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Everything posted by Hotpockets28

  1. Of course barkley has more then enough arm strength to play in buffalo...just look up barkley in youtube you can easily see him fire 20+yard passes with lots of velocity on it....aslo you can see him launch 60+ yard throws and complete them in stride in which roflsucktrick not even in his dreams can do...
  2. So before this nelson not being back news....we didnt have a clear cut #1 true Wr...(even though I love me some stevie j and what he brings to the offense) we now lost our #3 Wr.....hmmmmmm ok now im scared...hopefully the new staff have a few goodies in mind for the offense...FA WR pick up and a WR in the draft?
  3. Wow wtf....umm ok? This is a shock...but if the new regime thinks nelson doesnt fit into their new offense I totaly understand...looks like the bills have a few new WRs in mind? Maybe through the draft and FA? ...sadly hate to see nelson go..he was a solid player for us....
  4. is what I been saying all along..and for the person that said I watch a TON of usc games...is cuz I do!!!! but I watch a TON of college football in general PERIOD. barkley is by far more polished coming into the draft then matt failchez and Lol lienart ever was going into thier drafts.....barkley might never be a elite QB but he has all the tools and mental smarts to be a extremely solid QB in the pros...most definitely I see barkley in a few pro bowls in his career if the right team drafts him and puts him in the right scheme....(west coast) of course...lets go bills Get Er Dun!!!! Lol darnit come on barkley!!!!!....
  5. I see barkley likely being the next ""matthew hassleback""well at least the seahawk version......a QB perfectly made for a west coast offense... Very accurate intelligent and has extreme poise while in the pocket to deliver nice throws in stride...barkley has great anticipation in knowing when exactly his Wrs will be open right before they even finish running there routes.
  6. Yes of course you didnt know? Well atleast for me the bills make it to playoffs everyseason....in MADDEN!!! ... but sadly my ps3 is cursed no matter what I do the bills manage to lose the superbowls.....:/
  7. At #71 Jordan Reed from Florida would be a nice pick up..
  8. Yup...Nathaniel hackett runs a "west coast"" offense...thats why im making a case for barkley..he will fit perfectly in this scheme
  9. well chandler tored his acl and had surgery....im guessing unless he has a ""Ray lewis type of magic lotion potion"" he will miss about or atleast around two months next season thats like 8 games....half a season
  10. Chandler is injured and will miss lot of time next season the bills better pick up a TE at least equal to chandlers ability or better if not....uggggh...oh boy we all know a pass catching TE is a Qb security blanket especially if we have a rookie Qb under the helm
  11. Good!!!! Now lets bring in Leon sandcastle to take this Defense to another Level!!!!
  12. Bring in D walker......from San fran....
  13. Matt barkley coming into the 2012 season was by far the best Qb in the nation and projected as a ""franchise prospect"" now due to USC godawful offensiveline and horrid type defense.hes no longer looked as a "franchise type Qb..they lose games they were projected to win and suddenly its all barkleys fault....good god I hate the media and scouts...saying barkley had a bad season is stupid...3,000+ yards 36 tds 15 ints is not a bad season..its not his fault he was getting smashed everytime he had to drop back...its not his fault he leads the offense to 30+ points but defense allows 40 and they lose the game...its not his fault he has a shoulder injury...i mean who the hell will be 100% after playing with a Oline like that? Barkley is by far the most polished and ready to start Qb in this draft...point blank period end of story whoever doesnt think so are clueless
  14. Usc offensiveline was horric to watch...why did you think 75% of there passing plays were some sort of screen or hitch plays???? If it wasnt for those type of plays barkley wouldnt be standing right now hahaha poor kid got destroyed hit after hit after hit almost everytime ge had to take a 3 to 5 step dropback......barkley will be a pro bowl type QB in the nfl in the right offense....in a west coast offense....Exactly the offense Nathaniel hackett will be running...just to much sense not to draft barkley at #8 if he even makes it by cleveland let alone cardinals...which I highly doubt
  15. cuz its all about barkley until he is skipped by buffalo due to us drafting a CB....ugggghh cuz we all know CB winz cHaMpIoNsHiPs!
  16. I say the last 20% of the scheme will be fitted on the strength's of whatever rookie QB they draft??????? O.o hmmm
  17. totally agree...now the question is will he drop to #41 or will the bills trade up into the later part of the first round....seems there very interested in him by the way those 10 bills coaches were grillin him on plays... Qb Matt barkley at #8 and Robert woods either in a trade up or at #41 if he even drops that far seems veryyyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooood to me.....
  18. dude...........ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just lost all the pepsi I was driking ..drained through my nose...hhahhhahhhahaaaa
  19. does lamesucktrick???? I bet you my life fitzgarbage cant!!! hahahha
  20. Barkley had a unreal 2011 worthy top three pick in 2011...one year later due to a pathetic offensive line who could not keep barkley upright,for more then two seconds before getting destroyed barkley produces a so called ""downyear"" where he puts up 3,000+ yards 36 tds 15 ints and seems to be dropping out of the first round now....hmmmmmm Are you freaking kidding me wtf...would love barkley at #8...now for woods..i would love him at #41 very good speed not elite speed but still very good...what makes R woods a excellent prospect is his route running...he is excellent in that department I see woods as a perfect #2 wr Right now...and depending on his work ethic and how badly he wants it can easily be a number #1 Wr...6-1 190..good size..very good speed and a excellent route runner....#8 barkley #41 woods...woud be a wet dream....hahaha
  21. Jesus christ....this barkley not having enough arm strength crap is getting old.....are you guys freaking kidding or what......just cuz barkley doesnt throw bullets on every single pass doesnt mean he has fitzgarbage type arm strength...i have seen barkley live throw 25 to 30 yard strikes dead on in stride for tds...i have seen barkley launch 60+ yard passes to marquis lee..(all in the air btw not a two yard screen and then yac by the wr). We had fitstrashpick for three season...demonstrating his cannon of a arm.(sarcasm).....dam dude cant throw a football over 15 yards with velocity ...let alone accurately........ugggh barkley has way more arm strenght then trashrofltrick....lamesucktrick only wishes he had barkleys arm strength
  22. Graham might be the same type of Wr...but no where near the player woods is...R woods is way more polished at running routes unlike tj who seems lost on the field 75% of the time
  23. Robert woods will be a very solid wr in the nfl...a true #1 who knows only time will tell..he has very good speed and hes a excellent route runner...definitely a upgrade at wr if the bills can pick him up at #41 no one on the bills roster is better then woods besides stevie but..sadly I see him droping into later part of the first round only...he will be a pro bowl type reciever in this league no doubt about it.....barkley at #8 and woods at #41 will be epicly awsomenesssss
  24. Well injuries that require surgery especially in the shoulder area is not good if your'e a cb that is trying to be a top 10 pick...especially if you wont be fully recovered until mid june as reported.....this can make him easily drop out of the top 10 ...into the mid of the first round......but who knows what gms will think of him on draft day
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