Jaworskis' Playbook" or something like that. It is kind of similar to the Gruden college QB specials...but in this, he sat in a film room with Michael Vick...I realize, not everyone is a Vick fan, but it was just cool to see to QB's going through game film... I think it re-airs a few times this week...next week, I see, there is an edition scheduled with Joe Flacco. Really good show. I agree, most things ESPN do little for me these days, but this was good.
  25. A Pitt guy, I believe. Wonder if Wannestedt had any input here.
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