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Everything posted by CaliBillsfan

  2. RyanC833 My thoughts exactly. I dont believe EJ has to be amazing i think with his arm and some talent around him... We have at least 3or 4 more wins. Im good w that. All i want is USE the talent we have SPILLER and ride him and Jackson rt to the playoffs!! Ok i got excited i forgot we still have to STOP THE DAM RUN!! ok... its gonna be another LOng season at least its not MORE OF THE SAME! Buckle your seatbelts fellas!!!
  3. The fact that anyone on these boards or in Buffalo keep talking about Easley is insane. This guy has done less than ZERO and the health concerns and etc are old. idc what round or what potential he has hes a bust. MOVE ON!!!! I was amazed we did NOTHING in free agency for our lack of WR now im pretty jazzed. But cmon people Easely has done NOTHING. To count on him is a awful mistake. (just based on his passed GAMETIME EXPERIENCE) IMO if EJ, Woods, Alonzo, & DaRick works out this draft is a success. Now just reading what i wrote... If EJ & Woods are a hit the draft is a success!! IMO I could care less where the SO Called Experts had anyone projected. If we redid Drafts from the past not a single team would pass up Brady, Montana etc... etc.. where were those guys then? Give me a break the draft is a crap shoot! No One knows if these guys are gonna perform at the next level. Not to mention how they will perform under a solid coaching staff. IMHO
  4. agreed but i was yelling for Barkley, Guy is a proven winner and has been amazing since high school. When i watched tape on Nassib idk wth his feet were doing and i heard Many so called experts talk about his feet. Whatever we got who we got im stoked and i think the tides are shifting... Im actually looking frwd to this upcoming season. (LBs on our roster scare me though.... STop the Damn Run!)
  5. We need some PROVEN Vet presence for these young guys. Im sure Dansby isnt dirt cheap but how much is stoping the RUN worth? IDC who we drafted or signed if we dont stop the FREAKING RUN which we havent done in quite awhile... It wont matter whos at QB, if we get ran all over again our D is out there way too long and we get scored on again and again and again! Just my opinion. Im sick of watching teams run up and down the field while we go 3 and out. Just be COMPETETIVE!!!
  6. I cant help but to lmao @ these to so called "Experts" 1. They missed on most of their projections as to where these players were gonna land. 2. Their final grades are just absurd. The draft is a total crap shhot. No one can tell how these players are going to react and respond to the pressures and the talent level in the NFL. All were at some point the star in their school and most never show up when the bright lights of the NFL shine bright. Neither 1 of these jokers know what any player will do and im pretty sure the men that get paid WELL and go view and critique these players for a living know much more than these to freaks. To be honest, i wanted Barkley Real Bad!! Being from SoCal i have seen ALL his games and believe he be and is a Winner. Now after looking at the EJ pick it makes sense and he does appear to have the most upside and can no doubt do things ive never seen Barkley do. I wish him the very best. I wont become an instant Eagle fan (Ill watch) but i do wish him the best. No one knows just how these guys will respond or if their talent will carry on in the NFL. I think the new fresh blood in B.Lo is off to a great new start. This is by FAR the 1st season in A LONG TIME im looking frwd to. Now Land Dansby and lets wreck shop!! GO BILLS 2013/14
  7. as long as were better than the last 13. I say start EJ from day one and lets see where it goes. I really think this a completely different team and we have a great chance of turning this ship in the rt direction!
  11. They wanna win, this aint the same ol Bills Their up to something! Lets thinkPositive!!
  12. lets all pray Buddy signs this one. Would definately help a very sad offseason!!
  13. This guy is a upgrade over every 1 of our LBs. Sign em for the rt price. How much is stopping the run worth?
  14. Not gonna happen, Would be Nice but not gonna happen. Why even post this. The source: an article from a fan blog site entitled: "Trades We Want to See Happen During the 2013 NFL Draft" Stop.... Just stop
  15. Yes Sir!! Wore my Bills Flutie Jersey to The Monday Night game against Marinos Last Year and Fans were chanting Flutie! Got video in the Keys wearing my Fluite Gear and got Miami Fans Stopping us @ the Bar and raving how exciting The Bills and Flutie was. Great time to be a Bills Fan. Even better when w plenty of time on the clock in the fourth qtr the Miami Fans starting walking out i was yelling this is Our House!! I didnt mind getting hit w food and beers My wife was a different story! lol Great Xs. Can we still bring Flutie Back??? Im Game!
  16. Just get some Damn LBs already!! And a Vet WR!! Dansby for Sure thats a No Brainer.
  17. Id be Very HAppy w/Either Barkley or Smilth. IMO... Barkley will be the better Pro. After watching him @ SC for his entire stay i think hes getting a bad wrap. Hes better than RJ, Carson and Sanchez. Just my opinion
  18. Bring him in.... 1-2 yrs a decent Oline a solid Rushing attack and i think hed be better then any other option we have. But due to recent inactivity.... I say we can talk till were blue in the face and it wont happen. Just my opinion!
  19. I guess a winning season with a playoff push would change the outlook on quite a bit! We can still dream!
  20. lol im sorry i didnt see the first reqst. I was patheticly searching for any news of the next Bills Free Agent being signed and came accross this image. I love it. Ive been throwing back and forth ideas w/fellow fans here in SoCal and this caught my eye. I have no idea who created it i cant take credit... But i like it. Id also be happy going back to the OG Standing Buffalo Just think its time for some change. Other then the color of our pants. Oh and Please Wilson bring back the Red End Zones!
  21. 1. Ok Agreed 2.Again Agreed but Wade Phillips did say on many occasions Wilson told him Johnson was to stat after killing the Colts! 3. Im sure most QBs do give there all very few lead and inspire the way Flutie did! $. AMEN!
  22. Until the coaching staff shows it by solid play on the field the only opinion that matters should be that of the desperate fan! The fans like us that have been struggling for a single reason to follow a team stuck in mediocrity! Fans that are laughed at and constantly considered bottom feeders and losers. Fans that have to hear Ex NFL players critisize anyone coming to Buffalo with things said like he will be forgotten now that hes in Buffalo! the FO should do anything and everything it can to bring back the tradition of winning throughout the 90s. Hey id be happy to see any QB that gave his all and did whatever it took to win and charged up every player on the field. The last time we saw that was when Lil Flutie ran out onto the field. He change the whole dynamic.. A winning spirit! How did our wonderful owner reward him... "Sit your A$$ down we got the $21 million dollar man here to lead the charge!" Poor guy just found ways to win and was shown the door! What have we has since? Garbage.... Garbage and more garbage! Every day i tune into WGR to hear ANYTHING i can in hopes of a change... At work checking the foroms and Twiiter accounts for a sign of hope. Nothing.... Someone anyone please!!! I love the Bills and always will but this is painful. Whatever just get a damn QB and lets turn this ship around!
  23. IMO Barkley is gonna be a good NFL QB, Maybe not Manning, RG3 or Kelly but he has a chance to be a good Franchise QB. I hope the Bills Land him and start moving in the rt direction.
  24. When this Lop signs someone worthy of all the attention us loyal fans show or someone that can at least help change the norm around 1 Bills drive then ill start believing what hes dishing out. "Nobody sells hope better then the Buffalo Bills!" I Call BS!
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