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Everything posted by KGUNBILLS

  1. I don't know about Stevie being cut or traded, but I can't help feeling that Chandlers time is running out.
  2. I would have thought that we would have beaten them much worse. It was said that the Jags O-line had only one guy that started the season with them. I would think that there would have been a lot of miscues. I guess to give credit where it is due, EJ sat at the head of the table when he needed to and led this team to a victory today. My hat is off to him. I hope he can play so well against the Pats. Beating a 4-10 team doesn't earn respect, beating the Pats in NE does.
  3. If Kubiak was going to any team, I would think that it would be no less than an offensive coordinator. I just don't see him being the qb coach for the Buffalo Bills. That would be like having Bill Cowher as our equipment manager. It's just not going to happen. If Hackett was demoted to just qb coach, that would be something to consider, but we all know about the three year grace period in Buffalo. We always seem to find a way to be a day late and a dollar short. Maybe next year.
  4. The only problem with waiting that I can clearly see, is the talent pool. This next draft has a significantly much higher talented group at the QB position than the last draft. You have to strike while the iron is hot. I hope Buffalo doesn't let the grass grow under their feet. This next draft may just be the most important one yet, with all the talk of NFL teams in the UK, and possibly Canada. As it is right now, our team is some very low hanging fruit. Success would add value, making it more difficult to purchase the team and move it elsewhere. I've thought that too. It doesn't look good on the FO part when the UDFA rookie puts up more YPG in one game than the star 1st rounder does in three. Doesn't look good at all.
  5. I am pretty sure that we will have the third overall pick in the upcoming draft. What more does a guy say if he honestly believes that?
  6. If it wasn't for all the new faces every three years, I would swear we were living the movie Ground Hog Day.
  7. Damn those lucky bastards. If only we could get that kind of luck every once in a while.
  8. They all realize that the season is over. We have all but turned against them. Why chance getting hurt at this point, and now it seems to bring up the question how high is our draft picking slot going to be? It is sad really. For a while now I guess we all knew this was coming.
  9. I don't recall him ripping off any huge runs against anyone. He was really below average, kind of a filler on the roster. I for one really like the idea of Summers on the roster. What a tank. Perfect for short and goal situations. Fred and CJ do an awesome job when the field is long, but seem to get fumbleitus near the goal line. Summers is perfect for that situation. I can't wait to see how he does against NE.
  10. This NFL franchise should stay to hell outta Canada! Send Brady and the Pats up there. How many times did runners slip on the turf? Those fans cheer for everything that happens, negating any kind of home field advantage. I am just frustrated with the whole damn thing.
  11. I am wondering if spiller will even be on the roster next year. I would think that he would make an excellent kick return guy on the special teams. That might afford him the time to really watch what the defenses of other teams present at different times. A lot of the times there are holes there for him, but he just isn't seeing the gaps this year. Might be the result of too much pressure to perform, or follow last years numbers.
  12. I had to laugh today at work, as I live in New England. They are still whining and crying over the call at the end of the Pats-Panthers game. I couldn't help myself when I overheard one Pats fan say and I quote "The patriots always get screwed over by the refs more than every other team in the league. It doesn't matter who they are playing, they always get screwed!" I laughed at him and pointed out that I strongly disagreed with him. At this he screamed at me " obviously you don't watch many Pat games!" I couldn't wait to say that was true, but that his previous comment couldn't be more false. What a bunch of big babies I swear. They couldn't handle being a true Bills fan for one single sunday afternoon. They have all become accustomed to winning so much, they forget what it is like to lose. I know it's awful to say, but I can hardly wait until they hit complete rock bottom and struggle for 4-5 wins a season.
  13. Your repulsion wasn't my intent, I'm thinking that picking past a fifth or sixth spot in the 2014 draft, isn't going to produce the type of QB I personally feel this team needs. I also know there are plenty Of Bills fans that like EJ. EJ was drafted as more of a smoke and mirrors side show rather than a legitimate rational pick. Buddy stated that he would draft a franchise QB before he departed and that is just what he did. What good is drafting any franchise player if you're not going to stay around to see how he blossoms? Buddy knew he was leaving and took a shot in the dark, and then left. He should have stuck around one more year, when the QB draft class was a little stronger. If you think for one moment that I want my Bills to do poorly, think again buddy. I just am in hopes that they don't take to long to figure out that EJ is not the car we are looking for. I want a real QB for this team, not someone who was drafted by a man that didn't give a rats rear end knowing he was leaving, just to "keep his word". If we do get a high draft pick, hopefully someone in the FO is smart enough to do something with it, or we are out of the playoffs for another few years. Miami is getting better, The Jets are no slouches, and New England (to my dismay) remains at the top of the heap, and will for the next 2-3 years unless we draft a franchise QB. No whining, no koolaid, just the cold hard bitter truth of it all.
  14. I agree with having an issue with where he was drafted also. You don't draft a QB in the first round, from a mediocre QB class at best. All the QB's drafted this year were only worthy of late second, to mid third picks. Should have waited until this year to draft a QB. A much better crop to choose from. I guess we missed the wagon train again.
  15. I was guessing that each one of those guys had four fingers and a thumb on their throwing hand!
  16. I personally am frustrated with EJ because Lewis and Tuel (although he threw some inopportune interceptions against KC) seem to take the offense down the field with minimal resistance. EJ gets the first team snaps, all the attention, everything he needs, and has struggled to perform on numerous occasions. So I agree that the doom and gloom starts with EJ. I know some people defend him with facts about how some of the elite QB's in the NFL had terrible rookie seasons, and my response is how many of them sat out a few games, and watched less touted QB's come in and take control of the offense and move the chains on a somewhat consistent basis? That is what is happening in Buffalo right now, and that is exactly the reason why so many people have given up on a winning record this year let alone playoffs.
  17. Other than us Bills fans,..... who really knows Hackett exists? On the other hand, if the fans aren't happy with a players progressions, it's to late for CS to try to cram that player down the throats of said fans. Players are either impressive, or unimpressive to fans. No in between.
  18. I was thinking of this exact thing when I read the title. I actually like Marrone, but like his very first challenge, not one of his brightest moments. When I watched this, it actually made me laugh, and forget about our piss poor revolving door of QB's for a few seconds.
  19. Don't forget that it worked for us fans, and maybe just a little bit for the city of Buffalo too. LOL
  20. I tried to leave three years ago, but like a moth to the flame, I couldn't sever the tie that binds me so tightly. I wasn't always a Bills fan, even though I was born and raised in Upstate New York. Jim Kelly didn't even want to play in Buffalo. The team would struggle for two or three wins a season. Then Kelly decided to show up to play, and the persona of the team seemed to change over night. I started watching them and haven't looked away since. When I graduated from H.S., I joined the Coast Guard. Moved away from N.Y. It always made me feel close to home when watching the Bills on MNF (when we played there regularly against Dolphin Dan) especially when it was snowing. Looking back, those were good times. I hope they come back to Buffalo soon. What I wouldn't give to see the Great FANS of Buffalo storming the field after a playoff win (preferably against N.E. but any team will do) and tearing the upright down. Just imagining it makes me feel twenty years younger.
  21. I don't believe we need to panic, some of the five team ranked below us are showing signs of improvement. When it's all over, we could have the second or third overall pick. Awwww hell at this point let's tank the rest of the season, and aim for first pick overall.
  22. The coaching staff do not look at Thad or Jeff as franchise QB's. With that being known to all of us, once again the coaching staff aren't as concerned about Jeff or Thad's mental state of mind. Yes you are right in thinking that they "baby" EJ, because that is exactly what they are doing. They don't care if Tuel or Lewis lose their confidence, because they are for lack of better terms throw away players. They drafted EJ, so he is an extension of their persona. If EJ looks bad, they also look bad. They have to protect EJ so he doesn't lose confidence. In my opinion, QB's are kind of like boxers in the fact that either they have a knock out punch or they don't. If you don't, it is not likely that miraculously you are going to acquire one. Either a QB has the long ball or he doesn't. IMO EJ doesn't have it.
  23. Hmmm? That depends, does his salary count towards the cap?
  24. Hopefully to Buffalo. LOL
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