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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. Welcome And just for the record... Flutie or RJ?
  2. Prayers for our friends across the pond!
  3. Ok my friend... Here is what I would do. Start making jokes about how your MIL is controlling your SIL's life. (and fugging it up! ) If she takes it the wrong way you can tell your wife that you were joking! If you can't work up the nerve to say that to you MIL (not sure I would have the nads for that) take a couple of shots and tell that joke to you FIL (in a loud voice when your MIL is in the next room!
  4. I realize that you have already made up your mind but I'm going to give you some Free Advice a few days early! ***ahem*** There are way too many people advising you to "use her and abuse her... then run away. First, no one deserves to be used. That is a type of pain that never goes away. Second, running away never works... (I'm talking about Carma) besides, running away becomes habit forming. Ok enough preaching. My advice is call her... have a LONG Conversation (at least 3 minutes ) take it slow. I truly believe that people should not be afraid to roll the dice every once and a while. And, if after 3 minutes on the phone you are convinced that she is only cheating on her boyfriend to break up with him... Ask her if she has a hot girl friend for a three-way... because HEY FREE THREE-WAY!
  5. Don't you mean "HOT guys?" Hell if you want to meet any-old-guy. Go to the DMV
  6. Nice one!
  7. Anyone else a C.S. Lewis fan? Yup I am!!! I loved the series as a kid! can't wait for the movie
  8. Happy day to the both of ya!!!!
  9. I have said this before and I'll say it again... You sir are a funny FUNNY man! Thanks for the laugh... from one Generation IPodlees to another!
  10. Funny, I share the same last name with Greg. Last year I interviewed for a job in Syracuse and the first question I had was "I'm I related to Greg Paulus the QB?" I answered... "I'll tell you after you hire me!" BTW IGot the job offer 1 day later! No relation
  11. An argument could be made that it is the Offensive Coordin. job to come up with plays that get the ball in our playmaker's hands!
  12. Eric Moulds has never been considered a top 5 receiver in the league. Sure he gets respect, but he is never mentioned in the same sentence as Moss, Harrison, and Owens. In my opinion Eric Moulds life time stats has suffered because he has never had any consistency at QB Look at the QBs that Eric had since he was a rookie. Kelly - 1st year (I think?) Todd Collins (sucked) RJ (hurt) Flutie (short) RJ Drew (knocked down 1/2 of the time) Losman You also have to think that EM has had as many Offensive Coordinators. This is all a BIG What if? But I wonder where Eric Moulds would be ranked if he had 1 or 2 decent QBs in his career.
  13. LOL I spit my coffee all over my keyboard, you bastard!
  14. I'm Blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn you! My baby girl is on mine... Picture is over a year old now!
  15. Ok so beerball is in ! who else wants to play!
  16. you sir are a geek and its Picard
  17. Crap! I did not know that they changed their policy! F'M Buy craftsman
  18. My advice is buy it chase pitkin. If anything ever goes wrong with a power tool... they will replace it!... P.S. buy a nice cherry red one! The chicks love cherry red!
  19. Get well wishes to the whole family!
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