John I did some quick research on this and here is what I found:
It is required by law that your child's school has an anti-bullying policy which sets out how it deals with incidents of bullying. You have a right to know about this policy which is as much for parents as for staff and pupils.
Write the school board and principal and tell them that you want the bullying stop or you will take action.
If your child tells you they are experiencing bullying at school, there are certain people you can speak with in order to resolve the problem. Initially, you should write to the head teacher and express your concerns. Try to work and resolve the issue. If that does not help, you could then write to the Chair of Governors, and then to the local authority (LA). If the problem still remains unresolved, the Department for Education and Skills can investigate the allegations with the school. You could also ring the helpline at Parentline Plus on 0808 800 2222 for general information
Hope that helps