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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. News FLASH: one of PPP's most notorious low-lifes is blind and dumb!
  2. Sorry, that is just kinda silly. Was he too slow in 2019? Not saying Singletary is the be all to end all, but some are acting like he is a scrub. There were a lot of extenuating circumstances for the O-line in 2020.
  3. I agree. I also haven't forgotten how great Singletary was in 2019. To me, the running game issues of 2020 were as much on the line (if not more) than the backs. Maybe just a combo of real preparation for the season, instability in the line-up, and a new "pass first" mentality that the line couldn't keep up with. In 2019, Singletary made a lot of plays...we know he isn't super fast, but he was very shifty. and consistently turned what looked like minimal gains into 5-6 yard runs. I feel like people are writing off Singletary a little prematurely.
  4. I can't remember who, at this point, but one of the NHL rumor guys had mentioned Tuch earlier, as part of a possible deal for Jack.
  5. Trump is innocent like OJ. True, the hated I and many others have for Trump doesn't make him guilty...but it makes him the loser of the 2020 presidential campaign...which was the point of my original comment. Yes, I am sure.
  6. You are a rube. All it took was a corrupt Attorney General (see Bill Barr) to shut everything down.
  7. Trump is human garbage, he always has been. The media did not have to work too hard to show that. He gave them nothing but fuel.
  8. You accept that because Trump has been so successful at avoiding prosecution as some indication of his innocence. You are the fool born in your minute.
  9. I am amazed, and amused, that so many Trump fans can't fathom how he lost the election. They just don't get how many people hate him, and how much. The cult... they think pointing out Biden's issues is somehow "scoring points". What they fail to realize, people who voted for Biden don't hold him up as a messiah. For most of us, he wasn't our first choice...but for the good of the country we voted for him. There are still more patriots, than sociopaths in the electorate.
  10. I think it would take a little longer than 1 or 2 years... but I do remember the period between Lombardi and Favre (or maybe Majkowski) where they were as irrelevant as an NFL team could be.
  11. I just don't get the love for Duff's. I think they are terrible. Though, I will confess I didn't grow up on Duffs. I've had them a number of times on trips home, over the last 30 years, and I have never once been impressed. I know many seem to loath Anchor Bar, but I think they are at least pretty good sometimes, though erratic. I prefer Gabriels Gate or Bar Bill.
  12. The tickets are free, but you have to get them through Ticketmaster. Circumstances make it unlikely that I will be able to make it for a game this year...so practice is the best I can do... I've gone before, it is always fun. And free! It's all this new-fangled technology...once your order is confirmed, you are supposed to have them texted to your phone...but that part of the equation does not seem to be working...at least for me, and two others I know. So, I guess nobody else has run into this issue? Don't blame Troutdog, he saw my post for the two minutes it was "live", and before I deleted it, to re-write the title. Distracted posting is = Drunk posting!
  13. So I got tickets for the Saturday, August 7th open practice at Highmark. I received a confirmation email from Ticketmaster, showing that I have the tickets. There is an option to "click here if you want your tickets texted to your phone". After doing that, it says I will receive my tickets, on my phone "shortly". Over 12 hours later, I have yet to receive any text. Anyone else run into this issue?
  14. it sounds like his big beef is with the GM. At his age, he only has a limited number of years left...he, and the team, can't just throw a season down the toilet, because he is being a moody prick. His apathetic attitude toward the 2021 Packers seems to have rubbed off on Devante Adams, who has suddenly broke off negations with the team on a contract extension. He and Rodgers both posted "Last Dance" messages on their twitter accounts last night...with pictures of Jordan & Pippen. Just a ***** way to treat your fans. They are 4 or 5 days from starting their season, and they don't even know who their QB is going to be. It doesn't seem to be about money, or a contract...it almost seems like AR just feels like he is too good to be "stuck" in Green Bay. Like I said, it just rubs me the wrong way, particularly as it pertains to Packers fans. We all know how invested hardcore fans are into this stuff. It is a little late to make a trade of the magnitude this would require, though I have no doubt a team like Denver would make it work if they had to.
  15. I've lost a lot of respect for him. There was always something a little off-putting about his personality, but the fact that he was a great QB made it easy to overlook. But the way he is dicking the franchise, and more specifically Packer fans, is really a turn off. Whether he retires or not, it seems like he is going out of his way to burn the team down with him. He just comes off a smug, jerk. Ironically, politically, I am probably much closer to Rodgers that Favre... but I find Favre's dopiness much easier to look past.
  16. Yeah...I just can't stand him. Technical proficiency only goes so far (for me) when it comes to music.
  17. Can't get past the fact that he is a complete #######.
  18. I lived in NYC for 4 years, in the late 80's and early 90's. It was at the time when 24 hours sports talk-radio was becoming a huge phenomenon. I would listen to WFAN religiously (just for the very occasional Bills talk)... the caller segments consisted primarily of Yankees and Red Sox fans declaring their utter contempt for one another, or Giants & Rangers ("real" NY fans), belittling phony Jets and Mets fans...it was kind of entertaining at first...but after a while, every caller, to every call in show, started to have their own introduction, like they were WWF contestants... it was as if your fandom of your team relied solely on how much you hated other teams.
  19. Life imitating art? Has anyone seen the excellent movie "Big Fan" (2009) starring Patton Oswalt and Michael Rappaport as "Philadelphia Phil"? Very dark, very funny....
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