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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Hmmm...not sure about that. I remember he worked in the Bills front office in the 90's...then spent a lot of time in Cleveland as a WR coach, and then in their personnel department. I think he worked for the Broncos a bit after that. Wasn't aware of him owning any clubs.
  2. One of my all-time favorite Bills, Jerry Butler was from Clemson.
  3. It got really out of hand....other Bills fans didn't help! : I did end up messaging her to apologize, but she never responded.
  4. Neil Young, Joni Mitchell...The Band
  5. When Landry first went to the Browns, I made a similar comment on an NFL Facebook thread...his mother took great offense to my comment. It got kinda ugly!
  6. Yeah, they are both great...but they aren't going anywhere this year...they just don't have much of a bench...their perennial problem it seems.
  7. Not a Knicks fan (Celtics for me), but I know a lot of them...it would nice to see the Knicks relevant. It has been a long, long time.
  8. Interesting. I remember Peyton Manning throwing from the top of a skyscraper to Chris Carter, on "Peyton's Places" a year or two ago. Not sure what the distance was, but it took numerous attempts...and apparently it was pretty painful for Carter... I remember hearing him (Cater) on the radio not long after, and he said he seriously thought he had broken his hand.
  9. I really liked JP and wanted him to succeed. Loved the way he embraced Buffalo. We all know that the organization was a mess...he wasn't in the best situation, but as I recall, he really never came up big when he had his chances, save the Houston game. He was just too erratic. Sure, you can blame the offensive line (to be honest, I barely remember the details of those seasons anymore, it is all a blur of mediocrity), but good QB's have a way of overcoming those things. QB's on bad teams will always have to overcome things like bad line play, and O-line struggles. If he is good, his play helps them overcome those things...coaches don't get fired, there is stability. JP had some nice moments, but he played like he had the proverbial "bumble bee" in his helmet all too often. He may have been a decent QB under better circumstances, but I think, in the end, he really wasn't any better, or treated any worse than EJ Manuel was.
  10. It is the first, and only on-line subcription I have ever paid for. I get my use out of it.
  11. Years ago, I was collecting autographs through the mail, from former Bills players. It was cool, you would send the player a couple of cards, and ask them to sign one, and keep the other for themselves. Those Chuck Knox era teams were (and probably still are) my favorite teams ever. Joe Ferguson, Jerry Butler and Steve Freeman were my favorites. They obviously never reached the heights of the 90's teams, but those were my first years as a Bills fan where it seemed we had a legit shot of making it to the Super Bowl. Prior to that, it was all OJ, all the time...which was great, but it never felt like we had an upper echelon team. At the time, Jerry Butler was working for the Bills, as head of their "Bills Alumni". He told me that he and Joe were still pretty close friends, and that he "would be thrilled" to hear from Bills fans. He gave me the address for a restaurant that Fergy owned in Louisiana at the time. Can't remember the name of the joint now...something like the Log Cabin Smokehouse. I sent him a few cards, and a nice note. He wrote back, and sent me a whole set of autographed cards (each of his Topps cards from 1973-1985, as well as a couple of collegiate Arkansas Razorback cards, and two oddball "QB Club" cards). And, an 8x10 photo! Pretty sweet. Happy birthday Joe!
  12. Remember the days, not so long ago, where the release of the schedule was one of the most exciting days of the season for us?
  13. I wouldn't be too hard on Chan for that particular thing. Edwards was a draft pick, the team was dismal, and very challenged. At that point, the cult of Fitz wasn't quite a thing...he was a journeyman, on his third NFL team in 4 years. As you recall, Chan didn't just bench Edwards in favor of Fitzpatrick, he outright released him after his miserable week 2 performance. That was pretty ballsy, in my opinion. I wish I could find the actual quote, but I will have to paraphrase...when asked during the week how he could release Edwards, after only 3 weeks earlier naming him his starter, and saying he saw great things for Edwards, Chan said something to the effect of: "Trent is a helluva good kid, smart, and a team player. As a the coach, I have to see what I can get out of a guy with those qualities....but then when the performance doesn't live up to that, I had to let him go, because I wasn't sensing it was going to improve....there was a body of work that goes with that final conclusion. And Trent is such a good guy, I was afraid if Fitz was struggling some Sunday along the way, I would be tempted to put Trent back in. That wouldn't be fair to the Buffalo Bills...we need to make progress, not tread water. You just can't stick with something that clearly isn't working. That's the point I felt we were at." In two decades of miserable football, Gaily, for me, was one of the highlights. Maybe not the greatest head coach, but the Bills were, at the very least watchable.
  14. I loved 80's NBA hoops. As a kid in Buffalo, I was all about the Buffalo Braves. When they left town, I was crushed. Couldn't follow the Clippers in those days, on the east coast...so I had to find a new team. My family got cable in 1980...the Boston super station was included, showed all the Celtics games. They were so damn good...even though I knew it was wrong, I adopted them. Wasnt a bad time to watch....but I absolutely loath the Red Sox, Patriots and Bruins....and I really don't care much for the city of Boston in general. However, in 1985 the Pats were just kind of non-entity to me...I hated the Jets and especially the Dolphins far more.
  15. Love Dave Edmunds...and Rockpile. Edmunds is really underappreciated.
  16. One of my best friends is a huge Bears fan. Consequently, I have seen way too many Bears games over the last 25 years or so. I know the Bills have been no great shakes during that time...but man, thee Bears have just been a dreadful team to watch all in all. I was not really a fan of the '85 Bears either... a team full of jerks, other than Walter and Fridge. Ditka was a blowhard (a less likable Rex Ryan), Buddy Ryan was classless... McMahon was an a-hole...McMichael, Hampton....Singletary. All insufferable egomaniacs. I know they had that one great season, but just a hard team to like. I would never say it to my friend, but I am glad I wasn't born into Beardom. I actually thought they might be on to something with Trubisky, but alas...same old Bears. Awful play calling... my buddy loathes the Packers... he gets pissed if I am rooting for them in a game that doesn't involve the Bears...feels the same way about Favre and Rodgers as most Bills fans feel about Tom Brady. I almost can't wait to hear his reaction to McMahon trashing the Bears, and praising the Packers!
  17. When I still lived in WNY, I used to watch CFL football as a primer to the NFL. Always like Montreal Al's. I have to admit, I have lost track of the league over the last 20 years, but when some random game shows up on ESPN, I am all in. I actually find it more compelling than most college football games.
  18. The reward for a front office doing a great job in constructing a strong roster over the last 3 years, is that they may be at the point where the quality of the picks can take precedence over the quantity of picks. It is part of what they worked for. Not saying they are now free to trade away top draft picks in coming years....but those later round picks can be used to move up in the early rounds, if there is a value there. Maybe you trade your 1st, fifth and sixth for a chance to move from #30 to #25 to get when of those top 3 corners? Something like that.
  19. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/04/12/bucs-signing-giovani-bernard/ Bucs signing Giovani Bernard - ProFootballTalk (nbcsports.com)
  20. I do. All the highlight films, going back to 1960. I am only missing 2016.
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