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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I get it...but for me, as long as it isn't a blow-out, I always enjoy watching old games. It is amazing how much you can forget...or didn't notice the first time around. In this particular game, it was nice to remember how much potential Singletary and Knox flashed...I still hold out hope for both. And, it was actually a very entertaining football game... But you also can see he was turning the corner....a couple of those passes to Beasley were pure arm talent. They generally replay games that are historical significance, or were just good football games. This was actually a good, competitive football game.
  2. Well, they do tend to show games from the last few seasons...hopefully, we will add to the winning legacy the next few years. They did show the Seahawks game not too long ago too...we pretty much rolled over teams as the season went on. Those kind of games don't tend to get replayed to so much.
  3. Right? GOP senators don't even brush their teeth after blownig Donald Trump.
  4. They are showing the Colts playoff game in the coming week. As someone who has always had a soft spot for other "rust belt" teams (Bengals, Browns) i have to agree with you here...they are made up of some really unlikable players...though I like Garrett, I would add OBJ to your list.
  5. No... not as long as the ***** cult are chipping away at democracy.
  6. For anyone interested, NFL Network will rebroadcast the Bills @Browns week 10, 2019 this evening at 9pm eastern. Yes, another one of those annoying losses where we should have won...but you start to see Josh Allens game elevating around this time.
  7. I filed mine May 13th, got my return on May 23rd.
  8. Hey, fellow Bills fans...don't always put the cart before the horse!
  9. This is it for me, hands down. I know I have posted this before, but I remember watching this at the Bills bar I have been going to for years. I am not always super over the top demonstrative, especially with bad plays. But when JP fumbled that ball, I felt this surge or rage, and I slammed my beer down on the table and just let out a long "F******CK!!!!!!". It is so not me...I was so angry. I have, seriously, only missed one Bills game in 41 seasons. I have seen a lot of bad plays, there has been a lot of frustration....but this one really sent me over the edge...for a day or so, for the first time in my cognizant Bills fan life, I was seriously considering not watching any more Bills games, at least for the rest of that season. Of course, I was back for the last 2 or 3 games that season...but I that idea never entered my mind before that. I hated Dick Jauron as our head-coach so much (and I know he wasn't necessarily the worst), and this play just encapsulated the frustration I had been feeling for two seasons under Jauron. And we got off to a pretty great start that season...but Jaurons' teams just took the fun out of football for me...they were boring, cautious, and just played not to lose... the one time that would have actually been acceptable, they just handed a game over to the other team...they had it won. Was it JP's fault, was it Turk Schonert? Or was it dead-eyes Dick Jauron? I didn't care anymore! This was really the dog-days of the drought.
  10. It's America, anyone is eligible to get shot 24/7, 365 days a year.
  11. Well, luckily for you in denial socio-paths, she won't get what she wants....
  12. It takes some people a few years to realize what has been going on right in front of their eyes!
  13. Though, of course the math would probably be off, I actually looked this up!
  14. Putting Mahomes on the Bills doesn't gurantee that he wins MVP's or Super Bowl rings...just as putting Allen in KC doesn't guranatee that they don't enjoy the same success that they have with Mahomes. The Cheifs are good, Mahomes is good...the Bills are good, Allen is good. Let's just enjoy that...
  15. The Sabres are currently a mess, no doubt. But, win or lose, it still costs the same to go to a Sabres game as it does in most other similar NHL markets. Attendance may be down after a decade of futility...but make no mistake, Buffalo loves hockey. Start winning again, and that arena will be close to capacity most nights. I also think it would support an MLB or NBA team.
  16. No... there are certain people who you know are not stupid, but make the conscious effort to twist anything around to fit their point of view. They will go to epic proportions, rather than admitting they are wrong. They know better...there is a difference...and those are the people I am referring to. When they do it over and over and over again, you have to question why they are doing it. And then, you come to the conclusion that they are just ***** people.
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