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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. They ran the top 20 games of 2020 season a few months ago....the Cardinals and Colts games were the only Bills games to make the cut.
  2. Yeah. If you were around Buffalo during his playing days, especially the earlier years, Jim didn't have the best reputation off the field, the stories are out there. He was like a high-school kid, in the body of a 25 year old, making a ***** ton of money for his time. The NFL's first million dollar QB! He was, without a doubt, the best QB in Bills history (pre-Allen, perhaps), he played hard, and lived hard. But somewhere along the way, he grew up, and became a good man. But that is part of what makes him so meaningful to us all now. I don't think he would deny any of that now.
  3. Something I have noticed too. I think it is the result of a few things... namely that it was pre-internet, so that weren't as easy to buy. And, they were much more expensive...sure, authentic jerseys are still pretty pricey today, but there are always "discounts" on certain websites, and cheap Chinese kock-offs are pretty prevalent. I remember the first time I ever knew somebody who had an authentic jersey...it was my sister in-law who a sweet Lou Piccone jersey. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. This was around 1979- 1980. I had season tickets starting in 1980, and jerseys were not common at all, even among the most die-hard of fans. I really think they became a much bigger thing in the mid-late 90's, for football anyways. NBA jerseys were a bit more common earlier than that.
  4. Don't forget, she had an army of frothing at the mouth degenerates right behind her.
  5. A few years ago, my sister in-law and a few of my sisters drove out there one evening. They were setting up for the World Junior Hockey Tournament to be held there. We didn't realize that was happening. There was a bunch of generators lighting everything up, as crews were busy getting the stadium for hockey. We may, or may not, have spread some of my recently departed brothers ashes at the stadium...mums the word!
  6. As I recall too, 1995 was the first season that Tasker saw any significant play time at WR... Andre Reed had a nagging hamstring issue the whole season, and missed about 10 games, they had to bring Brooks back early in the season... Copeland was a struggling rookie...Brooks got the bulk of the targets that season, when Reed was out, and Tasker got a few. They really didn't have much established depth behind Reed. I remember being surprised when they originally cut Brooks. He was really underrated in my book.
  7. Nobody is forcing him to get the vaccine. Nobody. He does not have to. But if he doesn't he will have to abide by league rules for players who are not vaccinated. Is that so hard to understand? Your expertise on all of this isn't relevant! Let me ask, if you think the government ruined so many small businesses, did you cheer the ones that defied mask orders? Sounds like you would have. After all, the gobermint shouldn't decide, businesses should decide for themselves, sink or swim. This is exactly what is going on here...a business (the NFL) has decided that they will implement different rules for vaccinated and un-vaccinated players. They are accommodating those who don't want to get vaccinated.
  8. He was awesome, maybe my MVP for the season.. but I still think he is being a jerk.
  9. It has been an issue for some time now...and has been coming more frequently. The area I live has had 3 power outages since the big one in February. None lasted an entire day, but went as long as 12 hours. In 2011 there was a massive power outage too, where 3.2 million lost power. The feds did a review that year, and warned that we were headed for more frequent power outages, and needed to upgrade. The recommendations were not followed, to any degree. Abbott's whole schtick (as well as Rick Perry before him), is suing the Federal Government... they don't want or need the federal governments suggestions, thank you
  10. Of course they are not new and unique. Cruz and company have been making it seem like rolling blackouts in California are the result of some political failing of the "evil Democrat paradise of California". You don't see the irony in that? I wouldn't expect you to...you just like to argue and flex. I get it.
  11. It's funny, because a-holes like Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott and (especially) Ted Cruz have sustained their relevance with conservatives here, with a steady diet of "look what a mess California is, with their rolling blackouts". Yet they can't handle their own issues. It would be funnier to me, if I didn't live in Texas.
  12. I think people were really quick to write him off. He had a great rookie season, when the offense was a bit more balanced. I know we are a passing offense, but I have to believe that Daboll finds a way to use the running backs to better effect this year. I think he re-bounds!
  13. I don't know...I remember the reaction to the pick being pretty visceral, in a bad way. I think he definitely had his supporters, but they were far outweighed by the negative takes of so many of the amature "professional" draft handi-cappers. Didn't one of them famously say that he was a "parody of a first round pick", or something like that? A lot of fans buy into what these goof-balls say.
  14. The telephone that Bill Belichick smashed as the Bills rolled over the Patriots this past season.
  15. These idiots are living in house of mirrors... So depressingly stupid.
  16. One of my best friends is a huge Bears fan. I have seen a lot of Trubisky play. He isnt a total stiff...there is something there to like about him...but he never seems to quite turn the corner. In his defense, the Bears offense is just a mess overall, and has been for sometime, Trubisky has had some good players around him, but not great players. I think of him as a little like Josh Allen in the early part of his career. He has sort of the same skill set as Allen, just to a slightly lesser degree: the arm isnt as strong, but it is more than adequate. He can run. He just never got to that "turn the corner" game... Late in 2018 season, til about the Browns game of 2019, Josh was showing some flashes, but still inconsistent. After that Browns game came the Cowboys Thanksgiving Day game. To me, that is where Allen took the next step. That is sort of where Trubisky is stuck....he needs to put a team on his proverbial back, and just get the feeling of confidence. No doubt, Trubisky sees what happened with Josh, and came to Buffalo hoping to get that feeling. Granted, he will {hopefully} be on the bench for any meaningful football, but just being around it, with no pressure...being the QB of the Chicago Bears is a pretty high-profile gig for a guy to learn in.
  17. Did he have his pants on? Was he wearing them backwards? Was he hiding his adult diaper?
  18. So true...on a better team, with a better QB, he would have been a household name. His rookie year, playing with a badly deteriorated Drew Bledsoe, you could see the potential. He and JP had some chemistry that flashed at times. But the offense, in general during his time, was so anemic. And once he was "the guy" for the Bills, WR wise, there was never really "ANOTHER GUY", to take defensive attention away from him. Roscoe Parrish and Josh Reed, both kind of "JAGS" were really his only support. The one year T.O. was in town, was when Evans stats dropped a lot...and then Stevie Johnson became the guy.
  19. Cribbs was hardly the first guy who didn't really want to play in the cold. The way the NFL was then, players really had no opportunity to move to another team, unless their team released them. No free-agency. And, there wasn't a salary cap either. The USFL came around, and gave guys more options. I can't really blame him. Kelly did the same, Steve Young....hell John Elway used his baseball option as a way of getting more money. I know it's cliche', but they only have a couple of years to earn their big money. Ralph would not pay anyone then. If a guy played well, he would most likely be traded when his contract expired. If Cribbs had gotten paid, he would have been "happy" in Buffalo. Money talks... but he had no affinity or history with the city.
  20. I would think the owners would like it, because it is a nice sales boost for most. It is just that the distribution of titles is not always great for some, and customers who hoard stuff to re-sell just adds an unpleasant layer to it. We take as many precautions as we can to guard against that, but it still goes on. Me personally, I am looking forward to the Bobbie Gentry "Windows to the World" release that is coming in July. It is her long lost "jazz/soul" record, recorded at Muscle Shoals. It was never released, though some of the tracks have been "bonus" tracks on other re-issues over the years. It was originally supposed to come out this weekend, but now I see it is pushed back to July RSD. The one release I was really excited about, back in 2019 was the Dylan "Blood On the Tracks" test pressing. Never was able to get one. Though, a friend of mine did transfer his vinyl to CD for me.
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