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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Sorry that you didn't get my reference to tall tails Rubio told about his parents in the past, none of which were true.
  2. Promo, I think they pretty much explained the Gray Matter thing...a woman came between Walt and the other partners...his pride (one of his biggest weaknesses) cost him millions. I don't see them spending a lot more time on that, with 9 episodes left. To me, the bigger, untold story, is who Gus Fring really was. They referenced numerous times that he was somebody of great significance in Chile (or wherever he was from), but never explained... Gus has a bigger back story... I wouldn't be surprised if it comes to the fore.
  3. "Faith in our creator is the most important American ideal"...or some drivel like that....now waxing poetic about his parents who "escaped Cuba"
  4. It may have sounded like Linus, and it may have lit some coils in some hearts, but, honestly, the woman has either a very short memory, or is full of ****. I like her, generally, so I will write it off as short memory...I have that problem sometimes too!
  5. Funny, I transferred that "25x5" to DVD not long ago...I remember thinking how great it was at the time (1989), but, in retrospect, it really glossed over a lot of things...sounds like the Stones themselves were a little more involved with this, so I am hopeful. I am sure there will be quite a bit on the Vegas Stones years...it has been about half their existence!
  6. I am not lettting the pre-season affect how I anticipate this season...but I am also not one of those who thinks adding Mario Williams and Mark Anderson to the roster all of the sudden makes the Bills an instant contender either...honeslty, I can live with missing the playoffs (again!), as long as i see some very tangible improvement...I expect that from the defense...they couldn't be a lot more ineffective than they were the last few years, and Williams/Anderson, and the quality of experienced depth on the D-line, should make the defense fun to watch. I think the improved D-line will, eventually, pay off as far as improving the secondary and linbackers. My biggest concern is our passing game. Chan seems enamored with it, even when it is not effective...and I am not completely sold on Fitz. I would love for him to be "the guy", but I just don't know if he can do the things he needs to do to make this team a serious contender. I would like to see Chan stick with the running game a little more...it could be an offensive strength (Fred has looked tremendous in pre-season) and may help to hide some of our weaknesses.
  7. I am psyched for this. I can't tell from the release how long the film will be (I was hoping for something akin to the "Beatles Anthology" documentary), but given that it is playing in movie theaters in the UK, it seems it can't be too long...still looking forward: http://www.rollingstones.com/2012/08/30/crossfire-hurricane-a-new-film-from-the-rolling-stones/
  8. Notice too, it seems that Walt, all along (almost since the Mike character was introduced) just begging to be recognized by Mike as some criminal genious...but Mike, right up to till the end, would never do that.. Conversely... Jesse, was viewed as a 'low-life tweaker" by Gus, Mike, etc...but somehow, Jesse managed to earn the respect and loyalty from Mike that Walt was always trying so hard to get...way back (can't remember all the specifics now) but there was that scene where Walt meets Mike in some bar, and proposes that they both team-up to kill Gus...Walt tries to appeal to Mikes' commonality with him...he is met with a few fists to the face, and, if i recall, a kick in the ribs for good measure. Jesse has much more "street cred" than Walt can ever have, and Walt just can't understand that. Think about it...Walt is sort of in denial about "losing" Jesse, because, up to that point, Jesse has kind of served the role of Walt's son in his alternate criminal universe (the "bearded Spock" universe of Heizenberg)...he can't share his criminal life with his real son (Walt Jr), so seeing Jesse develop a sort of father/mentor-son/mentee relationship with Mike, despite all they have been through together (Walt & Jesse) has to kill Walt. What Walt doesn't understand, or get, is that Mike never tries to out and out deceive Jesse, or trick him into being loyal. What is really amazing about this show is how focused and consistent it has always been on deconstructing Walter White. How many scenes have there been, over the years (I can recall three) where Jesse just tells Walter "I am done with you". Walter always counters with some promise of money, and Jesse always comes back, making it clear that it is about more than just money to him. Loved when he walked out on Walt last Sunday, telling him to keep his 5million dollars...discontinuing their working relationship was more important to him than money. Jesse is always looking for a father figure type, and Walt wants to be that father figure....but, in the end, as desperate as he is, even Jesse realizes what a POS Walt is. Walt is a selfish, and self-centered, and always has been..even before he went full-on Heizenberg. Difference is, Walt used to have a moral struggle with dicking people over (but he always did it in the end), but now he just doesn't care. Jesse (and his kids) may be the only people Walt has any noble feelings toward...if Walt can be "saved", Jesse is the key. I don't think it happens though.
  9. So wait, you can accomplish something with a speech? Two Americas...I found her speach pretty infuriating.
  10. I think Jim and AJ are going to cum in their collective panties when Walt kills Skylar....the show is about Walter White "breaking bad"...not everyone else. He sold his soul to the devil to protect his family, and in the end, he loses them because of it. As Ryan said (I think) earlier, he is becoming less and less likable or empathetic with each passing week.
  11. I disagree...respectfully. The left and the right each have their extremists, which the other side uses to cancel out any possibility of a common ground. I don't think anyone on the left is necessarily opposed to fiscal restraint (to some degree) but we can never get to that practical discussion, because, the way things are now, things like Chick-Fil-A come to represent what divides us. And, our parties know this, so they use it to do their damnedest to get themselves elected. Neither party has clean hands. I know it is a different topic for another thread, but the super-pac issue is just killing us. The amounts of money spent to get attention, and to intentionally distort things are absurd, and, in my opinion, are in no way helping our nation get healthier.
  12. But nowhere near as awesome as seeing Fat Fatty strike out!
  13. Not picking on you specifically LA, but your response is funny to me... and I see it all the time here, from both sides. I am guilty of it myself. We will criticize the party we don't support for using "classless" tactics, or for hitting "all-time lows"...but then defend the same behavior from the party we support with "well, that's what your party does"...there doesn't really seem to be any genuine high ground to take in politics. You are saying, essentially (seems to me) that the Tea Party represents a "taste of their own medicine" for the left... IMO, extremists in each party are destroying whatever shred of legitimacy our political system has ever had. I suspect Romney will win the election in November, and it will just be another cycle of the same thing... we have become so divided that our system is a complete failure. It may sound simplistic, and easy, but it really doesn't matter who wins the election in November... if Romney wins, the usual Democrats will make things as difficult for him as they possibly can, and vice versa if Obama is re-elected. It is all just so counter-productive.
  14. Ah...I thoght I heard this morning (I may have mis-heard) that they were implying that bin laden actually shot himself, before Seals could get him...
  15. Begrudginly, I just got my first cell phone this past weekend...I can say my favorite app is "off"! Is that not an app?
  16. Let's hope Chan remembers he has a first class RB in Fred, and a possible stud in CJ...he seems to lose sight of that sometimes... I think Chan's stubborn addiction to the passing game cost the Bills, realistically, solid chances to win two to four more games last year. I generally like his play calling, but, man, there were just times last year when the situation screamed "run", but we got pass instead...and, while I can't remember which games specifically, there were a few games where it seems the Bills were running the ball well in the first half, only to abandon the run in the second half. Chan would say "we just weren't moving the ball like I thought we needed to, on the ground"....it was head-scratching...
  17. I am thinking Thigpen will get released later, once Jackson has a little time to learn the offense. Or, until an injury at another position takes precedence. Just supposing, Fitz goes down week one...Jackson just got here...Thigpen may not be great, but he knows the offense. It will be interesting to see how much, if any, playing time Thigpen gets on Thursday night.
  18. I'd take a flyer on him...he's better than anyone we have on our current roster!
  19. FWIW- I was listening to a broadcast of the Pro Football Weekly radio show, which was recorded on Friday. They were going around to their various "team insiders" and the guy who covers the Packers said that the Packers very much coveted Jackson. They are worried about their backup QB situation as well. Apparently, their coaching staff really likes Jackson... the insider guy said that if, for some reason, they were not able to get Jackson (he speculated they would trade for him, to ensure it) they would have to go to the less attractive "plan b" in Colt McCoy. The Seahawks insider indicated that Jackson really wanted out of Seattle, and told the Seahawks he would be willing to restructure his contract, for another team, and was willing to take a pay-cut.
  20. I think the thing that is most disconcerting about this, to me, is that only two weeks before the season starts, it appears the Bills are not comfortable with either of their backup options. Young was bad his first pre-season game, decent his second, and bad his third...that is kind of Vince Young. I would assume, once they get Jackson, they waive Young, and hold on to Thigpen for a month or so, until they feel like Jackson can handle the offense.
  21. Vince Young can throw it at least 20!
  22. I don't feel like rehashing why I loathe Colin Cowherd so much...I feel like I have spent more time thinking about him than I really want to over the years...I assume you like him, which is fine. But, did you ever notice how much his opinions shift? He will never admit to being incorrect about anything, I hate hearing about how things are relevant or irrelevant because of ratings, big market, etc...he harps on the same things, every freaking day (yeah, I get it, you have a major boner for Lebron, and Tiger, and anyone who is perceived as the "best" at anything)....to me, he just epitomizes everything bad about ESPN. He isn't particularly knowledgable, he is a front runner (he used to be a Lebron "hater", until he realized he might be pretty good), and he comes up with the worst analogys ever, and just stretches them out until you want to punch the radio/computer... I think he is really bad... I don't mind that he has strong opinions, but I think his opinions are formed not out of any sort of knowledge beyond the surface, but merely for the purpose of disagreeing with what he percieves as "popular opinion" so he can fill 3 hours, or however long, with his incessant blather... That is why I hate him.
  23. I am all for anything that keeps Colin Cowherd off the air...he is the ultimate dip-****. Big whoop! He said the Bills were "most improved"! That is what every ESPN personality is saying rigth now...because they just repeat the same ****, over and over...just wait...if the Bills don't live up to expectations, Cowherd will only mention the Bills, to say they are "irrelvevant" because "small market teams don't matter". Who needs ESPN to validate our team for us? The show with Sylvester, I agree, is a little tough to listen to in the off-season...but, you do know, the have a Bills show (you know, the team everyone says they "never talk about") in the evening, so moving the Sabres show to the evening wouldn't really work out. Sylvester seems like a good guy, but a little dull...when he co-hosts with Andrew Peters, it is much better. He is only on one day a week...as awful a hockey player as I always thought Peters was (his "fights" were just embarassing), he is pretty funny, and surprisingly quick witted. I would like to hear more Peters, in regards to the Sabres. It seems like there is a "I hate GR" thread just about every other day. I get the feeling that people are steeped in their positions from years ago. Schopp isn't likely to win anyone over at this point, but, they are doing, in my opinion, a pretty decent job of covering the Bills. I haven't heard Jerry Sullivan on there in some time..,.not sure if he is still on medical leave, or gone for good. A lot has changed. Joe Buscaglia and Sal Cappochio (sp?) are both really good...Howard and Jeremy talk plenty of sports, and almost all of it revolves around Bills & Sabres....honestly, I would much prefer to hear it from Buffalo, than the cozy (clueless) confines of ESPN's Bristol studios.
  24. No, that woudl be Kirk Morrison...he has a Sunday afternoon show on FOX Sports Radio, which he hosts with Rob Dibble. I haven't listened in a while, I would assume he is not doing it during the football season. For as much PT as he got last season, he could have likely done the show, via remote, from the Bills bench.
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