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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours!
  2. many! Many More! Love ya babe!
  3. Sorry but I stopped paying attention after you said you were an engineer! What was your point?
  4. Black Horse stuff (results from a quick google) The black horse in the book of Revelations relates to a necessary balance of the male and female qualities of the soul. Being halted by horses denotes a necessity to control and redirect the emotions. To follow a horses foottracks represents following Christ's footsteps. When I watched the show last night I thought the horse was a totem which represented that Kate was at a crossroads in her life. Each time she took the road towards darkness. (remember her father told her that "He did not have murder in his heart"... implying that Kate did) Just remember that Kate did walk towards the horse at the end of the show... then she turned away from it. If the horse does represent the teachings of Christ... then Kate might be more then a little bit of trouble for the rest of the survivors
  5. Then there was the time she went to radio shack and bugged my phone... the rest is history! Not sure is this post is below the belt... but I think it's funny and being a guy I'll post it anyway
  6. I figure we need (in no order) 3 OL men Center, Guard, Tackle 2 DL (thats if we go to a 3-4) 2 Safetys 2 WR 2 LBs (posey sucks and LF is getting older) 1 corner 1 D coach and, 45 heart transplants That's starters... not for depth. Notice I did not say QB, TE, or RB (I think we are fine in these positions
  7. Pan - 43 Bills - 27
  8. Thoughts and prayers! I hope your Father-in law enjoys the game!
  9. I'm self employeed. I'm always at work. I just realized, I work for a real !@#$!
  10. I like to stay positive. Some weeks are harder then others Let's face it... There are people on this board whose whole week is ruined if the Bills lose. They sit around and try to come up with scenarios that would, if changed allow the team to win. Lacking imagination, these people come up with one idea and continue to harp and harp and harp... until if proven right they can say I told you so! Happy belated turkey-day
  11. and better. If Spikes can come back next season... I see Angelo Crowell replacing Posey. This kid is playing good ball and is getting better and better each game. Thats the only positive thing I can say about this team... so I'll just leave it at that!
  12. Poor play calling in the red zone! Again!
  13. I'm not looking at a guys "Can" just because you told me to! You can look if you want... I'll just sit here and say, "la la la la la la" What ever that means.
  14. Sorry typing in a hurry! I guess I should have taken a knee!
  15. There is that guy with the big Ass who is their Center.
  16. I'm not renewing your ticktes either! ***Fist in the air singing "We will over come"***
  17. No one picked before the 5th round... The Bills OL are a sorry bunch compaired to them!
  18. Actually, it is copywrited! Your thoughts, expressed on air, paper and internet are yours and are copywrited!
  19. His Defensive approach (for whatever reason) is allowing WAY to much yardage on the ground. (don't tell me that it is all about Spikes being out for the season) OK if I'm the DC and I can look back at 4 games films and say, "You know what? my running prevent blitzes are not working... maybe I should do something different" Well the season is almost 1/2 over and still no adjustment. No Gray simply wont give up on his stupid attack Def. He is most likely saying, "Gee if we could just tackle a little bit better... we could stop the run" Sorry, but even an IDIOT can see that the Bills Attacking Defense is putting people out of position to make those tackles. If we stay with this style of def against the PATS well will end up on the wrong side of a 42 - 7 blowout!
  20. (if you are to cheap to order $10.95 for the first 5 minutes of a porno.) I recomend skinamax or latenight showtime!
  21. Yes But the contest is fixed so the only person who has a chance of winning is Fabio!
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