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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. Lets offer Philly that we swap our frist rounders for McNabb We then draft Charles Brown, OT, USC with Philly's 24th pick Then use our second to draft Terrence Cody, NT, Alabama then our third on Sean Lee, ILB, Penn State or Tyson Alualu, DT, California Just a pipe dream
  2. Learning kung-fu gives you the ability to fly.
  3. I would love to have Paulus on the Bills - Id buy that jersey in a heartbeat! So would my brother! Of course my last name is Paulus - so that might have something to do with it.
  4. Here is my list in random order: 1) 300 2) Princess Bride 3) Godzilla - old school 4) Hunt for Red Ocotober
  5. No red light camera is the reason. Put them up and you would see a dramatic change in the number of people running red lights. Wont happen tho... Our current mayor is against them, not sure why. (that is not a slam against Duffy - I'm just saying that he is against it - the reasons might be valid, not know0
  6. Ever hear the saying, "The masses are asses"
  7. Thanks for getting my employee sick! I'm going to sue your butt.
  8. Not possible because 7 ate 9 And i'm done!
  9. I have travelled back in time but the damn server is slow!
  10. Take your pick!
  11. Yes Arsenic - 5 times a day
  12. ...I run it over with my car!
  13. That's what she said!
  14. Everything!
  15. Some people call it Divorce
  16. Yes she can.
  17. Every 4th generation the monarch butterfly goes to Mexico for Spring break to get laid! It makes perfect sense... If you don't think about it!
  18. For the 1,000th time YES!!!!
  19. SUW = Surface Warfare (I'm not planning on going to war tomorrow - Friday, maybe, but not on Wednesday! Everybody Everyone knows you don't go to war on a Wednesday - That's just stupid!
  20. Uncle Chappy was often in trouble and slept in the dog house. So it can be said the uncle chappy slept with the dog but not Mrs. Adams.
  21. Lack of photons make dark. No Photons, no movement.No movement no speed to measure.
  22. Wilson has hired his last coach
  23. Both take 15 minutes
  24. I did (as usual ) No wait what was the question?
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