I was taking my family to a pumkin patch on Saturday (45 minutes away)
The night before I went to the movies with my Brother-in-law
and I made the mistake of having a cup of coffee with him afterwords. (around 12:30 PM)
I had trouble getting to sleep I finally snoozed around 3:30 AM.. and my daughter woke me up at 7 AM. Well we had a busy day to I started drinking coffee and told my self that I would have an early bedtime.
So I was driving to the Pumkin Patch, I was fine... no blury vision, no weaving on the road, there was no indication that I was impaired at all. Then I blinked a little to long and next thing I know, I hear the sound of gravel and Wham... I hit a guiderail.
No one was hurt (except the car)
Scary huh?