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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Ridiculous. Sure, there is corruption in all parties, but this was way outside the margins. Given the ease with which Trump has fleeced so many Americans into thinking this was "nothing" or "no big deal", it will only make it easier for the next person who wants to give it a go. I love how you rubes present yourself as open-minded, and above partisan politics, when it is convenient.
  2. If you have watched the whole thing, you are not particularly smart, it seems.
  3. No *****! He is the ultimate "cancer" on the presidency...anyone who cared about this country would see that. Even you should be rooting for that. As unpopular as Biden may be, he still beats that pile of ***** you call Trump in a head to head election...assuming your Supreme Court doesn't take the election into their own hands.
  4. Kind of refreshing when a party reflects on their candidate, rather than doubling down on the monster they created, huh?
  5. Actually, you could look at this another way, as fas as Sammy goes. Maybe give him a little credit for recognizing his past screw ups. The Tyler Dunne piece in the Athletic (that came out after Watkins won a ring with the Chiefs) made it pretty clear that Sammy had some mental health issues. Schizophrenic maybe? They only got worse when he was in Buffalo, if you believe him, because he self-medicated with alcohol. Too bad, because if the guy could have just gotten right, he was tremendously talented. Even though we view his time in a Bills uniform as a big failure, or disappointment, he still put up really good numbers, when he was healthy. On teams that were very offensively limited.
  6. Athlons had the prettier pictures, but Lindy's was more informative!
  7. I used to by Athlon and Lindy's every year...just recently parted way with a bout 20 years worth of their annuals... the only time I pick them up now, is I am back in Buffalo, and see a Bill on the cover...where I am, its always the Cowboys and/or Texans. I really loved Lindy's because, in the day's before the internet, they always had a one or two sentence review of every player on each roster. It was invaluable when I was creating my Madden roster, each summer. I always wanted to play with the most accurate roster possible. Man, when I think of all the time I used to have!
  8. He opened the purse strings a bit in his later years but sorry, he was cheap. To say he was "always willing to spend" is not accurate. Making OJ the highest paid player was a "no brainer", as was paying Kelly. If he was "always willing to spend" as you suggest, Kelly would have not spent two years in the USFL. His cut-rate style ruined those early 80's teams...the best he had since the AFL championship days. I will concede you that his commitment was better after those Super Bowl years. The entire business model of the NFL changed when free-agency started in the NFL. You had to pay players. Not to be too critical of the old man (I'm eternally grateful that he kept the team in WNY) but I will contend, he got extremely lucky in stumbling upon Polian and Levy. Both guys were hired as much for their small price tag, as their football acumen. Marv was "retread" that nobody else wanted, and as legend has it, Ralph didn't even know who Polian was when he made him GM. It was Polian who was responsible for finding Marv. It was one of those extremely rare instances where Raph struck gold, despite himself.
  9. I get what you are saying...but he isn't a "retread", because he never got a second chance. Lovie Smith is a retread... he may be the only one in the league, right now...guys who have had multiple head coaching jobs, who never really won anything. As you said, virtually every other coach in the league right now (I think) is either a first timer, or has a Super Bowl win on their resume. It's not so surprising to me that Frazier didn't get a second chance in the last few years, because as you said, older defensive minded coaches are not in vouge right now...but there have certainly been many less qualified guys who have been hired over the years since Frazier was let go in Minnesota.
  10. This is one of the 1980 games that will forever be etched in my memory. Love the Bills every year, but 1980 is still my favorite Bills season of all...my Bills memories only go back to 1972, but this was the first year that I remember thinking "holy *****, the Bills might actually be the best team in the NFL". This was such a great game. Rod Kush is a relatively obscure name in Bills history, but one I will never forget, because of this game. An all-time Bill, as far as I am concerned. A unique talent at the time. If Ralph hadn't played games, and kept that team together, I really think Cribbs would be remembered the way Roger Craig is remembered by most.
  11. I've re-watched the first 6 games of the 2011 season...
  12. I'm with you on everything but mustard. Pickles...just the smell, are revolting.
  13. My best friend and I did the same...headed straight from the Dead show out to Rich to camp out. We were probably in line together! As I recall, we also saw the Kinks at the Aud, a few nights before the Dead. It was a big week.
  14. I was there too...right up front, on Keefs side of the stage... as I recall, they were being pelted with apples and oranges..only other time I have ever seen that happen was with Joan Jett
  15. I haven't played Madden in about 10 years, jeez those graphics are amazing.
  16. I was going to say something similar and explain that is the exact reason I do not like the Warriors...at all. I hate their style of play. They are great at it, and obviously have great success, but it isn't fun to watch as other teams attempt to emulate it. It really kind of hurts the game. When the 3 point shot first came to the NBA, I loved it. Each team had a "sniper", not 5 or 6. I loved guys like Bird (obviously), Reggie Lewis, Steve Kerr etc etc You knew their names. Shooting the 3 was something you did out of necessity, not your go-to offense. True, players have gotten better at them as time goes on...but it hurts the rest of their game. The more threes that teams shoot, the more they make, but the more they miss too. It used to be exciting to see a guy like Chuck Pearson nail a three pointer to put a game away, but now it just kind of makes me numb. In game 7 of the Celtics/Heat series, Jimmy Butler (Heat) passed up an easy, uncontested 2 point shot to tie the game up with about 10 seconds on the clock. Al Horford (Celtics) was giving him a clear path for a layup. Instead, Butler pulled up and took a three to go for the win. He missed it. It basically cost his team a trip to the finals.
  17. Jalen Brown could be that guy...I think he is a much more intense competitor than Tatum, but he is more of a streak shooter...and his ball handling skills are kinda iffy at times. He was better in the regular season, but became a turnover machine in the playoffs.
  18. I feel like I've explained my love for the Celtics too many times on these pages to go through it all again...but in a nut-shell, my family was always more of a basketball family than anything. Before the Buffalo Braves were even an idea, my father, uncle, older brother were all Celtics fans. I was born at the right time to be a huge Braves fan. Loved that team, loved the game, and still do. When the Braves left town, I was crushed, I hated the Celtics then, too. But, i was suddenly a huge NBA fan, in Buffalo, with no team to root for. It was about two seasons after the Braves left, my family got cable. All of the sudden I had the choice of A) no basketball, all the B) the terrible Knicks, or C} all the Celtics games. My brother, who was pretty much my best friend as a lad, was 8 years older than me. He had been a huge Celtics fan in the 1960's, dropped them for the Braves, and picked them back up when the Braves deserted Buffalo. It didn't hurt that the Celtics were great then. So, I take a lot of ***** for being a Celtics fan...but it makes perfect sense to me. For the record, I am not a fan of the city of Boston, or any other sports teams (any level) from that area. It is purely a basketball thing. The ascertain that the Celtics somehow were responsible for the Braves leaving town is silly. Buffalo (probably every bit as bigoted a town as Boston) didn't support the team like they did the other two teams in town... they would have ended up just folding either way. The orange section of the Aud was mostly full of big-boned kids who drank a ton of Dairy-lea milk to score those free tickets. And this situation, as short-lived as it was, didn't hurt anything:
  19. Tatum had a really good playoff, until the finals. He isn't an elite player, not yet anyways. I like him a lot, but he just hasn't developed that killer instinct yet. Maybe losing in the finals will help him get to the next level,,,he's still very young. You are correct, he was pressing too hard. Very young roster, without a ton of consistent scorers. I agree on the flopping point...both teams were doing it way too much...I do think Golden State got away with a lot more. As I said to my friend while watching a Celtcs/Heat game, the NBA is either the worst officiated pro sports league, or it has the dumbest rules. Celtics will be back in the thick of it next season. They had a mostly lousy finals, the better team won, no doubt. But that is a really solid roster, in need of one more legit secondary scorer. Udoka coached his ass off this season. I keep hearing people say he was "outcoached" by Kerr...perhaps...but I don't think it was coaching. It was experience and talent.
  20. This is a very legit point you bring up...in today's game, what used to be a 10-0 run, is more like an 18-0 run. A struggling team can fall behind by 20 in a flash, and unless they start draining threes, the game is close to over. The opponent is hitting 3's, while the team that is down is either struggling, and gasing themselves out to catch up scoring 2 pt baskets, or falling further into the abyss because they keep missing 3's. I love the playoffs, because my team was in the finals, I was pretty glued to them... but it really wasn't a great playoff season for the NBA. I think one game went into OT with Phoenix and Dallas (?), and the Celtics beat the Nets on a buzzer beater...but there really weren't many fantastic T finishes. The western conference games were really dull.
  21. Not a New England sports fan, only a Celtics fan. It was a great season, especially considering how it started. Golden State was obviously the superior team...it wasn't really in doubt after game 4. Curry is maybe the best shooter in the history of the league. Props to him. He carried his team to another championship. As for Larry Bird's status as a top 10 player... who cares? He was a great player. Two very different eras of NBA basketball. As Charles Barkley said after game 2, "in the era I played, Steph Curry would have been laid out on his ass". He's right. But Curry doesn't play in that era....he's as good an offensive player (and not terrible defensively either) as there is over the last 20 years. Bird is one of my favorite players of all time, but sure, somebody could probably make an argument that there were 20 players better than him in NBA history. It does not upset me at all. It's not something that is provable.
  22. Ironic, coming from PPP's very own ditto machine
  23. That isn't what the hearing is about...and it is a clear indication that you are nothing but a troll
  24. Nikki Lane - -First High- [Official Music Video] - YouTube.url
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