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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Quite a few back in the mid-70-s to late 80's... Christmas weekend in New Orleans...my buddy Ed and I drove over to see the Bills play the Saints in the Super Dome. We were staying in the same hotel as the Bills. The night before the game, we went out and had quite a bit to drink, especially Ed. About 2am, I am helping Ed through the hotel...we get to the elevator...the door pops open and Ted Cottrell is standing there. I think he was patrolling the hotel, to make sure his players weren't carousing...he looks at us, and in a very stern voice says "You boys better be ready for game time tomorrow". It was pretty funny... Same trip, at half time, we went into the smoking lounge of the Super Dome (I don't smoke...but Ed did) and it was packed. Standing right beside us, with his young son was Leon "Dr Sack" Seals. We talked a bit...he seemed genuinely thrilled that we recognized him, and was kind of humble-bragging to his son "see, I told you". Seemed like a real good guy.
  2. I know this is an unpopular Bills opinion: As great a receiver as Moulds was, to be honest, I think the success he had with Bledsoe in 2002 kind of went to his head a little...I just remember as time went on, he seemed more committed to drawing PI flags than he was in making the all-out effort to catch passes. Every week, it just seemed like he was whining to officials about pass interference, real and imagined. I would get so frustrated as he would throw his hands up in the air in disgust, as a possibly catchable ball would wiz past him. It annoyed me so much, that I still remember it now. Who knows, maybe it was the result of his body getting older, but the effort just didn't seem to be there often enough, for me to put him in the elite category, among Bills receivers. He was as physically gifted as anyone...but the effort just wasn't always there.
  3. NFL Game Pass is ideal for someone in your situation! You wouldn't be able to join late, but you can watch the game on the app, as soon as it is over.
  4. These are the kind of threads that should be closed!
  5. I believe the opt-out deadline has passed.
  6. He is doing this himself...he is posting stuff on twitter...he is making himself a distraction, and to be honest (and I love his play) his belligerent stance is putting the Bills, and Beasley's teammates in a bad position. If he follows through, and doesn't follow the agreed upon protocol (agreed upon by the NFL and the Players Union) the Bills have to have some sort of contingency plan in place for when he, inevitably, gets suspended. It is almost like he is challenging the league, or the team, to take some action. If they were to cut him, it would no doubt be a very unpopular locker-room move. It isn't a question of his choice to get vaccinated or not, it is his immature way of handling it that bothers me. I certainly don't "hate" the guy, and I think losing him would be a significant loss for the team...but his attitude is coming off as pretty self-absorbed and selfish. If we are to believe what we hear, there are plenty of guys on the team who feel the same way as he does...but they aren't tweeting about it every few days, and challenging everyone to disagree with them...
  7. I actually like pre-season...legitimately. It is all a part of the rhythm of the season. Last year, it was just so odd to me to start the season so abruptly, with almost no real football coverage on the teams progress. When I was a kid, we had a big family (8 kids) so we could rarely go to games...but once in a while my dad would score free pre-season tickets. I was too dumb to know the big difference...just loved seeing the uniforms, the field...and there was always a memorable play, whether a great effort, or a horrible blunder. Also, over the years, I knew a few people who were actually on the Bills pre-season roster. Though none ever made it to the final roster (one high-school friend played on the "scab-Bills" of 1982), it was just cool to follow them...waiting, hoping to see them get playing time. I also like getting to see some of the backup players who we might never see otherwise... I love the fact that guys like Vince Young and Matt Leinart once wore Bills uniforms... can't wait to see Trubisky, and Isaiah Hodgins...who knows if we see either in the regular season?
  8. So, scrolling through the NFL Network schedule on my Spectrum cable, it seems that the Network is showing NFL team highlight films all day Sunday, July 25th. The Bills are scheduled for 9:30pm eastern. It only goes a week ahead, so I am not sure if there are any re-broadcast times... though as I recall in the past, they only air these once, for some reason! Get your best MAXELL high-bias tape, set it at SP mode, and enjoy for years to come... arguably the greatest season in Bills history? You make the call!
  9. When I was 13, I loved the original Battlestar Galactica...Maren Jensen was a big reason. My ex bore a striking resemblance to her....I was in way over my head! A match made in hell. The resemblance wasn't lost on my sisters...
  10. See, we don't have to disagree on everything!
  11. Always one of my very favorites...probably the archetype of the perfect woman... for me.
  12. Not super "strange", but I have an authentic Donte Whitner (ugly white one) and a blue Terrence McGee. Both from the ugly uniform era. I don't wear jerseys all that much any more (I have like 15 or so), because I find them way too uncomfortable, living in a very hot climate...but if I do wear one, it is either the McGee or Lee Evans...or a blue Chris Spileman from the 90's.
  13. So for those interested, Stefon Diggs "takes over" the NFL Network on Tuesday, July 12th. He chooses his best games. There are a couple of his games as a Viking (2015 vs KC and 2016 vs Green Bay) as well as a few Bills games: 8pm Eastern: Week9: Seahawks @Bills Midnight (technically July 14th): Week 14: Steelers at Bills Personally, surprised he didn't choose the playoff "miracle catch" vs the Saints from 2018... it is probably the most memorable play in his time as a Viking...though, I don't remember if he did much else in that game. Set your VCR!
  14. My family did the Crystal Beach and Fantasy Island trip every summer...would sometimes get two trips to Fantasy Island, with my cousins too! My memories are all from the early to mid-late 70's. Loved the gunfights...and the magic shop. Recently, on Facebook, somebody posted something about a Tarzan attraction at Fantasy Island. They claim it was there in the 60's and 70's. Why do I have no recollection of this? I would have loved a Tarzan show. Does anyone else remember this? From their description it was a "less gay Siegfried & Roy"...
  15. Clearly win? Both guys had very good careers. Dantley is somewhere around #30 all-time in scoring. Both HOF'ers. Both were NBA rookie of the year....but McAdoo led the league in scoring 3 times...league MVP once, and a major contributor on 2 NBA championship teams. Whatever slight edge Dantley had on McAdoo offensively, McAdoo was a defensive presence (shot blocker and rebounder) that Dantley never was. BM was the last player in NBA history to average 30 pts/15 rebounds for an entire NBA season. I realize they played different positions (AD was a small forward, Mac was a power forward/center), but you may be underestimating how good McAdoo was a little. McAdoo was the
  16. Jeanerette and Darling were a complete contrast in styles. Darling was so smooth...had an almost musical rhythm to his voice, while RJ sounded like somebody being stabbed to death with a knife in a dark alley at night! To be honest, RJ's voice kinda freaked me out a little as a kid. Totally appreciate him now...but I do miss Darling. And even in his advance years, RJ still has a great sense of humor.
  17. I don't think I have any phobias....other than I am afraid of chairs busting when I sit on them! I developed that over quarantine! Is there a name for that?
  18. I guess it is all an age thing....but for me nothing beats "Jaws", "Bad News Bears" (original) and "Dazed and Confused".
  19. PPP where hope for humanity goes to die....
  20. It almost seems like Ted Darling gets lost in history. I guess that happens...but back in the old days, Ted did the play by pay for Sabres tv broadcasts, and Jeanerette was strictly radio. Since Rick has been there since the beginning (or almost) I think younger fans aren't even familiar with Ted Darling. Great voice. In fact, when I was a kid, I hated hearing Jeanerette...likely because it meant I was listening on the radio, rather than watching on tv.
  21. My earliest Bills memories are Dennis Shaw to Bobby Chandler! Need to go back and watch some of his Raider-era games. Great player.
  22. Actually, correction..it was the Top 10 of 2020 that ran earlier this offseason. The Cardinals game was #4, and the Colts game was #3 as I recall.
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