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Nick in RaChaCha

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Everything posted by Nick in RaChaCha

  1. That was damn funny!
  2. BTW everyting I read on line stress the point that you should NOT talk to the bully or his/her's family!
  3. John I did some quick research on this and here is what I found: It is required by law that your child's school has an anti-bullying policy which sets out how it deals with incidents of bullying. You have a right to know about this policy which is as much for parents as for staff and pupils. Write the school board and principal and tell them that you want the bullying stop or you will take action. If your child tells you they are experiencing bullying at school, there are certain people you can speak with in order to resolve the problem. Initially, you should write to the head teacher and express your concerns. Try to work and resolve the issue. If that does not help, you could then write to the Chair of Governors, and then to the local authority (LA). If the problem still remains unresolved, the Department for Education and Skills can investigate the allegations with the school. You could also ring the helpline at Parentline Plus on 0808 800 2222 for general information Hope that helps
  4. I hate it when Marv starts talking about going smaller for the DL Does anyone remember Dallas' OL pushing our DL around. Marv get big men who can stay in shape!
  5. Canada's Hockey Team! (Goalie)
  6. Work hard and you can stay. Go through the motions... see the door. I believe this is the biggest problem on the team. Too many players going through the motions. Threre are very few players on this team that care if they win or lose. One reason why I like JP... He gives a sh-- if the Bills win. (Which rubs some people the wrong way) I'm begining to think that our running back falls into the "I Don't Care" group. I wish Mike W good luck... I'm sure he wont be out of work too long. But my god Mike play like you care you f'ing marshmellow
  7. This was fun reading!!! Thanks guys I learned a lot. (0 and somthing called a -0 can be close to but not the same as +0 ) wow. (math was a big reason why I went into graphic design and multimedia production but you guys make it sound so simple! and stupid) Because I hated math in school this lead some math geeks to believe that I was stupid and/or they were much more intelligent then I was. - the plain and simple truth was I hated math so I put in the least amount of time studing it out of all my classes... I could have spent the time fighting with the "math geeks" about how smart I was... but I thought it would be a waste of time. kinda like trying to win an argument with someone in cyberspace...
  8. sorry you had a bad day Cindy! Hope today is better
  9. sorry, KH is a good back up QB but that is about all.
  10. If we let Moulds go I think we should bring in Joe Jurevicius. JJ had a great year and has proven that he can still play in this league. He has the speed to go after a long ball and is a warrior who can go across the middle. He would work well with Evans and Could be brought in for about 2 mill. What do ya think.
  11. Nope, I've got a two and 1/2 year old little girl... Great fun!
  12. I thought you already went to the opener. Congratulations, it's the hardest job you'll ever love. 602714[/snapback] Did I? For some reason I can't remember drinking 12 bears and winning a tee shirt!
  13. Remember Moulds was really working on P Price to take less money to stay with the Bills... My gut is that he re signs
  14. Yup! I managed to slip one past the goalie! I told my folks yesterday and they are thrilled! My dad asked when the baby was due I told him that the due date was about 4 weeks into the season. My mom asked "what season?" I looked at her like she was insane! For me there is only two seasons! Off-season and football season! And yes I'm still going to the opener!
  15. I've heard of him! Draft him Marv!!!
  16. I believe that the Bills will have to over pay ANY FA that they sign this off season. I realize I may be over negative but, if I was a Bentley, why the Heck would I come to Buffalo? Coaches come through buffalo like a winter cold, questions at the QB position, a Rookie GM and a team that has a history of under achieving. If I'm the Bills I do whatever it takes to sign Bentley the first day of FA. Even if it take overpaying him by 1 Mill a year. Use him as PR to sign the other FAs that the Bills need. The Bills need to send a message to the players in the league that they are serious about turning this team around.
  17. Eric Winston at #8 is to high. We could trade down 6 positions get another 2nd or 3rd and grab him them. Otherwise I like it.
  18. My avatar is just plain HOT! I could watch her all day!
  19. Thanks! Thats is a big help
  20. Ngata will be gone by then! Bills will most likely trade down 6 pr 7 slots and pick the best OT availible
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