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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. Those bastards are calling US bastards? BASTARDS!
  2. Be a better Father Be a better husband Workout at the gym 3 or 4 times a week
  3. I wonder if Wegmans sells it I'll look for it! Thanks Sue
  4. And yes I know that Canada was helping out with Flu shots! It was a joke!
  5. Who do I blame for not being able to get a flu shot? I can't remember if I should blame Canada or G.W. Bush I think it's Canada :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Anyway, It looks like I'll be in top drinking form for the Bills game on Sunday! Go Bills in 2005!
  6. 15 months and is as cute as a button!
  7. Hymmm. Too bad you live on the wrong coast. My baby girl needs a playmate.
  8. My whole house hold has the flu. Mrs Rachacha is doing the best today. (she got it first and passed it on to the rest of us) For those who don't know... and 15 month old with the flu is hell on everyone! Hey LABillsfan... what did you get your baby for x-mas... not the flu I hope!
  9. Thanks buddy! Good to hear from you! Hope you enjoyed the holidays so far! say hi to your lovely wife!
  10. Just another reason why I shound not have posted today... (damn, I feel like sh--...) How is the new business going?
  11. I my non professional Opinion... You are looking at a new fuel pump.
  12. FAT will be back! But I may have to change the format a little so I can answer all the questions during lunch!
  13. I will be starting a new job in January. I will be working for the Federal Govt. I'm just waiting for my Clearence to clear. (I don't know what is taking so long... I had a TS/SCI/Poly clearence for 4 years...) Oh Well, The job I'm leaving now qualifies as a BAD job. My manager was B word who liked to tell people she didn't know how she was going to make payrole this month! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: She managed through terror and I believe that there is a special place in hell waiting for her Wish me luck
  14. Finishing 10 and 6 is a great season! but I want a taste of the playoffs!
  15. 5 years ago, my wife and gave my father a 30 year old bottle of single malt scotch. He stills talks about how good it was.
  16. Thanks Sue! A happy and healthy year to you and your family! Go Bills in 2005! I have a feeling too!
  17. I remember watching the sabres with my father... the frence connection flying up and down the ice... it was fun to watch and exciting. Now a'days the games suck. Teams trying to hold on to a 1 - nothing lead in the first... sigh... It is a shame but professional hockey is on life support and the plug should be pulled and the body buried in canada.
  18. I don't think I would care at all! The clutch and grab style of hockey that is played now-a-days is boring to watch. I can't remember that last time I saw an end-to-end rush. And even if the strike ends... they have such a losey TV contract that we wont see any games anyway! The NHL should use this strike to simply fade into history.
  19. Damn it mark I just snarfed my coffee reading your post!
  20. IMHO. Walt's "D" is not even close to the domination that Gray's "D" is putting on opposing offensives!
  21. The last two years make a great case for best defensive coordinator! He continues to get better... which means we may lose him soon for a head coaching position somewhere. (and no I'm not saying that the sky is falling... it is just a reality, that great coordinators get offers for head coaching positions )
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