The only team I ever stopped following was the Buffalo Braves/San Diego Clippers. Loved the Buffalo Braves as a kid...was heartbroken when they moved to San Diego...I really tried to keep following them...but at the point in time, trying to follow an west-coast NBA team was near impossible. They were never on tv, and box-scores might appear in the Courier Express two days after the fact. I switched allegiances to the Celtics. It was the early days of cable, and we could watch every Celtics game on the Boston super station. I hated them when the Braves were in town...but my older brother and father were both Celitcs fans from the pre-Braves era of the NBA, so it wasn't as bad a leap as it sounds.
I did like the Montreal Expos as a kid (Bills colors), but kinda lost interest in baseball early on.
My love of the Sabres is on life-support right now...I still watch most games, but they are starting to be nothing but depressing. I think about ditching them every season...but something keeps me holding on. It gets a little harder each year...
The Bills? No, I will never stop pulling for hard as this ***** is right now, I still love team..