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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. Drew plays best when he does NOT have to win the game for the team. Put him in a position where he is just one of many weapons... he does fine. That is my honest opinion (i'm not flaming)
  2. Good luck with the new job!
  3. Sorry ya lost bro...
  4. Right - we dont want a recount because you were sleepy!
  5. This is me before coffee :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. VOTE EARLY Vote often!
  7. I think you just wanted to use this little guy LOL
  8. I see a very big upside to the Bills... A Strong D A Stronger Special Teams Unit (WaHoooo!) Improving runningback unit Good recievers! (not great but good... Evans has the tools but strugles with blitz rec) QB - JP in the wings The only question is the OL (3 years and counting to rebuild this unit!) Solution - cut ageing vets and sign 2 OL's in the offseason. Mike Williams needs to be moved to guard. I almost feel sorry for the JETS next week
  9. A rose by any other...
  10. Mrs RaChaCha is standing right next to me I'll answer that question later!
  11. political humor Sorry if this was posted before!
  12. She might have learned some new words
  13. I held my niece for a couple of hours yesterdayduring the Bills Game! She is a cutie!!!
  14. Start JP as soon as he is healthy!
  15. LOL made me laugh on a Monday morning!!! thanks!
  16. You made my day with that one!
  17. last night at 9:30 PM Steve became a Father! Alexandra Grace weighed in at 6lbs 2oz And lets give a hand to Mrs Roch who delivered Alexi with no drugs Congrats Bro. Keep in mind for your next one... The Bills need a passrusher!
  18. 21-24 Bills win in overtime
  19. And start placing blame where it belongs. Drew has always been the kinda guy who takes to much responsibility for the bad things that happen in a game. He is TOO PC. Right after last weeks game I wanted Drew to say, "Look this team has too many vets on it to be making all the mistakes that causing us to lose the game" We have Veteran WRs who are running the wrong routes... or dropping the ball when it should be caught. We have veteran O Linemen who mess up their blocking assignments on 4th and 3! We Veteran LBs who have stupid penalties! In short we have a lot of Veterans on this team who think that someone else is going to win the game for them! Jesus H. Christ People! Drew had a great game... but his teammates let him down. Drew... Please get mad and tell your teammates what you are thinking! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. a lot of little prayers going your way!
  21. I'll do my best to be there!!
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