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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. This helps the Bills... we have a better chance of getting the player we want
  2. CP is always hurt. They lost their head coach They haven't been to the superbowl in... over 30 years Their Team Sucks! (slightly worse then ours ) How the hell are they going to sell tickets for next year without something to drive media attention. Answer: A hot new QB. what do you think?
  3. Subs - can't even take roll call without F'ing up!
  4. I'm on board! This team can be fixed with 6 new players. 2 DL 3 OL and 1 undersized high moter guy for board foder!
  5. Wow, way to pace your self. you join the board in August and you already have 2 posts! Slow down dude!
  6. Sure you can "date" her. It will cost $650 - $1,000 per night tho.
  7. Bruce had all the right tools but no motivation when Marv took over as head coach. He turned BS's game around... Can he do the same thing for Mike Williams? Food for thought? or wishfull thinking?
  8. Enjoy the holidays everyone!
  9. A rookie who was lost early in the season due to injury... I call it a wash. And I call you a dumbass
  10. I guess I've been hearing a lot of off the cuff remarks in the media during coverage of the games The press seems to LOVE KH Drives me crazy. Or maybe it's the season (Stressed about what gifts people are buying for me )
  11. JP has played like a rookie QB which would piss me off if he was a 3rd year vet. But hey, guess what, JP is a rookie! And he is doing everything a rookie should be doing. Learning by making mistakes, making plays with his feet and learning to read defenses. Oh and he is doing this with a bunch of walking turnstiles in front of him. And a power running game that has NO power. It takes 4 years to prove that you can play QB in this league. E. Manning sucked his first year... He is what I would call an Average QB now. Happy holiday
  12. Sign him up TD!
  13. LOL best one yet 77 Finish shoveling the driveway 5 minutes before the snowplow comes by
  14. I'm sorry for your loss Cindy! Your family is in my prayers
  15. 100. Cleavage is replaced by turtlenecks and sweaters
  16. "My wife recommends.." sure it was
  17. I thought people were born on teams. ala Jerry Sienfield. Twitch teams if you want but I don't think you will be able to come back to our team. Plus think about all the time you would need to spend at the gym doing squats!
  18. Thanks Lori! Great post as usual! Do you want the job as GM for the Bills! If it were an election I'd vote for you!
  19. happy birthday Gus!
  20. opera makes me cry! no wait, beer makes me cry! No wait highschool made me cry... what were we talking about?
  21. All of them were funny! If you don't think they were... you just didn't get it! or They were about you and you never learned to laugh at your self. Which is to bad because most people have been laughing at you for years! (you know who i'm talking about!)
  22. Damit thats not funny! ok it's funny!
  23. Holy sh--! That made my day!
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