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SD Jarhead

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Everything posted by SD Jarhead

  1. So how does Obama feel? Here is what he answered on the Liberal Survey that he allegedly didn't fill out. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1207/7312.html The real shocker will be when he actually states his position with clarity instead of trying to be on both sides of the issue. Why be ashamed of your political views? Gotta love that 'change we can believe in! Go Obama '08!
  2. I don't disagree at all. As far as it being windier at night, I'm not a scientist but do surf. I know that the wind usually comes up with the sun and tends to die down in the evening. I may be wrong, but that's my observation.
  3. The Messiah has spoken: I was against it before I was for it, err, wait a minute, I'm uh, uh? http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/politic...dates-guns.html You figure it out. Either way, watch out for the hypnotized, because if you dare say something critical...well you know what happens...and it isn't good! Obama in '08 Baby!
  4. But they have enough land leased that they're not drilling, why give them more! Oh, wait, wrong talking point? Sorry...
  5. Again, you make incorrect assumptions. I am a conservationist and believe in protecting the environment. I have no greater enjoyment in life than being in the outdoors with my family. I am an avid hunter and fishermen and believe in responsible management of our natural resources so that they are there for future generations. My 15 yr old son had, in his words "the best day in his life" last year while we were deer hunting and saw some bucks sparring, as well as two mountain lion sightings in the same day (one stalking deer). We did not kill a thing that day, but the beauty of what we saw is what made it so great. In regards to my reason for posting this thread, there are those who are making a stealthy legal approach toward blocking off hunting and preventing us from managing these resources. They want to ban hunting. Yes, they are far left, liberal groups. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but it is what it is. Bottom line. As far as killing what is needed, my family primarily eats venison year round for our red meat intake. I don't kill anything I don't eat. I butcher and package it myself. I UNDERSTAND where my food comes from while many of these loons have no fuggin clue.
  6. Great assumption Deb, but I live on the coast and do not need it. I get my AC au natural by opening my window and letting the ocean breeze cool me. And FWIW, I am an energy Nazi. If you could speak to my wife and kids you'd understand. My highest EVER combined gas/electric bill was $280. That was in the winter when we had to heat the house. I'm man enough without AC...thanks.
  7. Oh yea...and if oil gets to under $10 a barrel-why drive an electric car? Just keeding!
  8. I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but where is the additional electric capacity going to come from? We already have MAJOR strains on the grid here is S. Cali. during the summer when its hot. Unless we can quickly bring nuke plants online, the electricity has to be generated using some type of energy.
  9. Check this out from Spain... http://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews...=22&sp=true Here in the US there are liberal lawyers who are environmental extremists that are fighting to grant humans the right to represent animals and bring forth lawsuits on their behalf in a court of law. Sounds absurd doesn't it? It's really happening.
  10. That looks awesome! I'll be looking for it...
  11. You're kidding right? You're actually going to bring idiotic blog postings onto this thread as some example of 'right-wing' extremism? Let's not go there. There is a limitless pool of bottom feeding idiots on both sides that would crash the board if we were to post their drivel. Get a grip, and if you're scared, go buy a gun to protect yourself. It's your Constitutional right for Chrisakes.
  12. No worries. I'm also prepared for earthquakes and terrorist attacks. I believe in a common sense approach and have food and water available for my family. We also have a plan for a rally point and communication should phones go down. I also have cash on hand and an appropriate stock of ammunition. There was a very enlightening thread a few years ago about this very subject. We live a very sheltered existence here. I've learned in my life to trust my gut instincts. I've ignored them from time to time at my own peril. My point is that since I live in an area with a high probability of earthquakes happening doesn't it make sense to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best? What I saw during those riots showed me just how little the government can actually do for you in a time of crisis. It was an eye opener for me...but hey, maybe I'm crazy.
  13. So people are passionate about protecting their Constitutional rights...BFD. It's no more offensive than the wackos demonstrating their right to free speech by executing a Nazi salute while the national anthem is being sung outside of the Marine Recruiting Ctr in Bezerlely. The 'enlightened' among us will rue the day they chose to trust their government with their personal protection. Mark my words. You know what did it for me? It was the Rodney King riots which I saw first hand and helped quell as an active duty Marine. The line between order and chaos is a very thin one... If you think it can't happen again on an even larger scale, then you keep believing. Me, I'm prepared.
  14. What laws do you suggest in addition to the many that we already have? The anti-gunners are now trying to prohibit ammunition sales as a way to circumvent the Constitution. Call me crazy, but that's why I'm stocking up.
  15. Your sarcasm aside, what's not to be excited about? The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution has been upheld! I think it's great news. Do you know the facts of the case that was argued? It made absolutely NO sense. I'm not sure about you, but as a hunter and as someone who believes in my right to protect my family and property, I think this is an exceptional victory, not to mention for the law abiding citizens of DC.
  16. Bill Maher on the other hand is a bitter POS. I don't find him funny at all. Stewart and Colbert are two incredibly talented comedians. Although they're politically slanted to the left, they are some funny MoFo's.
  17. Don't confuse them with facts Wacka...it's easier to beef about 'spreading the hate'.
  18. I don't mean to pile on here, but I couldn't agree more JA...You're spot on.
  19. Ever see the movie "Waiting"? Apparently not... Lesson #1-Do not !@#$ with your waiter!
  20. You're right and he is funny as hell. And thanks for the catch on the spelling...
  21. Aw, shucks. Your pity party got me feeling sad too. I'm a bad person because I don't like Obama's socialist ideas... I guess we'll never have change we can believe in. Maybe the PC police should come and take me away. I guess political humor is only funny on Politically Incorrect when people like Bill Maher or John Stewart poke fun at Conservatives. Get a grip dude! Or just be sad...
  22. I think you're correct. I also believe that had the initial occupation gone better, we would be in Syria right now, which was part of the follow on plan.
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